Every Friday a group of men gather and one of them then shares his testimony. From experience we've realized that there is nothing as powerful as a person's testimony and these testimonies usually change men's lives and greatly enrich them. Every week I am just astounded to see the excellent testimonies that God sends our way - these men are not necessarily great public speakers, but they are men with mighty testimonies and through their testimonies lives are changed.
William Scott
17/11/2021 Duration: 51minRom 5:17 “..much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.” Grace maak van ons lewe n sukses. Wat is Grace, hoe kry ek dit, hoe hou ek dit.
Gustaf Louis Munro
22/10/2021 Duration: 44minKom luister na sy uitsonderlike getuienis Uit ons eie geledere
Ivor Swartz
17/09/2021 Duration: 52minOp 14 is hy toegesluit vir moord, maar dit is net ’n klein deeltjie van sy verhaal. Ivor Swartz is ’n man met ’n groot storie, die tipe storie wat vandag oral in Suid-Afrika mense se lewe verander. Boek:Verlore Seun Vannie Gaatjie
Hugo Urtel
10/09/2021 Duration: 54min"Ek deel graag my persoonlike getuienis oor my wedergeboorte en dat karakter vir God belangriker is as reputasie. Ek gebruik Simson (Rigters) en my eie lewe as voorbeeld" Kom luister die opregte & om te net wil doen wat God wil hê.
Charles Mosterd
20/08/2021 Duration: 49minCharles Mosterd Sy lewensverhaal met ons kom deel. Identiteit in God
Stefaans Coetzee
08/08/2021 Duration: 58minStefaans Coetzee. Hy was saam met Helgardt in die skool. Hy het die Worcester bom geplant.Dit was in 1996 en hy daarna vir baie jare tronk toe Helgardt het so ruk terug weer met hom kontak gemaak. Kom luister! About this book: Stefaans Coetzee was only 19 years old when he planted a bomb at the Worcester Shoprite on Christmas Eve. Four people were killed and he was sent to prison for 40 years. In prison, he meets Eugene de Kock who convinces him to reconcile with his victims. In 2015 he is released on parole and fulfils his dream to complete the Comrades marathon.
Olaf Oosthuizen
22/06/2021 Duration: 44minKom luister na die wyshede van 'n 85 jare wie nie 'n Oom is nie! Maak erns met God
Jan Scannell
04/06/2021 Duration: 56minJan Scannell Kom deel sy getuienes. Van waar hy was, hy het planne gehad vir sy lewe, God het beter planne. Hy het sy planne by God sin aangepas!
Hans Scriba
14/05/2021 Duration: 53minHans Scriba sy getuienis met ons kom deel Hans is die voorsitter van die "Christian Sports and Business of Cape Town "
Eddie Andrews
07/05/2021 Duration: 45minEddie Andrew's (oud Springbok Rugby speler) sy getuienis met ons kom deel. Hoe Covid met jou kop speel & jou geloof toets ens.
Peter Commin
12/04/2021 Duration: 01h04minCome listen to his honest and vulnerable testimony. regarding the Marriage
Trevor Pascoe
26/03/2021 Duration: 54minKom deel & aansporing om Mentor te kry, & te wees! & baie meer Listen in English
Alan Robins
12/03/2021 Duration: 50min'n Moet luister!! God sy lewe verander het vir ewig, moet nie op eie probeer nie!!