Health with a Dose of Humor
The Oral Microbiome and Dental Health for Babies
20/12/2017 Duration: 50minIn "The Dental Diet", Dr. Steven Lin writes on dental health for babies and toddlers and the wonders of the oral Microbiome. Lin gives terrific info on the health of your airway, tongue, jaws and gut. In this fast-moving Primal Diet - Modern Health podcast we talk about the role of Vitamin K2, how Weston A . Price changed nutrition and dentistry, and how to help your kids grow better jaws to hold straight teeth with fewer braces and extractions. And more.... Full Story
Lies Your Doctor Told You with Ken Berry, MD
22/11/2017 Duration: 55minLies My Doctor Told Me" - book review and podcast with Dr. Ken Berry. This helpful book covers 17 "Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health". Berry questioned his conventional medical training when he tried to lose weight. He cut saturated fats, started jogging, ate more whole grains and promptly gained 10 more pounds. He found Robb Wolf's "The Paleo Solution" and Mark Sisson's "The Primal Blueprint" and hasn't looked back. "Lies My Doctor Told Me" covers 17 topics. We discuss 8 in this Primal Diet - Modern Health Podcast. (Find over 135 of my other podcasts here or on my website). Thanks for listening and find Dr. Berry's book here on Amazon. Full Notes can be found at
How to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Food
15/11/2017 Duration: 33minTreat Irritable Bowel Syndrome with food, and go for a lasting resolution. If you have diarrhea, oily stools, gas or gut pain, my version of the Elimination Diet and Low Fodmaps Diet for IBS is worth a try. NOTE: THIS WON'T BE EASY BUT THE PAYOFF CAN BE HUGE! IBS at its simplest is just two things: incomplete digestion and improper absorption of food (they're different). Inflammation of the gut and yeast or bacterial overgrowth are part of IBS. They may have started after antibiotics. Or from a lifetime of grains and sugars... Elimination diets such as Low FODMAPS, GAPS, Paleo and The Specific Carbohydrate Diet all help but I never found any of them to achieve the permanent improvement you need. My diet combines parts from all four. Try it on whatever digestive or bowel issue you have. (See below for exceptions). More Information at Website
Can Eggs Cause Gallbladder Problems?
20/09/2017 Duration: 44minCan eggs cause Gallbladder Problems? Yes! I have seen many client's digestive and Gallbladder symptoms improve after eliminating eggs. What Does the Gallbladder Do? The liver makes bile and sends it to the Gallbladder tucked under the liver. It concentrates and stores bile until needed to digest fats in your food. The Gallbladder is connected to the top of the small intestine (the Duodenum) by a bile duct. As you eat, the gallbladder pumps bile through the duct and into the intestine, emulsifying fats for digestion by the enzyme Lipase. These fats carry the fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, K and E throughout the body. Gallbladder/Biliary Dysfunction There are ducts in the liver bringing bile to the Gallbladder as well as the duct going from the Gallbladder to the Small Intestine. All of this can become inflamed and congested with bacteria, cholesterol, stones, and other waxy substances ("sludge"). This is often overlooked by patients and doctors who don't monitor the biliary system until a gall bladder attack sets
Latin American Paleo Cooking: Book Review
12/09/2017 Duration: 49minLatin American Paleo Cooking is a terrific new book of authentic Latin foods using Paleo substitutes for flour and sugar. You'll find plantains, cassava flour, potato, coconut flour, tapioca starch and more. Author Amanda Torres (The Curious Coconut) adapted her Puerto Rican mother-in-law's family recipes to a Paleo-safe diet. Amanda holds a Masters in Neuroscience and used Paleo foods and lifestyle principles to lose 80 pounds and recover from IBS and the auto-immune skin disorder H.S. Having found Tara Grant's wonderful book on this disorder ("The Hidden Plague") Amanda was inspired to go Keto, heal her Leaky Gut and get her immune system under control. But she missed those Latin foods! (Listen to my podcast with Tara Grant on healing autoimmune disorders with diet awareness here). "Latin American Paleo Cooking" has 80 recipes without grains or dairy and most are Autoimmune Paleo adapted. Starchy roots, tubers, and fruits make the dough for the many types of fritters, pancakes and turnovers featured here.
10 Tips and Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue Repair
21/08/2017 Duration: 36minThe correct supplements for adrenal fatigue changed my life more than once. First diagnosed with low cortisol after a heat stroke in 1987, I fell to almost complete adrenal failure in 2001 after severe Epstein Barr Virus. My goal has always been to repair the adrenals, not just take things for fatigue. I never went on the steroids I was told I'd need. I took rebuilding supplements and made changes in my life. Want more energy? REPAIR the Adrenals and Thyroid. Don't overcome "fatigue" with coffee or other stimulants. Here's some very personal tips and supplements for adrenal fatigue repair. 5 Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue Passion Flower calms body and mind to help you sleep, focus, and overcome anxiety. To repair the adrenals you have to fix the "wired" before you fix the "tired". Licorice makes Cortisol last longer. You want this kind from Amazon, not this one with Glycyrrhizzin removed. That works for reflux and ulcers. Or get Licorice tincture to add to your water during the day (don't take it aft
Adrenal Fatigue and Heat Stroke
02/08/2017 Duration: 32minPrevent adrenal fatigue, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion with real salt to keep you hydrated. Himalayan or Sun-Dried Solar salts are essential to electrolyte balance. (See my Electrolyte Hydration Drink below). Water alone will not hydrate you. In fact.... Too much plain water can flush away your minerals With adrenal fatigue, we tend to excrete salt and be somewhat dehydrated since the cells can't hold water without salt. If you then become overheated, you can experience heat exhaustion or, even worse, heat stroke from the dehydration. The reverse is true too. If you have had heat exhaustion, it can damage your adrenals and lead to chronic fatigue. I know this -- it happened to me. Heat never bothered me until I did the 6-Day Course - similar to the old Outward Bound program. Spend a few days conquering your fears by jumping off cliffs with a zip-line, running uphill, and various physical and mental exertions. Crowded bunk cabins had no A/C and bathrooms were far away. Water was not encouraged nor was sal
5 Tips For Choosing Safer Sunscreen
19/07/2017 Duration: 28minChoosing safer sunscreen? Avoid synthetic chemicals that absorb through the skin, get correct protection, and soak up some Vitamin D while you're at it. Here's how, including numerous links at the bottom of the page... Five types of sunscreens 1). Organic Filters: synthetic chemical combos that absorb sun's radiation, preventing it from entering the skin. Here's a case where the word "organic" is bad. 2). Traditional Mineral Sunscreens reflect damaging rays. Most include zinc oxide or titanium oxide. They appear white on the skin since they reflect light. 3). Nano-Mineral sunscreens have tiny nano-particles of zinc and titanium oxide. Their safety is questioned as they may penetrate the skin, but they're still safer than organic filters. 4). Clothes and shade work well! 5). Healthy skin burns less. The Paleo Diet may change your tanning future. Sunscreen ingredients to avoid Oxybenzone is common in commercial sunscreens. Linked to elevated estrogen, endometriosis and allergic reactions. Retinyl Palmitate is
Avoiding Hidden Gluten at Home and at Play
04/07/2017 Duration: 33minAvoiding hidden gluten? Avoiding gluten in bread is easy, but you need help to find the rest of it. Whether you’re Celiac, gluten-sensitive, or eating Ancestral or Paleo, finding hidden exposure to gluten can be life-changing. It was for me – breathing a tiny bit of oat dust in my pony’s feed was enough to keep my Celiac antibodies elevated. Perhaps even more important? The impact your gluten can have on others. Help enlighten friends and family with this article. Full Article
Benefits of Taping Your Mouth at Night
26/05/2017 Duration: 50minTaping your mouth at night improves the microbiome of the mouth and gut, increases energy, improves sleep, snoring, and allergies, and calms anxiety. I've been mouth taping at night for 15 years! This Primal Diet - Modern Health podcast gives details on how and why to tape and other ideas to reduce snoring and allergies. The info is here in this blog post as well. Key Concept: The mouth is for eating. The nose is for breathing. Taping your mouth at night is the natural and correct way your body wants to breathe When we snore or breathe through the mouth we deplete carbon dioxide - an essential blood gas that needs to be in balance with oxygen. Slowing the breath and breathing through the nose help increase carbon dioxide and can improve whole body chemistry. Topics I cover on this Podcast: Why you get deeper sleep and less snoring How taping your mouth can improve asthma and allergies Improving dental health and breath Achieving a calmer mind The benefits of Nitric Oxide and Carbon Dioxide How to tape Lin
Using Functional Medicine to Reclaim Your Life
09/05/2017 Duration: 51minAre you using Functional Medicine to get well? Working with a practitioner who takes the time to review your lifestyle and food, and run better labs that give deeper insights? Do you and your provider have the same point of view - that everything you do, your living environment, your genetics, your emotions and your Microbiome all affect you? In this podcast with Susan Blum, MD our topic is using Functional Medicine to get well. We talk about genetics, Nature and Nurture, elimination diets, the power of Silence, and that keyword - inflammation. Whether your practitioner calls themselves Functional, Integrative, Holistic or Naturopathic, the goal is to change your future as well as your present. Topics we cover in this Primal Diet - Modern Health podcast WHY is my issue occurring and what can be done to fix the cause, not the symptom? What is "whole person medicine?" Why random supplements won't fix you How to be a good patient Links to things Dr. Susan Blum mentions Find more about the specialty of Funct
Walkabout Emu Oil Superfood with Dr. Will Schlinsog
26/04/2017 Duration: 48minWalkabout Emu Oil is a completely unique superfood. Genetically unique male emu live on this oil for 54 days sitting full-time on the eggs. It's their only nutrition! These emus are not ordinary breeds harvested for meat, cosmetic oil or feathers. They are carefully raised to produce this amazing Omega 3, 7 and 9 oil rich in Vitamin K2. Walkabout Emu Oil facts Emu Oil is the richest natural source of Vitamin K2 MK-4 in the world. K2 places calcium in the body where it needs to go and can remove it from arteries, bone spurs and arthritic joints. The abundant Omega fats in Emu Oil replace fish oil. Yay! As a completely whole food it contains many other nutrients in their natural form. Listen in to my Primal Diet - Modern Health podcast with Dr. Will Schlinsog, the exclusive importer of Walkabout Emu Oil with his wife Elizabeth. Highlights of this podcast on Walkabout Emu Oil Emu Oil is a potent anti-inflammatory, useful for gut inflammation, skin disorders and auto-immune issues of all types It took 2
The Wahls Protocol Cooking For Life Book Review
05/04/2017 Duration: 44minThe Wahls Protocol Cooking For Life book review and podcast highlights unique food and well-organized eating plans. Excellent nutrient-dense recipes and lifestyle suggestions support autoimmune or other chronic health issues. This is the third podcast I’ve done with Dr. Wahls. Find others here and here. Wahls neatly offers 3 levels of the Wahls Diet for... Keep Reading > The post The Wahls Protocol Cooking For Life Book Review appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Wired to Eat Book Review with Robb Wolf
12/03/2017 Duration: 01h05sHere’s a fun Wired to Eat book review with Robb Wolf and his interview with Beverly Meyer. It’s a Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast chat with all the scoop on Robb and his second book. Robb talks about his health history and his time as a Vegan struggling with Ulcerative Colitis. Then his breakthrough by... Keep Reading > The post Wired to Eat Book Review with Robb Wolf appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Why is Rosita Cod Liver Oil So Good For You?
24/02/2017 Duration: 52minWhy is Rosita Cod Liver Oil so good for you? Here’s the story! Rosita was founded by Archie Welch, co-founder of offering products for the Autism Spectrum. His concern over reports of digestive stress and illness with Green Pasture Fermented Cod Oil led him to Norway and the rediscovery of ancient methods for harvesting Cod... Keep Reading > The post Why is Rosita Cod Liver Oil So Good For You? appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Heal Your Pain Now Book Review and Interview
27/01/2017 Duration: 01h02min“Heal Your Pain Now” is a new kind of pain resolution book. Joe Tatta is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a foundation in the Paleo Diet. He has several chapters on diet, then on movement, managing your mind and how perception affects healing. There are easy recipes and multiple supplement suggestions. Available here on... Keep Reading > The post Heal Your Pain Now Book Review and Interview appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
Best Grains For Gluten Free Diets: Podcast
12/01/2017 Duration: 36minWhat are the best grains for Gluten Free Diets or Paleo? Here’s my experience choosing from the grains and pseudo-grains to see what digests best for me. The trick is preparing them exactly right to improve digestibility. If you’ve been Grain Free, Gluten Free or Paleo for a while, you may find yourself craving grains. But... Keep Reading > The post Best Grains For Gluten Free Diets: Podcast appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
5 Calming Herbs for Sleep, Stress and Anxiety: Podcast
12/12/2016 Duration: 43minTake charge of stress with this Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast on 5 calming herbs for sleep, stress and anxiety. When we get tense. angry or fearful, we don’t sleep well. Calming herbs have been used for 1000’s of years for relaxing, sleep, pain and nervous energy. Learn to use them daily for a... Keep Reading > The post 5 Calming Herbs for Sleep, Stress and Anxiety: Podcast appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
The Thyroid Adrenal Connection: Who’s Controlling Who?
09/11/2016 Duration: 44minThe Thyroid Adrenal Connection is a popular topic on my blog and now there’s a Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast on this hidden connection. If tired adrenals cause low thyroid function, it’s important to fix the adrenals before starting thyroid hormone. Both the thyroid and the adrenal glands are regulated by the Pituitary and... Keep Reading > The post The Thyroid Adrenal Connection: Who’s Controlling Who? appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.
The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook Book Review
25/10/2016 Duration: 54minHere’s “The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook” book review and my Primal Diet – Modern Health podcast with authors Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt. With 5 auto-immune disorders between them, Mickey and Angie share their successes and lifestyle tips for living well with chronic illness. Autoimmune disorders can be hard to diagnose and medical solutions are limited.... Keep Reading > The post The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook Book Review appeared first on Gluten Free Paleo Health Advice | Beverly Meyer | Podcast & Resources.