The 80s cartoon podcast where Cobra Commander rules the world while eating C3POs cereal.Where we review an 80's cartoon for your pleasure. This podcast has 3 hilarious hosts that keep you entertained and laughing.
Episode 13 - Voltron and I'll form the head!
31/10/2009 Duration: 37minEpisode 13 - Voltron. This week jump into your robot lion and help us protect the planet Arus from the evil King Zarkon. This week we review Season 1, Episode 24: Raid of the Alien Mice. Defend the gates of the Castle of Lions from the greatest threat the universe has ever seen ROBIT MICE THAT KNOW BOXING!!!
Episode 12 - My Little Pony PWNS your face!
21/10/2009 Duration: 34minEpisode 12 - My Little Pony and Friends. This week follow the gang to the magical wonderful Ponyland as this week we review two episodes for your listening pleasure. Season 1, Episode 20: Pony Puppy & Season 1, Episode 40: Would Be Dragonslayer. Join us as we visit majestic Paradise Estate where the biggest problem facing the ponies is raising a dog. And help a pansy get his knighthood. I know dragon slaying could be dangerous but around these adorable little ponies even that is cute!
Episode 11 - Silverhawks are Super Slick!
12/10/2009 Duration: 35minEpisode 11 - Silverhawks Join the gang as we dip ourselves into liquid hot steel to become partly metal, partly real to team up with the Silverhawks to fight the evil Mon*Star. This week we review Season 1, Episode 1: The Origin Story. Robot Darth Maul vs. Space Squid NUFF SAID!!!
Episode 10 - D-d-d-ducktales Oo-oo!
02/10/2009 Duration: 28minEpisode 10 - Ducktales Join the gang and we venture to Duckburg to solve a mystery or rewrite history because this week we review Ducktales Season 1, Episode 5: Too Much of a Gold Thing. Come cure your gold fever as we venture deep into The Valley of the Golden Suns. Don't worry I'm opening all three doors -hic-!
Episode 9 - Thundercats are Totally Tubular!
24/09/2009 Duration: 30minEpisode 9 - Thundercats Hold on tight as the gang jumps ships from their homeworld of Thundera and makes course for Third World. This week we review Thundercats Season 1, Episode 9: The Garden of Delights. Come get your drug fix as Tygra becomes a junkie for Silky's fruit. Just remember kids don't lick the snozzberries.
Episode 8 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shocked!
13/09/2009 Duration: 32minEpisode 8 - Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesWatch out for stray shots from the dreaded retro-mutagen gun because this week the gang is reviewing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Season 1 Episode 5: Shredded & Splintered. Join us as we sneak into the Technodrome to smash Shredder and Krang. And stop their evil plans of making the fabulous foursome into a delicious bowl of turtle soup.
Episode 6 - M.A.S.K. is so macho
04/09/2009 Duration: 32minEpisode 6 - M.A.S.K.The gang is back catching up on the allusive episode 6! This time we review M.A.S.K., Season 1, Episode 1: The Deathstone. Stay close to our sides kids as we go on a thrilling adventure with the Mobile Armored Strike Kommand (they are clever but they can't spell) to do battle with the most ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world, COBRA ... I mean V.E.N.O.M.!
Episode 7 - Care Bears are Crazy go nuts!
24/08/2009 Duration: 30minEpisode 7 - Care BearsBecause we can't count the gang brings to you this week episode 7 - Care Bears! This week we review Season 4, Episode 9: Beautiful Dreamer / Care Bear Carneys. Come with us as we float up to Care-a-lot to help Love-a-lot and friends do battle with the evil Beastly and Shrieky, all because Shrieky wants to sing.
Episode 5 - G.I. Joe is a real american hero
16/08/2009 Duration: 32minEpisode 5 - G.I. JoeThe gang is back reminding everyone why we loved G.I. Joe and hate the movie. This week we review the two part episode from Season 1, Episode 54 & 55: There's No Place Like Springfield. Tag along with Shipwreck as he gets a proper mind melt in his hometown of Springfield, just be careful and don't get any synthoid on your shoe.
Episode 4 - Captin N is gnarly
07/08/2009 Duration: 35minEpisode 4 - Captain N The Game MasterHoly Nintendo Mega Man it's a Captain N episode! This week the gang reviews Cody's Achilles heal, something video game related, an episode from Season 1, Episode 4 - Videolympics. Visit Mount Icarus for the greatest Olympics showdown since the games took place in our hometown of Salt Lake City.
Episode 3 - Superfriends = super radical
31/07/2009 Duration: 41minEpisode 3 - SuperfriendsIn honor of the almighty comic-con this week the gang reviews a SuperFriends : The Legendary Super Powers Show (say that 10 times fast), Episode from Season 1, Episode 5: Island of the Dinosoids / Uncle Mxyzptlk. Visit Metropolis and witness Mr. Mzyzptlk forget his pants while taking a young Superman to the zoo. Also visit the quaint little island lost somewhere inbetween Metropolis and Japan, where everything has a dinosaur counterpart.
Episode 2 - He-man is bad to the bone
24/07/2009 Duration: 29minEpisode 2 - He-manBy the power of Grayskull it's a He-man episode! This week the gang reviews a He-man episode from Season 1, Episode 25 - Evilseed. Visit Eternia and watch as He-man and Skeletor team up to battle the evil vile despicable talking artichoke EVILSEED!!!
Episode 1 - Transformers to the max
16/07/2009 Duration: 30minEpisode 1 - TransformersThe gang reviews a Transformer's episode from Season 2, Episode 46 - Starscreams's Brigade. Visit Cybertron and witness Starscream's attempt at overthrowing Megatron, while getting shot in the balls with lasers. Good time and good ball shots.