Jerry's Little Slut: Weekend Gone Wrong No.2

  • Author: Angel Scott
  • Publisher: Lot's Cave, Inc.



Remember poor Elizabeth getting kidnapped by Eric and his friends in Weekend Gone Wrong? Well two of the men are back because of a good, older, doctor named Jerry. Jerry and his lover bring in some fun times for Joe while Eric stays in a coma. After Eric wakes up, Joe still sneaks out for more fun with the blonde, slutty, gal!


“Thanks. So, what do I need to do for you?” Joe asked as they got outside.

“Let’s go to Jerry’s bedroom when we get back. I wanna get some fun time in.” Jill said in a bold, confident, seductive, voice.

Joe shrugged, “Okay.” It would be nice to get laid, Joe thought to himself. Felt like ages, not months, for poor Joe.

Jill drove them back to Jerry’s in a jiffy. They checked in on Eric and then headed to Jerry’s bedroom.

“Get undressed and onto the bed, Joe,” Jill demanded.

Joe didn’t like being demanded, but he thought he better just keep his mouth shut if he wanted to get laid. He hurried to take his clothes off and then got onto the bed. He laid down and waited for Jill to come up to him. Joe watched as Jill put her toys at the end of the bed and then leave the room for a moment.

Jill hurried to get her bag and then moved back to the bedroom. She looked inside her bag and grabbed out her handcuffs. She hurried over to the bed and to Joe. Before Joe could move too much, Jill put Joe’s wrist in the handcuff and clamped it shut. She did the same with the other wrist.

“Whoa! No need for handcuff’s lady.” Joe protested.

“Punishment, dude. Duh?” Jill said.

“Punishment for what?”

“I needed to stay here and watch over you for weeks!” Jill whined.

“That’s not my fault, bitch,” Joe yelled out angrily.

“No, it’s Jerry’s. But I am his slutty bitch!” Jill giggled. Now feeling energized, and frisky, Jill bounced off the bed happily. She walked out of the bedroom and could hear Joe yell.

“Hey! Get back here, Jill!” Joe yelled.

Jill hurried over to the big CD player that stood in the living room. She turned on the CD player and then rushed to her bag which stood on the floor in the bedroom. In her bag, Jill found a sexy-sounding CD that she could dance or fuck too. The music put Jill in the mood at times and right now would be a good time as any to use the CD to her advantage. She took the CD to the living room and inserted it into the CD player. The music started, and Jill squealed with delight as she ran back to the bedroom.

Within seconds, Jill stripped down to nothing and flopped back onto the bed. She climbed over to Joe and grabbed for his cock. His cock looked thick and a little long, just like Jill liked. She licked her lips in anticipation. Jill leaned down and put her mouth on the tip of the cock. She moved her head down and her lips moved downward over the thick shaft. Up and down. Slow and steady.

Joe groaned softly as the mouth moved up and down over his limp dick. It started to get harder with each stroke of the mouth. His cock liked the attention of any sort. Within seconds, Joe felt Jill’s hand over his balls. The fingers rolled all over the balls while still going up and down over his semi-hard cock now. Up and down.

Jill wanted to be touched now, so while still moving her mouth up and down over the now harder cock, she moved her bottom half sideways. Within seconds, Jill managed to get her pussy to be in front of Joe’s face.