Capital Markets Today

IMN NPL/RPL Series, Non-Performing Asset Financing, Constantine, BofI Fed Bank



At the MBA Secondary Marketing conference last week, it was apparent that investor appetite for non-QM loans is growing at a brisk pace. Qualified mortgage applicants are getting harder to find and the market potential for non-QM borrowers is only growing. It’s estimated by many that the huge swath of would-be non-QM borrowers are likely the future of the mortgage industry.  Growth in non-QM lending is predicted to grow by over 400% next year.  It’s reasonable to associate increased non-QM lending with a stable NPL and RPL business for the foreseeable future. Joining the podcast to discuss the non-performing asset space is Tom Constantine, Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer at BofI Federal Bank.  Prior to joining BofI in 2010, Tom was a senior examiner with the Office of Thrift Supervision.  BofI Federal Bank is unique in that it is a branchless bank with over 10 billion in assets.