Hatha Yoga

  • Author: Assam Bihar
  • Publisher: Edizioni R.E.I.


New Edition.

Hatha Yoga is a form of yoga based on a series of psychophysical exercises of ancient origin, originated in the initiatory schools of India and Tibet. Hatha Yoga teaches to dominate the cosmic energy in man, manifesting as breath, and then to achieve a secure control of the most unstable and mobile that you can imagine, that the mind always restless, always ready to get distracted and wander. In this manner yoga, affecting whole life on that individual's physical and mental, that of the rest think closely linked, it is proposed to make an immediate revulsion from the plane of everyday experience, human and earthly and implemented with alacrity the possession of supreme happiness. That's why Hatha Yoga is also called "the way fast." Those who follow the rules is no longer a common man but becomes a Siddha, that is a perfect man. One of the signs that he is a perfect man is precisely the extraordinary domination over the elements, which is shown with the practice of tummo, by virtue of which the ascetic trial could change his will to the very conditions of life.

In this text are examined in detail 52 between the main asanas of Hatha Yoga, including:

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Vrksasana


Chaturanga Dandasana





Salamba Sarvangasana


Urdhva Dhanurasana

