

​​Our economic system is “Creditism.” The economy has become addicted to credit growth, and only government borrowing can make it continue to grow. The private sector just doesn’t have enough income to keep credit growing.  Today’s guest says if credit doesn’t grow by at least 2% each year, the country goes into a recession.Richard Duncan is the author of the new book “The Money Revolution: How to Finance the Next American Century” and he says, “In 2008, when the bubble did blow up, I expected it to blow up, but I expected a depression. But what we saw instead was the U.S. government borrowed trillions of dollars, and pumped it into the economy, and the Fed created 3.6 trillion dollars during the first 3 rounds of QE and bought those government bonds, financing the government debt. If the Fed had not bought the government bonds, created all that money, the government couldn't have borrowed so much money without pushing interest rates to an extremely high level. All that government borrowing would have pushed