Health with a Dose of Humor
How Alkaline Diets and Alkaline Water Get It Wrong
06/04/2020 Duration: 50minProponents of alkaline diets and alkaline water get it wrong. Why aren’t pH altered waters and “alkaline” diets the cure-all we’ve been told? My view on pH is based on hard-earned personal knowledge, working to regain my health. Here’s what I’ve learned… Full Notes
Natural Ways to Help Anxiety and Stress
26/03/2020 Duration: 36minI'm always looking for natural ways to help anxiety and stress. Both in myself and with clients. If you're stuck at home waiting for a virus, or another life issue has you struggling and fearful, you're dealing with acute anxiety. But many of us deal with chronic anxiety as well. I was in my 50's before I finally realized I'd been struggling with anxiety all my life but never recognized it. That shocked me so much I decided to see if others were experiencing unacknowledged anxiety, and if so, offer natural help for reducing anxiety. Full notes
Preventative Support for Virus and Flu
17/03/2020 Duration: 41minPreventative support for virus and flu is different from what to do if you get sick. The better your health the better your recovery. Don't take Echinacea or other immune boosters when you are well. It can cause problems. Save it for when/if you get sick. People with chronic respiratory issues, especially older people in less than optimal health or on immune-suppressant drugs seem to be more at risk for Corona. But the virus can take hold of anyone with a weakened immune system. FULL NOTES
Are Bone Broth and Collagen Safe with Herpes?
11/02/2020 Duration: 42minAre bone broth and collagen safe with Herpes or Epstein Barr viruses? If you are using collagen powder or bone broth for your daily soup or smoothie you may be making a mistake. Broth and Collagen can be excellent protein choices when you are well. But if you struggle with recurring Herpes, Shingles or EBV these protein foods feed Retroviruses with high Arginine. More on Website
Heavy Metals in Baby Food: What to Avoid
05/02/2020 Duration: 27minA large 2019 study found heavy metals in baby foods. Dozens of well-known brands and products were tested. Arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury were found in 95% of the 13 types of products tested: cereals, snack foods, fruits, juices and vegetables. Smaller tests have been run but this was a large study of 168 products in 61 brands. "Healthy Babies Bright Futures" study was published in Consumer Reports and many industry journals in October 2019. Full Notes
1 in 200 Have Genetic Iron Overload. Are You the ONE?
30/12/2019 Duration: 51minGenetic iron overload is greatly under-diagnosed. Males over 30 and post-menopausal females may accumulate dangerous amounts of iron in body tissues and never know it. It may be the cause of joint pain, heart disease, liver disease, impotence, diabetes, low immunity and more. 1 in 100 - 200 Americans have the complete genetic mutation for Hemochromatosis. 1 in 9 of European descent may be gene carriers. Are YOU the ONE in the room? VIEW MORE
Emu Oil for Skin and Vaginal Health
17/11/2019 Duration: 34minI’ve recently started topical Walkabout Emu Oil for skin and vaginal comfort. I take the capsules daily for Vitamin K2 and Omega 3’s but had never used it topically until recently. I was treating Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and needed some pain and inflammation support. But what was safe to use there? AH! Of course, my trusty Walkabout… Full notes here
How Sensory Overload Makes You Feel Tired, Sick and Bloated
05/11/2019 Duration: 47minSensory Overload can cause fatigue, inability to fight infections, and poor digestion. It can contribute to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and painful muscle tension too. Full Show Notes
Are Your Adrenals Affecting Your Thyroid?
21/10/2019 Duration: 34minThe adrenal and thyroid connection is often missed by doctors checking only the thyroid. Understanding how these glands affect each other helps you address adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism at the same time. The goal of all natural health care is to resolve the cause of the problem, not just the symptom. If you’re treating your thyroid lab numbers but not checking adrenal function you may be missing something! More Info
Heart Disease, Lipids & Cholesterol with Chris Masterjohn
28/09/2019 Duration: 56minUnderstand lipids and cholesterol with Chris Masterjohn. Take a plunge into the chemistry of arteries, fats, the island nations of Polynesia and much more. Masterjohn writes and podcasts on all things lipid plus a huge variety of nutritional science topics. Like many of us in wellness, Chris began to study human nutrition after a health challenge - a frightening foray into veganism. Severe anxiety disorders and a cholesterol plunge to 106 sent him to the Weston Price Foundation for answers. Fats, a lot of fats, especially saturated fats, changed his life.
Mouth Taping for Dry Mouth, CPAP and Snoring
14/09/2019 Duration: 49minMouth taping for dry mouth, CPAP and snoring is my topic on this Primal Diet - Modern Health podcast with Nicholas Michalak. I don't use a CPAP machine and I don't mouth breathe during the day but I learned years ago I was mouth breathing at night. I've been taping my mouth at night ever since. FULL NOTES
Regenerative Grazing for Soil and Climate Health
21/08/2019 Duration: 41minWhat is Regenerative Grazing? How does soil affect climate, and how do cows and other ruminants have such an important role to play? In this Primal Diet - Modern Health podcast I speak with Judith Schwartz, author of one of my favorite books, to expand on these topics. "Cows Save the Planet" subtitles include: "Unmaking the deserts, rethinking climate change, bringing back biodiversity, and restoring nutrients to our food". Whew! That's a lot but Judith makes it readable and clear. Highly recommended for science students and the rest of us who think eating less meat helps the environment. But factory fed meats and feedlots are indeed part of the problem. The wastes of corn and soy fed cattle are collected in huge lagoons, an anaerobic breeding place for methane gases. Grass fed ruminants (cattle, bison, sheep, deer, giraffe, camels, antelopes) chew their cud. They have split hooves which, when on pasture, mix waste, rain and saliva into the soil, fertilize it and aerate it.
Simple Reasons for Chronic Fatigue
09/08/2019 Duration: 34minHere’s 10 simple reasons for chronic fatigue. Get your energy back! Low energy and fatigue are common complaints in my clinic. The causes can be complex or simple. People often focus on one extreme or the other – either one supplement “should” fix it all, or it must be a serious illness. It will be a combination of things and it’s your job to fix them. Your doctor cannot do these for you! Self-experimentation and self-observation are key, along with good advice on where to start. Do one thing at a time and watch for changes. If you’re feeling well one day and poorly the next, what did you do differently? Keep track to find your own top causes of fatigue. FULL LIST
The Secret Reason Why Keto is So Popular
28/07/2019 Duration: 30minMy secret reason why Keto is popular? My ideas may make you laugh or may make you mad, but hey it's just a blog, right? I've always started new clients with a hard look at diet rather than selling supplements and lab tests. "Food First" is my "Primal Diet - Modern Health" podcast motto. Clients may rebel and just want pills, but the goal is to FIX problems, not take people's money for a month or two while they continue to eat and live badly. FULL SHOW NOTES
Herpes and Shingles Best and Worst Foods
18/07/2019 Duration: 39minI have decades of personal experience with the best and worst foods for Herpes. With Primary Immunodeficiency, my immune system is genetically low. Even with weekly Gamma Globulin infusions I have to watch for Herpes food triggers. Full notes HERE
The Best Herbs for Natural Allergy Support
31/10/2018 Duration: 33minUsing these herbs for natural allergy support can change your life. Effective and safe, you won't need traditional anti-histamines or harmful steroids. Full notes Here
Intermittent Fasting Pros and Cons For Women
05/06/2018 Duration: 34minBefore listing intermittent fasting pros and cons for women, first realize there is no single definition of Intermittent Fasting. Full Story
Castor Oil for Dry Eye Relief
12/04/2018 Duration: 35minI use castor oil for dry eye relief. I'm prone to red itchy eyes, Blepharitis and crusty specks on my eyelashes when I wake up. I had my eye doctor check for erosion of the cornea or bacterial infection, then I began using increased EPA/DHA, warm compresses, eye massage (see below) and castor oil for my dry eyes. This also works for Demodex lash infection. Full Show notes at
The Gut-Adrenal Connection with Michael Ruscio
12/03/2018 Duration: 52minThe Gut-Adrenal connection with Michael Ruscio. The #1 cause of adrenal fatigue may be poor gut health, as Cortisol levels and fatigue may be unrelated if gut inflammation is present. Dr. Ruscio spoke with me about other surprising areas where gut health affects us. Hormones, immune, brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, depression and bacterial imbalances are all affected by inflammation in the gut. Fiber and Probiotics may not be right for us and we talk about why. FULL STORY
Freeze Dried Foods for Healthier Cats
18/01/2018 Duration: 37minServe freeze dried foods for healthier cats, reduce vet bills and have happier cats. Freeze-dried cat foods cost more per serving but can change your cat's life. Don't let them suffer kidney failure, UTI's, obesity and scruffy coats. Full Notes