Moving Radio

JACK HAS A PLAN - Bradley Berman (dir/cinematographer) - CUFF.Docs 2022



Christian Zyp interviews Bradley Berman (dir/cinematographer)about the documentary JACK HAS A PLAN. It screens as part of CUFF.Docs 2022 Sat. Nov. 26th at 12:00 PM at the globe Cinema in Calgary. Jack Tuller has a plan. And in the final hours of that plan, Jack will have a party with his friends, tell his wife how much he loves her, and finally, he will take a cocktail designed to end his life peacefully. Twenty-five years earlier, the musician was given six months to live. But he lasted 25 years, until taking a turn for the worse. This predicament propels Jack on a quest to reconcile with his mother, find his biological father, and prepare his exit strategy. Jack’s best friend documents his three-year quest to die a happy man, culminating in a permanent going-away party.