Concrete Garb - Giving The Concrete Industry A Sense Of Style!

Episode 61: Sarah Bryan, Women's Association of Concrete Professionals



Today, the garb brings you Sarah Bryan, Executive Vice President of Slurry Monster.  Slurry Monster is the only dedicated, end-to-end slurry management company in the world, who can help you implement safe, efficient, and compliant methods of waste treatment. In addition, Sarah is also the founder & President of the newly formed, Women's Association of Concrete Professionals.  Founded in 2022 by women in the concrete construction trades, the Women's Association of Concrete Professionals (WACP) was formed to be a place for women specific to the concrete industry to find resources to better their careers and have made it their mission to become the greatest resource for women in concrete.   Ladies and Gentleman, allow the Garb to introduce, Mrs Sarah Bryan, Founder & President of the Women's Association of Concrete Professionals.   Website: World of Concrete Discount Code: A26WC Slurry Monster LLC