Facebook ads expert Rick Mulready from brings you The Art of Paid Traffic, revealing the best paid traffic tips, tactics and strategies for generating leads and sales for your business on autopilot. Discover how to create freedom in your business through paid traffic without having to empty your wallet in the process. Learn how to automate your leads and sales from the top experts in paid traffic on Facebook ads, to YouTube ads, Twitter ads, Google Adwords, retargeting, native advertising, Instagram, LinkedIn ads, sales funnels, analytics, landing pages, sales pages, how to write good ad copy, banner ads, ad networks, buying email lists, affiliate marketing and more. Everything that’s working right now (and not working) to help you create a killer sales machine for your business so you know exactly where your next lead and sale are going to come from.
Quick Tip: Understand THIS for Better Facebook Ads Results
02/10/2020 Duration: 19minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. Do you ever feel like Facebook is working against you and your ads? Well, I'm here to reassure you that it's not. The secret is knowing how to work with Facebook to get the best results. It all comes back to a principle that you hear me talk about a lot around here: simpler is better. The simpler you can set up your ad campaign, the better results you're setting yourself up for.And the reason for this is Facebook's delivery technology and machine learning. You might know it as: the algorithm. When you play nice with delivery technology, that's when you're setting yourself up for success, and that's what I want to share with you in today’s episode. I will be sharing more about this topic on a Facebook Live in the Optimized CEO Facebook community soon, so be sure to join the
How to Create and Price Your Flagship Offer (Part II)
30/09/2020 Duration: 32minAre you stuck on pricing your flagship offer? Is it too high? Is it too low? This trips a lot of people up which is exactly why I wanted to put together this episode for you today.Last week we talked about how to create a flagship offer and why. If you haven’t heard that episode yet, go back and listen to that one first! It will set you up for this episode where we’re getting into how to price your flagship offer. This is going to be helpful for you if you’re just getting started in your online business as a course creator, or if you're further along and you want to redefine or even replace your offer.I’m giving you ten things to think about when it comes to pricing your offer. From market research to human psychology, there are a lot of things that people don’t think about when pricing their offer….and these things can make your life easier! On Today’s Show You’ll Learn: Why you should sell your program before you create it How to base your pricing on the value that your provideWhy you should take a loo
Quick Tip: Want More Revenue? Ask Different Questions
25/09/2020 Duration: 19minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you're listening to this podcast because you want to grow your online business, right? I talk to a whole lot of people every single day who want to grow their online business, and so often I hear them asking the wrong questions to try to achieve that.In today’s quick tip episode, I want to explain what I mean by the wrong questions, and challenge you to start asking different questions. Questions that are actually going to lead to your growth. I’m going to share some of the questions that I hear all the time that I want you to stop asking, and some different questions that I want you to start asking. At the end of the episode, I have a challenge for you, so be sure to tune in to find out what that is!If this episode piqued your interest, I want to
How to Create and Price Your Flagship Offer (Part I)
23/09/2020 Duration: 26minDo you have one flagship offer, or are you struggling with a whole bunch of offers that aren’t performing as well as you want them to? Today I want to talk to you about how to create a flagship offer and why. There’s also going to be a part II of this episode where we’ll talk all about how to price your flagship offer. This is going to be helpful for you if you’re just getting started in your online business as a course creator, or if you're further along and you want to redefine or even replace your offer.Too many people think that the more offers you have, the more revenue you're going to make as a result. The reality is that it's just going to confuse things and make it a lot harder to generate more revenue. The simpler, the better. I recommend starting off with one flagship offer.On Today’s Show You’ll Learn: The value of understanding your target audience The four Ps of an offer: premise, promise, process and priceThe characteristics of a core premise How to have a clear promiseWhy it’s im
Quick Tip: The Quickest Way to Predictable $5K Months
18/09/2020 Duration: 18minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. Do you want to start making a consistent income from your online business?Today I want to share with you the quickest way to predictable $5K months in your business, because let’s be honest, we all want it. I want to share my own experience from my business over the past seven years, as well as that of the hundreds of students that I've worked with over the years as I've helped them optimize, grow, and scale their online businesses. What have I learned? The quickest way to predictable $5K months is by having a flagship offer.A flagship offer is what you’re known for, or what you’re becoming known for if you're still in the very early stages of your business. The big mistake that I see so many online course creators making when trying to grow and scale their business is that they have too many
Optimized Team Building: Your First Hire(s)
16/09/2020 Duration: 45minHave you thought about how hiring a team could save you time and make you more money? Who would your first hire be?This is one of my favorite things to talk about. How you can create more freedom and leverage in your business through hiring a team. And it’s not just about bringing people onto your team and into your business. It’s really about having an optimized team. We’ll get into exactly what that means in the episode. In the past several episodes I've talked about how in order to become the optimized CEO of your business, there are three areas that you've got to be focusing on: optimized sales, optimized mind, and optimized time. That third pillar is what we're really going to dive into today.Optimized time means that you are planning and leveraging your time effectively so that you're hitting your revenue and impact goals within the amount of time that you want to work each week. A huge part of optimizing your time is having an effective and optimized team...because if you truly wa
Quick Tip: How to Double Your Next Launch (with Facebook and IG Ads)
11/09/2020 Duration: 14minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. Are you tired of running Facebook and Instagram ads and not seeing the results you want? The solution might be simpler than you think. Today we're talking about Facebook and Instagram ads and how you can use them to double your next launch. But here's the thing. I'm not going to be sharing some secret tactic or strategy. What I am going to be sharing with you in this episode is what holds most people back from seeing success with their ads.And what is it? Confidence. I see this time and time again. People who double their launches have the confidence to spend money on their Facebook and IG ads.On today’s show, I am breaking down how to create confidence in running ads. This is going to be helpful for you whether if you've been running ads for a while and haven’t seen the results you want
How a Rocket Scientist Created An Online Business that Feeds His Deeper Purpose
09/09/2020 Duration: 58minDo you feel like you’re putting more into your business than you’re getting back? Whether that’s finances, time, or energy, you’re not the only one. I've got an actual rocket scientist as my special guest on the podcast this week. Travis Albritton is an aerospace engineer who felt like he was wasting his life and wanted to create something bigger, more purposeful, and more impactful. Travis decided to start an online business and founded a program called the Digital Missionary Academy. He is also the host of the Practical Christian Podcast. I asked Travis to join me on the podcast today so he could share his journey as he’s built his business, because I think it’s one that many can relate to. Travis dreamed of leaving his day job job and creating an online business, but in the first year he had trouble selling his course, so he’s had to figure out how to overcome setbacks and get better and better. On today’s episode, you will learn how he overcame many obstacles, but most importantly, you will learn
Quick Tip: 3 Essential Questions For Clarity In Your Business
04/09/2020 Duration: 15minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. Do you want to grow your business more quickly and attract your ideal client? In today's episode, I want to help you uncover a basic marketing blind spot that so many people have in their businesses, and that I had for a long time too. Whether you’re early on in your business and you're just trying to get traction or you have a successful business and you're trying to scale to seven figures, this is going to be relevant for you. The marketing blind spot that I want to talk to you about is getting clarity on three things. Who you serve, what problem you solve for them, and how you solve that problem. This is something that I want you to always be thinking about refining. Consistently asking these three questions and getting answers to them is going to help you grow and scale your business more
Multiple 6-Figure Coaching Business (in 12 Months) w/ Neill Williams
02/09/2020 Duration: 52minCould your business be running more efficiently? Could you be spending your time more productively?This is exactly what Neill Williams specializes in. If there’s anyone I trust to teach us about time management and efficiency, it’s Neill. We’re getting into how to be more productive and effective in your business. We talk about the funnel that Neill uses to get people into her group coaching program and how it has evolved. She is sharing a key discovery she has made as she's been evolving her funnel over the past several months. She's going to break down what she’s seen and how she used that data to improve the quality of the people that she attracts to her sales calls. We also talk about why she started a podcast and how podcasting can add value to your business. Neill Williams is a certified Master Life and Productivity Coach through The Life Coach School. She coaches busy, overwhelmed entrepreneurs to unbusy their lives by reducing their work weeks and get more done so they can enjoy the freedom
Quick Tip: Thinking Differently About Goals
28/08/2020 Duration: 11minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. Do you like to set safe goals? The ones you know you can meet? What would happen if you started setting your goals higher and higher? Today I want to talk about taking a different approach to goal setting, and here’s why. When it comes to goal setting, what I find from a lot of people (and I've done this myself) is we don't set big enough goals for fear of what it means about us if we don't hit them. Well, what if you cared less about hitting the goal, and more about the growth you would experience while you were trying to hit it? Join me as we talk about why we’re scared to set big goals, breaking through the glass ceiling, and how real growth happens. Hopefully, by the end of the episode, you’ll be thinking differently about goals.Rick Mulready's Links:Visit Rick's websiteDM Rick o
3 Key Pillars of a Successful (and Fun!) Online Business
26/08/2020 Duration: 29minAre you trying to do it all yourself? Are you trying to create more content to attract more clients? It’s exhausting, right?On today’s episode, I am talking about building a successful online business and some of the biggest mistakes that I see people making. Let’s talk about how you can avoid those mistakes so that you can grow your business faster than I did!In this episode, we’re going to use the example of a three-legged stool to describe the success of your business. If one of the stool’s three legs breaks, the stool will no longer function. There are three pillars to a successful business, and if any one of them isn’t in place, guess what? The business will no longer function. If you want to find out what those three pillars are and what role they play in a successful business, be sure to tune in! On Today’s Show You’ll Learn: Why most online course creators stay stuck in their business The secret to getting out of being stuckThe definition of the word optimize The three pillars of the optimized CEO met
Quick Tip: Choosing the "Right" Kind of Launch
21/08/2020 Duration: 19minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. Whether you're new to the online business game or maybe you've been doing this a while, I want to talk to you about choosing what kind of launch you're going to use in your business. Here's a newsflash for you: there's no one “right” way to launch. Honestly, there are all kinds of different ways to launch. It's about you choosing what lights you up, what aligns with what you want to do, and what you enjoy doing, as well as what type of launch you think that your audience would most appreciate. The real magic comes from combining those two things. So today we’re talking about choosing a launch and giving you some different options for where you might be in your business and what type of offer you might be selling. And you won’t be surprised to hear, we're also going to be ta
How to Grow Your Personal Brand & Be an Influential Leader w/ Rory Vaden
19/08/2020 Duration: 48minDo you ever wish there were more hours in the day? How would you grow your personal brand if there were? Rory Vaden is here to share his secret to multiplying time. That’s right, creating more time for you and your business. And you won’t be surprised to hear that it has a lot to do with something we love to talk about here on the podcast: mindset. Rory is the best-selling author of Procrastinate on Purpose and Take the Stairs. He’s a professional speaker who’s TED Talk, How to Multiply Time, has been viewed millions of times. He's the co-founder of the Brand Builders Group where he helps entrepreneurs become influential leaders through developing their messaging, voice positioning, etc. They work with everybody from those just starting out to those who are already more accomplished. He successfully grew his previous business to eight figures before he sold it.We’re talking about the key to growing your business super quickly, the best piece of personal branding advice he's ever received, and how to
Encore! How to Create the Most POWERFUL Content You’ve Ever Created w/ Brandon Lucero
17/08/2020 Duration: 50minToday we have a special BONUS encore episode featuring my friend Brandon Lucero. This is one of our most popular episodes of the podcast and I have a feeling you’re going to love it. Brandon is diving deeper into how to create content that not only attracts and resonates with your target audience but gets them to take action. We all know the online business space can be crowded, but what Brandon reveals will help you create content that really stands out. It will allow you to build a following that connects with you on so many levels, and one that ultimately wants to support you and your business. If you follow and implement Brandon’s tactical advice on how to create powerful content, it will change your business. He offers solutions to common issues that exist and shares how to create the most powerful content that you’ve ever created in your business. Brandon has a 6-part video series that released earlier this year and it was so successful that he is running it again. So if you missed it last time, I want
Quick Tip: My #1 Mindset “Hack” for Scaling My Business
14/08/2020 Duration: 11minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process.In this episode, we are talking about the one thing that allowed me to shift my mindset. It’s the idea of playing your business like you’ve already achieved your goal. And you can do this whether you want to have a six-figure business or you want to be a seven-figure CEO. Rather than acting and making decisions based on past results or experiences, what if you started showing up and making decisions in your business right now as if you’ve already achieved what you’re going after. When you start something and immediately think you will accomplish your goal, you’ll start showing up as more powerful, more confident, and more decisive in your decision making. You’ll be more efficient with your time and more strategic, all of which contribute to your success. I encourage you to think about what it would be lik
From Imposter Syndrome to $10K+ Months, w/Dr. Nicole Rankins
12/08/2020 Duration: 50minA common misconception about the phenomenon called Imposter Syndrome is that you can “educate” yourself out of feeling it. This is not necessarily the case! My guest today is Dr. Nicole Rankins and she is here to chat about how someone with an advanced degree in medicine and fifteen years as a practicing OB-GYN can still feel imposter syndrome. Dr. Rankins is the go-to resource for comprehensive, evidence-based, holistic information about pregnancy and birth and also the creator of The Birth Preparation Course. Dr. Rankins is one of my former accelerator students and her journey is one that I think so many of you can relate to which is why I was excited to have her on the show today. Listen in to hear how Dr. Rankins overcame her imposter syndrome to grow her evergreen online course business to over 10K in revenue each month while still practicing medicine. On Today’s Show You’ll Learn: How a practicing OB-GYN has found the time to build an online business Why Dr. Rankins decided to grow a business on top of
Quick Tip: 3 Facebook/IG Ads Mistakes I’m Seeing
07/08/2020 Duration: 15minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. On today’s episode, I am sharing four things I’m seeing right now that is making it harder for you to get results with your ads. Mistake 1: Not understanding your target audience Mistake 2: Waiting for your launch to test Mistake 3: Not leveraging the different ad types that Facebook offersMistake 4: Jumping right into CBOTune in as I break down these mistakes. I hope you listen, learn, and go take action so you can see the results from your action. If you didn’t tune in to my last episode yet, I encourage you to check it out. I had my good friend, Colin Boyd, on the show and he has a free training series coming up on how to speak and sell from virtual stages. This is perfect for you if you are doing webinars, video series, or live trainings. In this training, Colin will show you how to find the per
How to Create & Deliver a High-Converting Webinar w/Colin Boyd
05/08/2020 Duration: 52minDo you still find yourself thinking of sales as kind of sleazy? Do you wish your sales pitches sounded and converted better? Maybe you have been wondering if webinars are dead... and my answer is absolutely not! I think there is a misconception in the online space that webinars are dead, but that’s simply because there are a lot of people giving crappy webinars. My special guest today is Colin Boyd and he is sharing some priceless advice and information about what sales is really all about and how to sell effectively. Colin helps experts, course creators and coaches to speak confidently on stage to sell without coming across pushy or sales-y. He’s obsessed with creating step-by-step strategies that anyone can follow to become both confident and powerful at speaking and selling on live stage, webinar and video. He’s best known for Sell From Stage Academy® which is the leading program for growing your business through speaking. He lives in Newport Beach, California with his amazing wife and two little kids.On
Quick Tip: Indecision Fatigue is Keeping You Stuck
31/07/2020 Duration: 08minI am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. In this quick tip episode, we are talking about something I see so often in the online space. People being stuck in indecision fatigue. I see posts in Facebook groups where people are asking for feedback on inconsequential things in their business instead of putting it out there and letting their clients and customers decide. Many people often wait for other people’s approval and that is exactly what is holding them back. We are not making a decision because we think that if we make a decision, it’s going to be the wrong one. Over the years I have learned that if you want to be an effective, optimized CEO, you must be decisive. You make decisions and live with the results of those decisions. If they work out, great! Do more of that! If something doesn’t work, figure out why and try something new. Tu