Facebook ads expert Rick Mulready from brings you The Art of Paid Traffic, revealing the best paid traffic tips, tactics and strategies for generating leads and sales for your business on autopilot. Discover how to create freedom in your business through paid traffic without having to empty your wallet in the process. Learn how to automate your leads and sales from the top experts in paid traffic on Facebook ads, to YouTube ads, Twitter ads, Google Adwords, retargeting, native advertising, Instagram, LinkedIn ads, sales funnels, analytics, landing pages, sales pages, how to write good ad copy, banner ads, ad networks, buying email lists, affiliate marketing and more. Everything that’s working right now (and not working) to help you create a killer sales machine for your business so you know exactly where your next lead and sale are going to come from.
How to Hire a Facebook Ads Manager
02/07/2018 Duration: 22minOn today’s special bonus episode of the podcast, I’m going to be talking about a topic I get asked several times a week, and that’s how to hire a Facebook ads manager.But before even doing this…Do me a favor and don’t make the critical mistake of outsourcing your Facebook ads before at least have a basic knowledge of them.I can’t tell they how many local businesses who have become students of mine who once outsourced their FB ads without knowing anything about them. And then, inevitably, months later they’ve wasted thousands of dollars with ZERO results to show for it.So, after they’ve learned enough to be dangerous and they decide to outsource their Facebook ads management…You’ve got to know what to ask when they’re looking to hire a Facebook ads manager, which is why today I’ll be sharing a checklist of things to ask prospective ads managers during their interviews.After this episode, you’ll also know where to go, and what to do, to find qualified people, and if you’re a Facebook ads manager working with c
How to Confidently Grow Your BEST Facebook Ads Business with Salome Schillack
27/06/2018 Duration: 58minMy guest today last appeared on the podcast in November of last year, and a lot has changed in her business since then. In this episode I’m joined by Salome Schillack, who helps coaches and online course creators master the art of lead generation with Facebook Videos and Facebook Advertising.This past December, Salome quit her day job to focus on her Facebook ads business full-time, and you’ll hear all about the ups and downs, and significant mindset shifts, that she’s gone through to make this business a success.In this episode we talk a lot about the need to niche down and truly identify the ideal client that you want to work with, and what happens when your values don’t match.Salome also shares her journey to owning her knowledge and understanding that she is good enough, and the struggles that she had to overcome to arrive at the place she is at now.I’m so proud of the business that Salome has built, and continues to build, and I’m excited to see where she takes it next. Not only has she built an amazing
How to Use “Thought Reversal” and Facebook Video Ads for Higher Quality Leads with Brandon Lucero
20/06/2018 Duration: 51minOn today’s show, I’m joined by my friend Brandon Lucero, from You may recognize Brandon’s name from when he was a guest on the podcast before, back on Episode #119. I asked him to come back to talk about a concept that he calls “thought reversal”, and he’ll be telling us how he uses this principle in a Facebook ads strategy.Although I knew what I wanted us to talk about going into this episode, I wasn’t exactly sure where this conversation would go. After we finished recording though episode I was really pumped to share it with you, and it’s become one of my favorite episodes we’ve done here on the show.Not only does Brandon break down what thought reversal is here, he reveals why it’s so effective for marketing and positioning a business and brand. He uses it a ton in his own business and the businesses of his clients, and I think this is something that everyone should be using in their marketing. I know I can even step up my own game in this area, so I took a ton from this episode and I h
How to Use Smart Website Design to Increase Conversions with Sister Agency’s Keith Burnson
13/06/2018 Duration: 46minIn this episode we’re going to be talking about how to increase conversions using smart website design. Joining me to share his expertise is Keith Burnson of the digital studio called Sister Agency.Keith and his team recently completed an overhaul and redesign of my website,, which was the original website I had since starting my business. To be honest, it was an embarrassing site and it was time to take things to the next level One big thing I was embarrassed about, which you’ll hear about today, was the long load time of 13 seconds per page previously on the website. We wanted to design a faster site that was easy to use for finding content, and one that really focused on conversion.A high-performing site is not only critical for Google and search rankings, but it’s needed for the success of your Facebook advertising. A bad user experience will cause visitors to click the back button, which can hurt your relevance score with Facebook, increase the cost of your ads, and more.Keith and I will
4 "Must-Have" Custom Audiences for Your Facebook Ads Strategy
06/06/2018 Duration: 50minOn today’s show I’ll be sharing with you 4 must have custom audiences that you should absolutely be using in your Facebook ads arsenal to market your business on Facebook.We’ll be getting into things like how I specifically define custom audiences and where they fit into your Facebook ads strategy.We’ll talk about how to strategically use them to do things like increase engagement, grow your email list, get more customers and sales and increase the lifetime value of your customer.I also have some tips and tactics for getting better results with your custom audiences, so you’ll have plenty of things to test out and try right away in your business after listening to this episode!Want to win a 30-minute strategy session with me? I’ll be drawing one winner at random each month, and all you have to do is give me your feedback on this podcast over at, telling me what you’d like to hear more of - including topics you’d like to see covered, guests, style and frequency of the show! On
How He Used Instagram Stories to Sell Over $500K in "High-Ticket" Workshops with Craig Ballantyne
30/05/2018 Duration: 01h02minOn today’s show, I’m joined by my friend Craig Ballantyne, who was actually one of my original mentors. I started following Craig and his work way back in 2010, which seems like forever in the online world and when I was trying to figure the online business world out, I went to a few of Craig’s workshops. Since then I’ve connected more with him and have really gotten to know him much better.Craig used to be in the fitness space with his brand Turbulence Training, and then he started a brand called Internet Independence. Since then Craig’s gone through a big shift in his business and he is now the owner of the popular website, recently Craig’s published a book called The Perfect Day Formula. He now teaches people how to have a more productive day in both their business and personal lives. He does in-person Perfect Day Workshops, where participants get to spend the day with him and then get follow-up accountability and coaching for 12 months. This investment starts at $5,000 and he’s sold o
Strategy Sessions: Reaching Target Customers, Creating Offers & Leveraging Content with Sarah Young
23/05/2018 Duration: 33minOn today’s show, I have another strategy session call, this time with Sarah Young of, which was just started in January of this year. Through her site, Sarah offers fully editable designer templates and her clients simple, fun and affordable branding options.You’ll hear how last year Sarah was actually doing completely something different through a blog for moms. This blog had a big following but she decided to transition when she was feeling burnt out and looking for a change.Sarah’s background is actually in interior and graphic design, and she’s found a way to use her skills and experience to help other business owners with their branding.What she’s discovered though is that she’s targeting a much different audience now and starting from scratch, so our call today focuses on how she get qualified business owners as clients of her new venture.If you go to Sarah’s Etsy store you’ll see that she’s already created a large amount of content and suites of products, and the strategies and idea
Automated 7-Figure Webinar Funnel (in 12 Months) with Caitlin Bacher
16/05/2018 Duration: 42minI’m in the same mastermind group as today’s guest, Caitlin Bacher, and by getting to know Caitlin, I just knew I had to have her on the podcast to talk about her evergreen webinar funnel and marketing strategies.Caitlin helps course creators increase their income through the power of Facebook groups and automated webinars, and she is the creator of an online course called The Fab Facebook Group System. Caitlin also hosts a popular 12-month group coaching program called Scale with Success.Caitlin has her business to a point now where she is running one automated webinar and generating revenues up to $300,000 per month, and she reveals her current ad spend and ROI in this episode.As you’ll hear today, Caitlin is an example of someone who did a lot of testing and had to go through a lot of trial and error to discover what works for her. She shares the importance of tracking your key performance indicators (KPIs) and working closely with a good ads manager, something we talk a lot about here on the podcast.I am s
Back to Basics: How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake People Make with Their Facebook Ads
09/05/2018 Duration: 37minOn the show today I’m going to be sharing with you the biggest mistake that I see people making, including those new to Facebook ads and experienced Facebook ad managers. This mistake is really keeping them from the results they want to be achieving with their ads, notably inexpensive leads and sales.If you’ve read the book The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, you know that the concept of the book is to determine what is the one thing that you can do, that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary. That’s really what we’ll be talking about here as it applies to Facebook ads.Specifically, you’re going to hear why taking the time to fully understand your target audience on a holistic level before running your ads is critical to setting yourself up for success with your Facebook ads. On the Show Today You’ll Learn: What things you need to know about your customer to effectively market to him or her The questions you need to be asking yourself, like are there sub-segments of your audience
(Case Study) How to Use "Challenges" + FB Ads to Grow Your List & Make More Sales with Devani Freeman
25/04/2018 Duration: 29minOn the show today I’m joined by a woman named Devani Freeman who runs a social media marketing business here in San Diego called Heart Centered Social where she works with both online and local businesses.A big part of her business is managing FB ads for businesses and one area where she’s found a lot of success is using Facebook ads to drive into a 5-day challenge.And I asked her to come onto the show to share some case studies of challenges she’s run for her own business as well as those of her clients.I really like the strategy that Devani uses, because it’s a pretty straightforward one that anyone can use, and best of all, a large ad budget isn’t needed. Today you’re going to learn: How Devani generated $57K by using a challenge that had just 500 people in it.How she uses challenges to sell high-ticket programsWhat every challenge needs in order to give it a chance to be successfulWhat she noticed about the quality of leads when people went through her 4-week mini-course firstShe shares a case study of a
GDPR: Everything You Need to Know + How to Ensure You're Compliant
20/04/2018 Duration: 01h01minOn today’s episode, my guest and I will be talking all about GDPR. What exactly is it, and does it affect you? I’ve invited on my friend Suzanne Dibble, who’s a business law expert in the UK, to break down what you need to know and do about the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation. It seems as though not many people in the United States are talking about GDPR, but for those of us with online businesses, this is something we need to understand and act on. We’ll be covering how it applies to Facebook ads and the Facebook pixel, and Suzanne will be sharing the steps we need to take to be GDPR compliant. She’ll also reveal what effect it has on how we collect opt-ins, as well as what we need to consider with our email CRMs and other software we use daily in business. There are a lot of legal terms in this episode, but Suzanne provides all the resources we need to get our heads around this topic. It’s such an important discussion to have, because I think this is going to be the new norm for business and dat
Using Facebook Live Video to Build an Audience, Create Engagement & Sell More Products with Urbanist’s Ariel Viera
18/04/2018 Duration: 53minMy guest on the show today is Ariel Viera who runs an online platform called The Urbanist.With the Urbanist, Ariel explores cities and culture around the world via live video on Facebook and through storytelling. He goes live 4-6 times per week and in a very short amount of time has amassed over 7M video views.He’s become such a successful live streamer that he was just recentlyNominated for a Shorty Award for Live Streamer of the year along with the likes of Vin Diesel, Dick Vitale, Scott Rogowsky from HQ Trivia and others.What I love about Ariel and what he’s done with the Urbanist is he’s created an amazing engaged community on Facebook from scratch -- over 32K followers -- in a really short time.And he generates revenue through sponsorships, donations, and video making services.I asked Ariel to come onto the show to share his story, so today you’re going to learn:How to use Live video to showcase and sell productsHow to be a better storyteller with Live videoHow the updates to the FB algorithm have incre
Simple (iPhone) Facebook Video Ads: $0.83 Leads In Her First Ever Campaign with Cielo de la Paz
11/04/2018 Duration: 49minIn this episode, I’m bringing you person who approached me and introduced herself at Social Media Marketing World, Cielo de la Paz. Cielo has a business teaching solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small businesses how to make videos using just their iPhones. You’re going to love the story of how she got into this business and how she’s had success with what she’s learned from this podcast. Best of all, Cielo brings all her numbers to share with us.You’ll hear how started offering her course on a third-party site and now teaches it at conferences, workshops and to large organizations. At the moment she still has a part-time job, but you’ll hear her big plans over the next few months to transition to doing just her own business.She shares how her lead magnet quickly grew her email list and how she was able to get 83 cent leads to primarily cold traffic. She’ll talk about how she used only one ad set and really went for it with her initial Facebook campaign…Cielo doesn’t just teach the tech behind shooting videos o
How He’s Doing It: $500K In Revenue From a $12K FB Ads Spend with Charlie Liu
04/04/2018 Duration: 48minToday’s guest approached me at the end of my presentation at Social Media Marketing World and told me how he had spent about $10,000 on Facebook ads to generate $500,000 in revenue. You’ll meet Charlie Liu, the co-founder of Digitsu in this episode. Digitsu is an online source of quality martial arts instructional videos, and his story is one that you’re going to want to hear. He shares how they now market their products to customers and how he came up with the strategy to do this. Charlie reveals that he thinks of the funnel as a maze, getting people from point A to B and developing an army of loyal fans and community along the way.I’m super impressed with what Charlie is doing, especially since he is not only an avid listener of this podcast, but he’s someone that has applied what he hears and continues to test and improve on the strategies he learns. On the Show Today You’ll Learn: How Digitsu started as a blog and why now it’s a platform and so much more than an e-commerce siteThe way he discovered the p
How to Create & Validate Offers that Sell
28/03/2018 Duration: 27minOn the show today I thought I’d talk to you about how to create and validate offers that sell. This is something that comes up a lot in discussions with my students, especially those in my Accelerator 12-month group coaching program. It’s one of my goals here on the podcast to share with you real-world examples that are happening, whether it’s in my listeners’ business, my students’ businesses, or in my own business. In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you how the offer of my new membership program, The ROI Club, came to light.I have to mention that when I say offers, here I’m talking about paid offers and not free ones. You’ll hear that when it comes to paid offers, the very first place you need to start before doing anything is understanding the needs of your target audience. Once you know this, you can then create offers that will really serve them. On the Show Today You’ll Learn: Ways that you can determine the needs and struggles of your target audience, even if you don’t have a large following right n
Strategy Sessions: Facebook Ad Strategies for Selling Consulting Sessions (Baby Sleep Consulting)
26/03/2018 Duration: 28minFor today’s episode, I have another strategy session for you, this time with Hauke Pasch from New Zealand. Hauke is currently using Facebook ads for his wife’s new baby sleep consulting business. Since their prospective clients will have a very personal need, they will want a connection with someone they trust. I give Hauke my input on the best ways that they can build this trust and establish relationships while building brand awareness and generating sales.I like the niche they’re in and they don’t need to have a big budget at this point for ads. They just need to be testing and not getting locked into any one single strategy. Most importantly, I feel they need to be aware of the different conversations with each of their target audiences, and the more specific to the audience the conversation can be, the more they will be able to convert their Facebook ads. On the Show Today You’ll Learn: How they can use their own story and challenges to position themselves as an authority in the fieldMy thoughts on what
How to Sell Products With the FB Ads “Trifecta” Funnel with Mike Jackness
21/03/2018 Duration: 01h03minListeners have been asking for more shows about e-commerce, specifically what are some ways that we can be selling physical products online with Facebook ads. I asked a bunch of my friends to see who is doing some really cool stuff in the e-commerce space (that I had to have on the show!) and the name Mike Jackness kept coming up.Mike’s on track to do 8-figures this year between his four brands, and even if you don’t have an e-commerce business at the moment, you’re going to get a ton out of really smart ways that he’s marketing and selling his products with Facebook.Today we talk about everything from how to create an e-commerce business, ways to come up with product ideas and what’s working for Mike now when it comes to his Facebook ads strategy.We’ll also talk about what are some pitfalls you absolutely need to be aware of if you’re getting into the e-commerce space, and he shares what his Facebook ads “Marketing Trifecta Sales Funnel” looks like. Mike also explains why he clears his email list on a daily
Bonus: FB Ads Q&A! Boosting Posts, Ad Fatigue & More from SMMW
16/03/2018 Duration: 31minToday I have another bonus episode for you, where I share a Q&A session I gave to attendees at the recent Social Media Marketing World held in San Diego. As you’ll hear, we cover a lot of ground here and the questions came from experienced Facebook ad managers as well as people just starting to use Facebook ads. One person I spoke with even shares how he made $500,000 in sales of an ad spend of $10,000.Like I talk about a lot here on the podcast, even though the new Facebook algorithm is the “elephant in the room” that has advertisers worried, there’s really no need to panic if they are focusing on adding value and promoting engagement based on solid content. On the Show Today You’ll Learn: How to tell when your Facebook ad campaign is fatigued, and how you can troubleshoot if it isWays to attract listeners to a new podcast, even if you don’t already have an audienceWhat to consider when looking at a lifetime ad budget versus a daily oneHow my two-step approach for minimizing audience overlap can help yo
[Case Study] How Rachael Welch Turned a $223 Facebook Ads Spend Into $46,000
14/03/2018 Duration: 49minOn today’s episode, my guest is Rachael Welch, a marketer who is sharing her results from a recent launch that she helped a client with. Rachael posted about it in our Facebook group and it caught my eye, as she turned a $223.50 ad spend (in Aussie dollars) into almost $46,000 US!As you’ll hear, Rachael helps people who are want to create, launch and sell an online course with the goal of moving towards and evergreen model. Perhaps most impressive is that Facebook ads aren’t really what she does on a day-to-day basis, but by testing some great strategies she got amazing results.Rachael shares all her numbers, including how many people ended up registering and attending the webinar, the final sales (including those from the email follow-ups after the webinar) and costs per lead…A big part of what we talk about today is the mindset shifts required around creating online courses. The truth is that you really don’t have to have a perfect course created before testing the idea and selling it, as long as you have a
Bonus: 3 eCommerce Strategies Working Right Now with Steve Chou
09/03/2018 Duration: 09minOn today’s episode, I’m sharing more of what happened at last week’s Social Media Marketing World in San Diego. As mentioned in the previous episode, I recorded some live audio interviews as well as some Q&A from people who were at my session on Facebook ad custom audiences. One person that I spoke with was my buddy Steve Chou, from He and his wife also have an e-commerce business selling handkerchiefs called Bumblebee Linens, and as well Steve was a past guest on The Art of Paid Traffic on Episode 140. In this impromptu interview with Steve, he shares three e-commerce strategies that are working very well for him right now. As you’ll hear, these strategies are practical, actionable and easy to implement! On the Show Today You’ll Learn: How Steve is using chatbots on a free offer to get email and messenger subscribersWays to use live chat, FAQs and automated response to add people to your messenger subscriber listFacebook’s broad match dynamic product ads can be an easy way to targ