James Altucher is a successful entrepreneur, investor, board member, and the writer of 11 books including the recent WSJ Bestseller, "Choose Yourself!" (foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter).He has started and sold several companies for eight figure exits. He's on the board of a billion revenue company, has written for The Financial Times, The New York Observer, and over a dozen popular websites for the past 15 years. He's run several hedge funds, venture capital funds, and is a successful angel investor in technology, energy, and biotech.He has also lost all his money, made it back, lost it, made it back several times and openly discusses how he did it in his columns and books.
357 - Jordan Harbinger: How to Keep Growing and Keep Moving Forward
21/05/2018 Duration: 01h17minJordan Harbinger built a successful brand from podcasting for 12 years. He's done close to 900 interviews with top performers. But something changed recently. He reached out to me via email. And I knew I needed to get him on the show right away. He told me that he didn't like his brand anymore. He didn't like what it was morphing into. "I was becoming disillusioned," Jordan said. So he took a step back. And after what he thought was an amicable split from his partners, he and his team got fired. PAUSE. This is awful. I've been through my own terrible losses before. So I can say fully that what Jordan did next was the definition of a true entrepreneur. Links and Resources The Jordan Harbinger Show Also Mentioned PodcastOne Network Howard Stern Opie and Anthony Podcast Listeners Really Are the Holy Grail Advertisers Hoped They'd Be by Miranda Katz on WIRED Dan Harris Missing Richard Simmons Seth Godin Larry King Gary Vaynerchuk Jerry Seinfeld Talk Pages of Wikipedia Mike Rowe: The Way I Heard It (Episode 597)
356 - Steve Cohen: The Tao of Steve Cohen, A Shortcut to Wisdom
16/05/2018 Duration: 01h18minI hired Steve Cohen. He produces this podcast. And I wanted him to be on the show because he has a mutant superpower. All my guests do. But his superpower really blows me away. I can barely understand how it comes so natural to him. But it does. Steve is a friend to thousands and thousands of people. He knows everyone and their mom, their manager, their business. He's built up genuine goodwill with so many people. And I look at that as a superpower because it's not your typical "networking." It's more than that. It's networking with meaning. Or as Steve says, "it's friendship." I wanted to interview Steve about how he got this talent. And he kept me laughing the whole way through. Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing: Steve Cohen! Also Mentioned Howard Stern Dan Rather Walter Cronkite 60 Minutes Madonna Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty: The Only Networking Book You'll Ever Need by Harvey Mackay Mother Teresa Matt Lauer J.B. Smoove Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 1 Seth Godin Wolfgang Puck The Wolf Of Wall St
355 - Shane Snow: Are You Ideal to Work With? (What Makes a Good Team)
14/05/2018 Duration: 01h30minThis is Shane Snow's third time on the podcast. And we had a lot to cover. Shane is the author of, "Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success." (An incredibly intelligent book.) And he's also the cofounder of "Contently," a content strategy company that helps businesses grow. Shane's taught me a lot about solving problems in unconventional ways. And in this episode he teaches me about the 4 elements that make someone "ideal to work with." See, he's been studying teams. And just wrote a book about it (coming out in June) called "Dream Teams: Working Together Without Falling Apart." Links and Resources Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success by Shane Snow Dream Teams: Working Together Without Falling Apart by Shane Snow Contently - the company Shane co-founded Take The Open Mindedness Test on Shane's Website Also Mentioned Ep. 168 - Tony Hawk: Don't Stand Still The Peekaboo Paradox by Gene Weingarten Alias Malcolm Gladwell The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
354 - Mike Massimino: You Can’t Control the Outcome, So Keep Doing What You Love
13/05/2018 Duration: 01h05minIt took Mike Massimino 11 years to achieve his childhood dream of becoming an astronaut. He was rejected 3 times. But he never stopped his pursuit to achieve his dream. He writes about it in his New York Times bestselling book "Spaceman: An Astronaut's Unlikely Journey to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe". This is Mike's 2nd time on the podcast and I wanted to ask him all the questions that have stuck with me ever since that first interview. Like how he kept trying even after that 1st rejection. Links and Resources Spaceman: An Astronaut's Unlikely Journey to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe by Mike Massimino Also Mentioned The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe The Right Stuff (the movie) Jurassic Park Science Channel Neil deGrasse Tyson's Podcast, StarTalk Radio StarTalk on the National Geographic Channel The Planets and Beyond on Science Channel One Strange Rock on the National Geographic Channel The Big Bang Theory Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Richard Branson I write about all
353 - Maria Konnikova: How to Look at Life Like a Game and Make Better Choices Because of It
09/05/2018 Duration: 01h30minMaria Konnikova is a journalist. She's written two New York Times best sellers. One about con artists and having the confidence to get away something. The other is about how detectives think. But now she's immersed in poker (for her next book). And making big money (she made $200,000 in her first year playing). That WAS NOT the plan. She wanted to write a book about luck. Now, she's on her way to play in the world series. She taught me about "game theory," which is "when you look at the world like a game, where everyone has certain payoffs for certain decisions," she said. Links and Resources The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It . . . Every Time by Maria Konnikova Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes by Maria Konnikova My first podcast interview with Maria Konnikova Also Mentioned Word Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius, and Obsession in the World of Competitive Scrabble Players by Stefan Fatsis Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Josh Foer My inter
352 - Tony Hawk [Anniversary Episode]: The Key to Having Abundance in Life is Persistence
07/05/2018 Duration: 54minTony Hawk is a professional skateboarder AND world champion for 12 years in a row. Every single day, since he was 11 years old, he's done what he loves to do: skateboarding. I interviewed him at an event in 2016. And Tony was skating before the interview. It's what's most natural to him. But he also built a brand and an empire from his success. He's sold over a billion dollars worth of video games with his name on it. Show Notes: Follow Tony Hawk on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat (username: tonyfrankhawk) Watch videos at Learn about The Tony Hawk Foundation Jason Gaynor's Mastermind Talks Conference my interview with Freeway RickRoss I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to "The James Altucher Show" and rate and review wherever you get your podcasts: Apple Podcasts Stitcher iHeart Radio Spotify Follow me on Social Media: Twitter Fa
351 - Sherrod Small: The Benefit of Starting at The Bottom (You Get to Rise)
06/05/2018 Duration: 59minSherrod Small is a comedian, all around personality, actor, writer, producer, podcast host of "RaceWars". He's done everything. He grew up in the comedy clubs with his cousins, Chris Rock and Tony Rock. And he could've taken a shortcut, but he chose not to. "We wanted to start from the bottom of the bottom," he said. "We wanted to know every aspect of this business. And we wanted to grow our own voice." He told me his path to success. It's applicable to more than just someone who wants to pursue stand-up. He talked to me about enthusiasm and experience. And why he recommends you skip taking shortcuts when you feel the excitement. Links and Resources: My interview with Tony Rock: Ep. 343 - Tony Rock: The Process to Get ANY Idea Off the Ground Greg Giraldo Lucian Hold who ran The Comic Strip Rick Newman owned The Catch Robbin Williams Rosie O'Donnell Some of Sherrod's biggest influences: Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Bobcat Goldthwait Michelle Wolf's performance at the 2018 White House Correspondents Dinner
350 - Mark Manson: The Origin of Hope (vs. Hopelessness)
02/05/2018 Duration: 59minYou've heard of the book,"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life." It's the #3 most read book on Amazon and a "New York Times" bestseller. And the book, written by Mark Manson, is still skyrocketing. But ENOUGH. Mark is ready to move on. He's been doing press for the book for over a year. And it's pulling him back from getting to a place where his brain can look for new ideas. So I asked what he's curious about. I wanted to know what's next. "I'm fixated on this idea of hope and meaning right now," Mark said. He broke it down. And revealed his opinion on why there's so much hopelessness and meaningless now. Our conversation went deep. And we got into topics I haven't talked about much on this podcast. And now... thanks to Mark, I have new ideas, too. Links and Resources The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson 6 Things People Should Give Fewer Fucks About by Mark Manson Check Out Mark's website Follo
349 - Jon Morrow [Anniversary Episode]: He Made Half a Million Dollars in 9 months. This is What Kept Him Motivated
30/04/2018 Duration: 01h24minThere are very few times in my life that I am so incredibly grateful to meet someone. And this was definitely one of those top 10 moments for me. Jon Morrow has created several multi-million dollar businesses. He's the founder of Smart Blogger and written several viral articles including "On dying mothers and fighting for your ideas" and "How to quit your job, move to paradise and get paid to change the world." Jon is the epitome of overcoming obstacle. He was paralyzed from the neck down at birth. That didn't stop him. It motivated him. Because he knew he could end up in a nursing home. And nothing scared him more. I asked him everything: how he built his businesses, consulting practice, how he wrote without being able to type. And with every question I asked, he had an answer. He had a story. Or experience to share. And I'm grateful I can share it with you. Show Notes: Jon's website Jon's most popular blogs that went viral: "On dying mothers and fighting for your ideas" and "How to quit
348 - Jocko Willink: How Having a Code to Live By Will Give You Strength
29/04/2018 Duration: 01h18minJocko Willink is a retired Navy SEAL. Jocko has taken what he learned from the military and is teaching others how to live their life the same way, including our kids. He lives by a code. A code that anyone can develop for themselves. Jocko holds himself to these standards everyday. This is the Way of the Warrior... He's also written books about this code: "Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win," a book I loved and highly recommend. And most recently he published two books in his children's series: "Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way" and "Marc's Mission: Way of the Warrior Kid." Links and Resources Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way by Jocko Willink Marc's Mission: Way of the Warrior Kid by Jocko Willink The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin (releasing September 25) J
347 - Jen Sincero: You Are a Badass at Making Money
25/04/2018 Duration: 01h01minJen made $30k a year before she decided to get rich. Guess how much she made a year later? SIX FIGURES. "I was sick of living my life so small," she said. So she made a BIG decision. Jen "decided" to get rich. She shifted her focus, incorporated positive thinking and made success her only option. There was no plan B... And that's what she taught me in this interview. This episode will give you Jen's best insights about making money and being positive from her New York Times bestselling books, "You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life" and (the 2nd edition of the series) "You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth". Links and Resources You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero Follow Jen on Twitter + Facebook Check out Jen's website Also Mentioned The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles Think and Gro
346 - Nell Scovell: From Old to Original: How to Take Tired Ideas and Make Them New
23/04/2018 Duration: 01h04minNell Scovell had a dream career working in television. She's worked on every classic I can remember. And she even created a show, "Sabrina the Teenage Witch." She took tired sitcom plots and put them through what she calls a "magical blender." And out came something original. She told me how her ambition to be a prominent female television writer gave her these amazing opportunities that us men can only dream of. And how being on the sidelines gave her the confidence to lead a team to success. Links and Resources Just the Funny Parts... And a Few Hard Truths About Sneaking into the Hollywood Boys' Club by Nell Scovell Follow Nell on Twitter + Facebook Also Mentioned Murphy Brown Monk It's Garry Shandling's Show The Muppets Charmed Late Night with David Letterman Sabrina the Teenage Witch, created by Nell 90210 Bewitched I Dream of Genie Coach with Craig T. Nelson The Simpsons Seinfeld Curb Your Enthusiasm A Thousand Clowns, the play by Herb Gardner The Cosby Show Newhart The Buttoned Down Mind of Bob N
345 - Aubrey Marcus: Human Optimization + Peak Performance (A Guide)
22/04/2018 Duration: 59minAubrey Marcus is the CEO and founder of Onnit, a company dedicated to human optimization and peak performance. I like what Aubrey had to say because it's not just what you'd typically think of when you hear the words "optimize" or "peak performance." He says, "You gotta live a life that's worth living. Live a life that's well-rounded, balanced and includes the things like having a glass of wine or smoking a joint and making love to your lover, playing with your dog and hanging out, but also being extremely productive, also meditating, also eating right, also training like a beast." And his philosophy is backed up by clinical studies. He really has the science to prove his theories. So I'm testing them all. Show Notes Onnit Own the Day Own Your Life by Aubrey Marcus Alpha Brain Also Mentioned The Joe Rogan Experience Kettlebells My interview with Rich Roll My interview with Freeway Rick Ross (the infamous drug dealer and now philanthropist) Alpha Brain Ginko Huperzia Serrata Acetylcholine system (respo
344 - Barry Michels: This is What's Really in Your Subconscious Mind
18/04/2018 Duration: 01h09minBarry is taking Eastern/compassion meditation and westernizing it. He wrote a book about these "tools" that you can use to understand yourself better. And understand your reactions, your dreams, your disappointments. He'll explain how your subconscious stores information and memories. So that you can take advantage of it. This episode is powerful. Barry Michels has knowledge (and experience) helping people like you and me through therapy and his books. I highly recommend you listen to this interview. Because Barry will teach you how to tap into the potential you didn't know you had... Links and Resources Coming Alive: 4 Tools to Defeat Your Inner Enemy, Ignite Creative Expression & Unleash Your Soul's Potential by Barry Michels and Phil Stutz The Tools: 5 Tools to Help You Find Courage, Creativity and Willpower--and Inspire You to Live Life in Forward Motion by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels Follow Barry on Twitter + Facebook Also Mentioned My Interview with Gary Gulman Choose Yourself by James Altu
343 - Tony Rock: The Process to Get ANY Idea Off the Ground
16/04/2018 Duration: 01h10minTony Rock is a super stand up comedian. And he's also Chris Rock's brother. He stars in CBS' newest comedy, "Living Biblically," based on my good friend, AJ Jacobs' book. Tony's been working on his comedy muscle for 24 years, so I wanted to ask him about his process. And how anyone can adopt this process for their own projects or side hustles. These are Tony's techniques to bring your ideas from the drawing board to action. Links and Resources Watch Tony on CBS' newest comedy, Living Biblically, based on AJ Jacobs book, "The Year of Living Biblically" Watch Tony on BET's Shows Black Card Revoked + Apollo Live Watch Tony on NBA - The WarmUp Live on Twitter or on Follow Tony on Twitter + Facebook Also Mentioned Ep. 293 - AJ Jacobs: Why We Experiment (And Why You Should Also) Inside the NBA Patrice O'Neal: Elephant In the Room Richard Pryor: Live on the Sunset Strip Chris Rock: Tamborine Dave Chappelle: Equanimity & The Bird Revelation The Kevin Nealon Show at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood Jay
342 - Frank Oz: How to Create Something Original: Lessons from The Maker of Our Most Beloved Characters
15/04/2018 Duration: 01h03minFrank Oz is the puppeteer. He played Miss Piggy. Bert of "Bert and Ernie," The Cookie Monster, and even Yoda on Star Wars. He just released a new documentary called "Muppet Guys Talking: Secrets Behind the Show the Whole World Watched." It's about the creation of the Muppets and the man behind it all, Jim Henson. He was a unique leader, with a "nothing is impossible" attitude. This is the untold story of the Muppet creators and the team that made it all possible. Links and Resources Watch Frank's documentary: "Muppet Guys Talking: Secrets Behind the Show the Whole World Watched" only available on for $10 Frank directs the off broadway production In & Of Itself playing at the Daryl Roth Theatre in NYC Sesame Street Star Wars The Muppets The Muppets Movie Trading Places (the 1983 movie) The Great Muppet Caper Touch of Evil Little Shop of Horrors Downton Abbey Steve Martin Orson Welles Jim Henson I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at ja
341 - Anders Ericsson [Anniversary Episode]: 7 Secrets of Mastery
11/04/2018 Duration: 01h04minAnders K. Ericsson discovered the "10,000" hour rule. I had him on my podcast in 2016 to talk about peak performance. (One of my favorite topics.) And he broke down the steps every individual should follow to learn and MASTER a skill. Links and Resources Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise by Dr. K Anders Ericsson and Robert Poole Also Mentioned Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell The Polgar SIsters (the 3 best female Hungarian chess players ever) Laszlo Polgar (chess teacher who raised 3 chess prodigies his daughters) The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance Mozart - considered the most talented prodigy in music history, Anders disputes this Magnus Carlsen - the best chess player in the world at age 12 Michelangelo Picasso - one of the best painters of his time Andy Warhol - in the 1950s he was a master illustrator The Boston Marathon I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at
340 - Don McLean: Why You Should Follow Your Instincts
09/04/2018 Duration: 40minDon McLean is a singer and songwriter best known for the song, "American Pie." But he's so much more than just this one hit. He's sold 40 platinum and gold records and he's still touring(!). And now he's kicking off his 2 year tour for his new album, "Botanical Gardens." Don has decades and decades of experience and he's always had an instinct about what he's wanted to do... what he wanted to create. He transforms nostalgia into music and art. And in this interview he told me how I think I was asking for every artist. Or anyone listening who still wants to become one Links and Resources Check out Don's newest album Botanical Gardens Don's Albums we talk about: American Pie Playing Favorites PrimeTime (Don's worst selling album) Don's Songs we talk about: Vincent Dreidel (on the top 20) Mountains O'Mourne (Don's song that went to #1 in UK and Ireland) Castles in the Air Crying The Wrong Thing to Do When a Good Thing Goes Bad Drake sampled these two songs for his own song "Doing It Wrong" in 2011 Won
339 - Tyra Banks: How to Create New Opportunities & Gain Control of Your Destiny
08/04/2018 Duration: 55minTyra Banks booked 25 fashion shows her first year being an "unknown." That's unheard of. She climbed to the top of an industry and consistently created new opportunities for herself. When "they" said she was getting too fat, she switched from high-fashion to commercial modeling. When "they" said her idea for a TV show was stupid, she found someone else and got a "yes." Then she produced one of the highest rated reality TV shows "America's Top Model." She excelled in 150 countries. And created 25 international versions, too. And what was most impressive was that Tyra had her hands in all of it. She's a true entrepreneur. And I'm so lucky to have learned from her. Now you get, too. Links and Resources Perfect Is Boring: 10 Things My Crazy, Fierce Mama Taught Me About Beauty, Booty, and Being a Boss by Tyra Banks and her mama, Carolyn London Modelland by Tyra Banks Tyra's Beauty Inside & Out by Tyra Banks and? Vanessa Thomas Bush America's Top Model Tyra Beauty (Tyra's cosmetics line) Also Mentioned "Lean
338 - Michio Kaku: What The Future Holds… (How to Use Physics to Predict the Future)
04/04/2018 Duration: 57minMichio Kaku is one of the most famous physicists out there. His new book, "The Future of Humanity" is a New York Times bestseller. It's full of deep questions. "Every question has another answer, which begs more questions," he said. "But that's good. Because that's what science is all about." Michio talked to me about time travel, space travel, etc. And he PROVED that there's a lot more possible than just what lies on the surface. The future is an exciting picture. Show Notes: "Physics of the Impossible" by Michio Kaku "Physics of the Future" by Michio Kaku "The Future of the Mind" by Michio Kaku "Einstein's Cosmo" by Michio Kaku "Beyond Einstein" by Michio Kaku Albert Einstein Theory of Everything String Theory "The Theory of Everything" Quantum Theory Interstellar travel "Alice in Wonderland" Stephen Hawking Shakespeare's quote: "All the world's a stage" Isaac Newton Einstein Rosen Bridge "Interstellar" (the movie) Singularity (theory) The Quantum Principle The Uncertainty Principle Hy