The 80s cartoon podcast where Cobra Commander rules the world while eating C3POs cereal.Where we review an 80's cartoon for your pleasure. This podcast has 3 hilarious hosts that keep you entertained and laughing.
Episode 74 - Alf Tales
24/11/2020 Duration: 58minAnother sign that 2020 spells the end - the gang from 80s Cartoon Podcast actually recorded a new episode!! After 4 years, we return to give you the same immature content you've always loved or hated us for. This time we are reviewing Alf Tales - A cartoon series where each episode Alf acts out a popular fairy tale or story and zaniness ensues. Specifically we watch Alf Tales, Season 1, Episode 12 For those of you that see this pop up in your podcast feed, thanks for sticking with us during our absence and not hitting the unsubscribe button
Episode 73 - Camp Candy
07/10/2016 Duration: 01h08minEpisode 73 - Camp Candy. We're doing our best John Candy impersonation and coming back from the dead (I don't even get that joke). This week we review Season 1, Episode 13: Christmas in July. I can't think of anything better than having the gang back after a year long absence to review a John Candy cartoon based on Christmas, that takes place in July, during the month of Halloween! Oh yeah and sorry about the story that takes WAY TOOOOOO long to get to the payoff.
Episode 72 - KissyFur
19/01/2015 Duration: 01h01minWe're back! ...This time we brought Kissyfur with us! Also, small disclaimer... There was a lot to edit out of this episode but it was taking an insane amount of time so we gave up on the edits half way through... enjoy as we completely lose all sense of the fact that the whole internet can hear how dumb we can get. We have nothing to hide now :)
Episode 71 - TigerSharks
03/01/2015 Duration: 01h34minEpisode 71 - TigerSharks. Bear with us as this week's episode goes completely off the rails as we sit down to watch TigerSharks Season 1, Episode 1/2: The Fish Tank. Join the podcasters as we jump into Walro's fish tank to swim with Mako and the crew ... it was shortly after this that we forgot what we were reviewing and all hell breaks loose. Um enjoy ... ?
Episode 70 - Dinosaucers
16/10/2014 Duration: 01h36minEpisode 70 - Dinosaucers. So we are back with undoubtedly the greatest worst episode of all time. This time the guys and gal Dinovolve up (or maybe down) with the Dinosaucers to battle against the evil Tyrannos. This week we watched Dinosaucers Season 01, Episode 1: Dinosaur Valley. You'd think after helping the Dinosaucers vanquish Genghis Rex (and by that we mean make fun of) they'd at least make us honorary members of the Secret Scouts ... well they didn't and now we have to find a better way to get close to Sara Spencer.
Episode 69 - Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light
25/03/2014 Duration: 01h37minEpisode 69 - Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light. Put on your hologram chest plate and get ready to animorph into a dingo, because this week go unicorn horn huntin! This week we review Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light season 01 Episode 09: Horn of Unicorn, Claw of Dragon. This cartoon was amazing! What other cartoon has it's protagonists give the antagonists a heartfelt toast?
Episode 68 - Disney's Halloween Treat
23/10/2013 Duration: 01h38minEpisode 68 - Disney's Halloween Treat. Get out your pumpkins and costumes we're going trick or treating! This week the gang tackles Disney's Halloween Treat, a show aired in the 80s filled with cartoons from the 40s and has nothing to do with Halloween ... so I'm sure listening to this weeks episode will be a great way to spend the next 2 hours.
Episode 66 - Madballs.
26/07/2013 Duration: 01h32minEpisode 66 - Madballs. What if I told you we go an hour and a half talking about Madballs and we don't make a single testes joke. You are in luck i think a couple slipped past! This week Season 1 Episode 1 Madballs - Escape from Orb. Join the crew as we parody 50s rock and roll hits while doing battle with the nefarious Badballs!
Episode 66 - Rambo
13/07/2013 Duration: 01h59minEpisode 66 - Rambo. Tighten up your headbands and strap on your bow and arrow because this week we join up with John Rambo to throw our gun at the evil General Warhawk. This week we review Rambo: The Force of Freedom S.01 E13 - Raid on Las Vegas. How would you like to listen to three people talk for two full hours about a movie they've never seen?!? Oh boy this week's episode will prove to be very informative!
Episode 65 - E3 2013
22/06/2013 Duration: 01h52minEpisode 65 - E3 2013 Wrap up. This week we break from our standard format as E3 was kind enough to grant Cody and Diana media access to E3 2013! So this week we talk for two hours about our thoughts on everything we saw and played, and sneak in a lot of talk about Man of Steel (SPOILER ALERT IS IN FULL EFFECT). So if your here for a cartoon wrap up only ... ignore this week and we'll be back next week with our regular scheduled programming.
Episode 64 - Bionic Six
30/05/2013 Duration: 01h32minEpisode 64 - Bionic Six. Well we've done it ... I think we've recorded our most offensive episode ever. Who would have thought it would have came from watching an episode of Bionix Six, well in our defense we did watch S01E09 - A Little Handicapped. Join us as we try to find the line that shouldn't be crossed when talking about the less fortunate ... so we can go WAY over it.
Episode 63 - The Incredible Hulk
16/05/2013 Duration: 01h27minEpisode 63 - The Incredible Hulk Hold onto your gamma ray inducing Transmat Teleporter (copyright 1983) because this week we get angry watching S1 Ep 13 of the Incredible Hulk - The Hulk who Destroys Bruce Banner!
Episode 62 - Super Mario Brothers Super Show
25/04/2013 Duration: 01h24minEpisode 62 - Super Mario Brothers Super Show. You have a princess in another castle that needs saving? Then join us to do the saving in the most 80s way possible ... BMX Race-Off!!! This week we review S.01 E.11 of the Super Mario Brothers Super Show - Mama Mia Mario/The Great BMX Race. Quite possibly the greatest 80s cartoon that ever spun off and created a hit game franchise (or was it the other way around?!?) .. although Bart vs. the Space Mutants and G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor for the NES might say otherwise.
Episode 61 - The Raggy Dolls
16/04/2013 Duration: 01h20minEpisode 61 - The Raggy Dolls This week we reach deep into the reject bin, don't worry we didn't invite Jared back for another podcast, instead we reviewed UK favorite The Raggy Dolls Season 01 Episode 02 - The Big Top. Join us as we learn a valuable lesson in tolerance and humility (yeah right you know that isn't going to happen).
Episode 60 - G.I. Joe the Movie
09/03/2013 Duration: 01h58minEpisode 60 - G.I. Joe the Movie. Cobra-la-la-la-la-la!!! Thats right kids this week the crew jumps in their trouble bubbles and joins forces with the Joes to drop some double ax handle slams on Nemesis Enforcer! This week we review G.I. Joe: the Movie ... and not the shitty Channing Tatum one either, the real one where Duke dies .. I mean goes into a coma.
Episode 59 - Garfield and Friends
21/01/2013 Duration: 01h29minEpisode 59 - Garfield and Friends. This week we take longer than normal to get to the cartoon, but it's for a very good reason, Cody's got a story about how his Christmas tree got Goldberg speared by his drunk friend. After that we jump right into the mud with Orson, Roy, and Wade ... Garfield's friends!!! This week we review Season 2 Episode 28: Binky Goes Bad! / Barn of Fear / Mini-Mall Matters.
Episode 58 - Cartoon All Stars To The Rescue
06/11/2012 Duration: 01h22minEpisode 58 - Cartoon All Stars To The Rescue. Listen this week as Barbara Bush tries her darndest to get us to say no to drugs. This week we review Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue. Take a trippy journey with the crew as we toke the reef and party on down with Huey, Dewey, Louie, Michelangelo, Papa Smurf, Bugs Bunny, Winnie the Pooh, Garfield (used without permission), Slimer, Alf ... god damn ... every badass cartoon ever ... minus anyone from G.I. Joe.
Episode 57 - Galaxy High
17/10/2012 Duration: 01h24minEpisode 57 - Galaxy High. Strap on your brain blaster paraphernalia and get ready to drop some dope space drugs (do kids still say dope?) as this week we get accepted into Galaxy High. This week we review Season 1, Episode 9: The Brain Blaster. After watching Galaxy High all I can say is Earth needs to tap into space drugs! The drugs here make you shitty at school space drugs make you smart!?! You get messed up AND get to be smart ... this podcast can use a double dose.
Episode 56 - Defenders of the Earth
03/09/2012 Duration: 01h39minEpisode 56 - Defenders of the Earth. Fast forward to the year 2015 and help us do battle with the nefarious Ming the Merciless from the ice planet Mongo, because this week we watched Defenders of the Earth Season 01 Episode 01 - "Escape from Mongo". This episode we dive head first into a DF fest of do-goodery and trek all over Earth and Mongo to half-assly attempt to save Flash Gordon's wife Dale Arden (not Gordon).
Episode 55 – Strawberry Shortcake
15/06/2012 Duration: 01h10minAfter much delay we are back and this time we've brought the cutest fruitface around. This week we review The World of Strawberry Shortcake, Season 01 Episode 01. Join us as we romp through the finest strawberry field this side of the rainbow, as we force the meanest, nastiest heel (The Peculiar Purple Pie Man of Porcupine Peak) to do a face turn and become our strawberry field bitch.