Business Miracles

138 Goals



Do you find yourself in a repeating pattern of setting goals that you never quite reach, only to be left feeling like you're constantly missing the mark? If there's one thing that going from personal bankruptcy to being the steward of a consistent 7-figure mission has taught me over my almost 20 years of being self-employed it's now deeply knowing - it doesn't need to be this way. Listen in as I share how to go beyond the limited thinking that you're seeing everywhere in the news and on social media and learn how to use your Highly Sensitive Strength of Intuition to support you in setting AND meeting goals that excite you! “Intuitive goal setting is about connecting into the heart, getting clear about what you desire, using energy management tools in our work to support your level of belief that you can have what you desire.” - Heather Dominick. Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at