Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at
Where You Should Put Your Focus
06/09/2023 Duration: 11minWhere You Should Put Your Focus I was speaking with a young man who was doing something familiar. He was living in two realities: 1) He had finished school; one reality was pursuing his dream career. 2) While he worked toward his dream, he earned a job certification to pay the bills. During our conversation, he said something that got my attention. “I’m hoping I can get a good job supporting my dream.” My ears perked up. Years of Coaching allow me to hear de-focused and dream-erasing thoughts loud and clear. Yes, everybody needs to pay their bills. However, what you focus on is what you get. When the certainty of earning income becomes your focus, dreams disappear. What you focus on is what you get. Most folks don’t notice their dreams are gone for twenty years. What you focus on is what you get. Focus your mind and actions on turning your dreams into reality. Whatever you do to earn a living alone falls into the category of necessary and temporary. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Motivation to Always Reach Your Goals
05/09/2023 Duration: 11minMotivation to Always Reach Your Goals You’ve heard if you want success, you must go after your goals with consistency and dedication. You must want it for yourself—more than anybody wants it for you. YOU are the engine that drives your dreams. Others will help, but in the end, your actions are the only thing that will lead to the reward. I remember when my kids got older. I had a talent for manifesting what I wanted in life, and my Son asked, “Dad, how do you always seem to create what you want?” I said, “YOU must decide that you want it before you can get it. You are the engine that drives your dreams.” I laughed when he said, “Is that telling me to make my bed when I was a kid?” One more thing. Some people think when they reach their goals, they can take a break. Not so. Permanent success does not come from temporary actions. Your real reward will be all the new opportunities in your life. Everybody loves a winner. YOU are the engine that drives your dreams. Always remember that. Learn more about your ad ch
How to Succeed at Your Job
04/09/2023 Duration: 11minHow to Succeed at Your Job Have you ever wondered how to become one of those happy and successful people you see everywhere? You might say, “Hmm… what are they doing that I’m not doing?” You might find a clue if you listen to Bill Belichick, the Coach of the New England Patriots. He says, “DO YOUR JOB!” It’s a simple Manta that means you have an assignment and need to execute it. If you have dreams and aspirations, your assignment is to go after it. You need to execute it. If you want a better job or promotion, your assignment is to do the work. You need to execute it. If you want to step up and make more money driving for Uber - you have an assignment. You need to execute it. Anything is possible when you understand your JOB to make it happen. DO YOUR JOB! The rest will take care of itself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Disappear Yourself
01/09/2023 Duration: 12minGrowing up, I was an energetic, enthusiastic, and excitable child. I never let a day go by without challenging something - usually with my mouth. Thanks to those responsible for turning me into a good person, I learned a valuable lesson when they said- “Listen twice as much as you speak. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason.” You’ve heard that before, and in today’s fast-paced world, knowing when to put a zipper on your lips is critical. But I’ve also learned to take that advice to a new level to get what I want. I call it going “Dark.” When you go “Dark,” you have chosen to listen to others less. You are still listening, caring, and interacting with those around you. You’ve decided to listen to yourself twice as much instead. The world we live in today makes it seem as though it’s impossible to get what you want without others. There are endless hours of interacting, Googling, ZOOMing, Texting, and more. It’s like we’ve lost permission to think and do for ourselves. We can’t move forward without the
Asking For Permission is Silly
31/08/2023 Duration: 11minMy friend Sid called to tell me he had found his next big thing. He decided to take flying lessons and couldn't wait to get started. I have always wanted to learn to fly after hearing my Mom's stories over the years. Her father was a contractor in Wilmington, North Carolina. When an airport client couldn't pay, he offered lessons. She was 15 years old. Her stories of landing on the beaches of North Carolina were thrilling. Flying Solo before an arriving hurricane was captivating. We'll forget the fact that she 3-days short of being legally old enough. Her adventurous spirit took control. With a hurricane coming, she wasn't going to ask for permission. She took command, and it put her in the record books. By the time I began flying 50 years later, things were more controlled, and speaking on the radio to Air Traffic Control was required - and challenging. Being nervous, I often found myself asking for permission when I wanted to do something. I would say, "This is Cessna 67508 requesting permission to…" One da
Momentum Freight Train
30/08/2023 Duration: 12minHave you ever found yourself stalled? I had big plans a few years ago, and nothing was moving forward. When I said nothing, others didn't seem to get the memo that I was on a mission. We've all been in situations where nobody will return your call. Your email gets ghosted. You can't seem to get support or commitment for your future world-saving plans. That's what happened to me and caused me to decide to create my momentum. I called it my "Momentum Freight Train." My first use of my new mindset was to get my future wife to take our relationship more seriously. Everything was going great - but not fast enough for me. So, before our next date, I said to myself - "I'm not going to wait for permission. I'm going to build my life, no matter what. If she doesn't join me, I'll ride my momentum to someone who will." It's important to understand that creating your momentum is not negative thinking. On the contrary, people notice attractive energy - and she did. I was off and running with my commitment, and Joi and o
Goals Are Like Hot Donuts
29/08/2023 Duration: 11minHave you noticed that airplanes fly crooked? Heading to their destination, winds attempt to blow them off course. That’s why pilots turn their aircraft into the wind. They call it Wind Correction. The same thing happens when you set a Goal. While you prefer the straight path, you will likely run into winds that will blow you off course. Your spouse disagrees with your plans. Your boss demands more hours. Your kids, friends, and responsibilities keep blowing you further away from your dreams. It’s time to start thinking like a pilot setting a flight plan to a distant city with a Kristy Kreme donut store about to turn in the ‘Hot Donuts’ sign. Keep an eye on your final destination. Always set goals that factor in winds that will blow you off your course. Make minor corrections until you get where you’re heading. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
STOP Being Triggered
28/08/2023 Duration: 13minSTOP Being Triggered Do you ever feel emotionally triggered and tossed off track for the entire day? You are an emotional person. When emotions keep you from logically navigating your day, problems begin. How do you control being triggered? 1) Identify what triggers a response you want or don’t want to experience. 2) Decide how you want to feel when triggered. Make a plan to respond. 3) The next time you are triggered, recognize what is happening and execute your plan. Identify. Decide. Respond. The more you catch what emotionally triggers you, the more control will have over how you feel. That is true power. -------------------- Visit our website - Join BOOST Coaching - Download the Perfect Week Planner - Schedule a 60-Minute Coaching Session - Join our Facebook Group - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10 Truths That Change Everything
25/08/2023 Duration: 14min10 Truths That Change Everything Certain actions, thoughts, and feelings have revealed themselves to be true. If you want to better yourself, here are my Top 10: 10) Purpose And Passion Come From Clarity of Thought. 9) Purpose And Passion Begin With Acceptance. 8) Faith and Courage Power Transformation. 7) The Secret Lies Within You. 6) Some Doors Must Close Before Others Open. 5) Strong Values Create Strong Passions. 4) Goals Are The Heartbeat of Your Life. 3) Emotions + Logic = Change. 2) Momentum Is The Result of Planning. 1) Everything Happens When Something Happens. The path to all success is well-worn. Follow the path that others have blazed. Your dreams are waiting. -------------------- Visit our website - Join BOOST Coaching - Download the Perfect Week Planner - Schedule a 60-Minute Coaching Session - Join our Facebook Group -
One BAD Question That Will Make You Happy
24/08/2023 Duration: 14minOne BAD Question That Will Make You Happy Do you ever feel stuck? Is there something you want but don’t know HOW to get it? Worse - everybody is giving you the same advice? What’s your WHY?” Getting what you want is simpler than that. You will always get what you want when you want it bad enough. Do you want to be happier? How bad do you want it? Do you want more money? How bad do you want it? Do you want better relationships? How bad do you want it? Nothing can stop you when you want it bad enough. You will always find the way. Don’t believe me? I guess you don’t want it bad enough - yet. -------------------- Visit our website - Join BOOST Coaching - Download the Perfect Week Planner - Schedule a 60-Minute Coaching Session - Join our Facebook Group - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Daily Disciplines
23/08/2023 Duration: 12minDaily Disciplines Have you noticed how successful people keep getting what they want in life? No matter how life gets in the way, they continue. What is their secret? Daily Disciplines. Daily Disciplines are consistent, intentional, tried-and-true actions and thoughts that are never missed. It could be getting a good night's sleep, exercising, or saying "I love you" to your spouse. It could also be focusing on your goals and intentions, avoiding negative thoughts, and having an attitude of gratitude. Daily Disciplines are anything that is getting the result you want - repeated. -------------------- Visit our website - Join BOOST Coaching - Download the Perfect Week Planner - Schedule a 60-Minute Coaching Session - Join our Facebook Group - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dealing With Any Crisis
22/08/2023 Duration: 12minDealing With Any Crisis When I fly little planes, everything is about safety. When things go wrong, I have a simple rule: Fly the plane. Navigate the plane. Communicate with somebody who can help. The same applies to life. When things get challenging, most folks go directly to asking for advice. What they get is - “Tell me what is happening in your life. Where are you? What’s going on?” If you don’t have control of the basics, it’s difficult for anybody to help. The next time life gets wild, keep flying your “Life Airplane,” and do your best to navigate the obstacles to a safe situation. In other words, keep control of what you have so you don’t lose it. Then reach out for help. -------------------- Visit our website - Join BOOST Coaching - Download the Perfect Week Planner - Schedule a 60-Minute Coaching Session - Join our Facebook Group -
Why You Should Act 16 Again
21/08/2023 Duration: 12minWhy You Should Act 16 Again Growing up sure can get in the way of your dreams. It’s sad how so many goals get pushed aside for daily responsibilities. Think about this - When you were 16, the only freedoms you enjoyed were what your parents allowed. When you grow up, you have total freedom and complete control. If you could live today like you were 16, it might look like this - You would go to school and educate yourself. Your friends would be real friends. Not just people you met at the office. You would dream about your future. You would be excited about what was to come in life. You wouldn’t be allowed to drink. Your mind would be clear. You would embrace having fun for the fun of it. You couldn’t and wouldn’t get in debt. You would sleep—a lot. The job you have today would have felt like a prison. Does it? You would busy yourself all day with LIFE. You don’t have to be 16 again. But imagine how much fun you could have if you knew then…what you know now… and used it all today? -------------------- Visit
Strangest Secret For Success
18/08/2023 Duration: 14minStrangest Secret For Success Earl Nightingale produced “The Strangest Secret” to motivate his insurance company sales force. It is now a motivational standard. The secret is simple: 1) You become what you think. 2) You must pay the prices. 3) You must control your thoughts. 4) Cut away the limitations of your mind. 5) Set a clearly defined goal. 6) Act promptly when your path is clear. 7) Save at least 10% of every dollar. What do you want more than anything else? Do more than you must. Do more than anybody else. Do it better than anybody else. Are you ready to make it so nobody can ignore you? Commit today to do more than you must to get what you want. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Embracing Your Natural Flow
17/08/2023 Duration: 11minEmbracing Your Natural Flow Getting things done isn’t always about a to-do list. More often, it’s your body clock. Scientists have discovered that we all experience productivity peaks and valleys throughout our day. Does this sound familiar? 1) Maximum focus happens in the morning. After waking up, your body temperature slowly rises, and your ability to focus with it. Mornings are excellent for detailed work - until around noon. 2) The slump begins. Yes, the slump is real. After noon, your body slows down until late afternoon. Don’t fight it. Focus on the easy stuff. 3) Creativity rebounds later in the day. While you are not as sharp as in the morning, you are more relaxed, open to ideas, and creative. You will always get the most out of your day by observing, thinking, and executing your plans when you embrace your natural rhythm. Go with your flow! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Work. Life. Balance. Really?
16/08/2023 Duration: 12minWork. Life. Balance. Really? A long time ago, you found yourself graduating high school and thrust into real life. I’m sure you gave lots of thought to your future. Then again, you were young. Twenty years later, things can look very different. Over the years, I’ve learned something about working for a living: 1) Chasing money, advancement, and being significant will keep you busy. It will also close your eyes to other areas of life you would enjoy. 2) Pursuing passion and mission without considering real life is a recipe for frustration. Choose career opportunities that allow you to run fast, feel important, make money, and will enable you to serve your passion and mission. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How To Be Honest With Yourself
15/08/2023 Duration: 11minHow To Be Honest With Yourself There's a truth about getting what you want in your life. If you don't know where you are, you can't know how to get where you want to go. Do you know where you are? One of the quickest ways to find out is, to be honest with yourself. It's time to take inventory and look at every aspect of your life: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the awesome. Taking the time to inventory everything before pushing off in a new direction is often to only way to free yourself from obstacles. Leave the baggage behind, and you'll increase your possibility of succeeding. Toss out what you don't want, keep what fits the new you, and get moving. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Does the Law of Attraction Work?
14/08/2023 Duration: 11minDoes the Law of Attraction Work? I've always believed the Law of Attraction should be called the Law of What You Think About Most. Like attracts like, what you think about, you get. If you think, "I won't get it because I never do" - you are correct. Dreaming of a new life while focusing on your current problems is a sure way to keep spinning your wheels. The trick is to focus your attention and actions on what you want to attract. That will require a dedicated effort. Vision Boards, lists of Goals, and daily journaling are all great ways to stay on track. The Law of What You Think about is magical and straightforward… Decide what you want. Believe it is possible. Focus on the future, not the past. Please don't stop until you get it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Get Motivated ON DEMAND
11/08/2023 Duration: 14minGet Motivated ON DEMAND As a child, I wondered why I couldn't always have my way. Mom and Dad were so mean! I couldn't wait to grow up, move out, and experience being an adult. Everything would be different - or so I thought. After stepping into the adult world, it didn't take long to realize that not much had changed. It turns out it wasn't my parents. It was like turning down my requests. Life was getting in the way. What was even worse was that I was getting in my way. I've joked over the years that if I'm the Boss of me, so why don't I do what I say? Eventually, I realized having a big ass goal, being on a mission, and, most importantly, motivation on demand was the solution. Motivation is a powerful, if not fleeting, tool we all need. But we need to understand one of the simplest ways our minds generate motivation: 1) Your physiology dictates your feelings. The easiest way to break free of a slump is to stand up, take a step, and REPEAT. Movement wakes your body, guides your emotions, and makes anything
One Question Procrastination Elimination
10/08/2023 Duration: 11minOne Question Procrastination Elimination Are you a member of the Procrastination Club? Procrastination is the intentional and habitual postponement of an essential task that you should be doing. Is that what you are doing? In my view, two things could happen if you procrastinate - It may be possible that you are not procrastinating at all. Instead, you may be forcing yourself to do something you don't need to do anyway. The other possibility is that it simply doesn't mean enough to you to start the process. Or, said another way, other things mean more to you. Yes, you must complete some tasks. That's called being a responsible person. But if your list keeps getting longer, it's time to ask yourself a question - Is it important enough to me to get it done? If not, you know why you are procrastinating. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit