Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at
Wisdom of Gratitude
25/11/2021 Duration: 11minI woke up this morning with an incredible zest to expand my feeling of gratefulness. Well, there is not so much to expand as to recognize all the things that I am grateful for but haven’t thought about lately. That’s the thing about living in a fast-paced world where our daily activities, big and small, fly by and are quickly forgotten. It’s always been that way. There is nothing new in the world. That got me thinking about one of my favorite quotes — “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” —Robert Brault As a no regrets kind of guy, I admit to sometimes not living in gratitude. Thankfully, the wisdom of others is always making sure I remember what is important— Here are a few of my favorites. “If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s going to get.”—Frank A. Clark “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” —Eckhart Tolle “Who does not thank for little w
Yes, Your Life is Repeating Itself
24/11/2021 Duration: 11minMy friend Louis Gates introduced me to his 9-Year Life Cycle to understand how we progress through life. Cycles begin at birth and advance every 9 years and go like this: Year 1: You decide what you want and start asking for it. Year 2: As the pieces come together, you narrow your focus. Year 3: The resources you need begin to arrive. Year 4: You find yourself moving toward your purpose in life. Year 5: re-evaluation begins. Toss out what you don’t need and keep what works. Year 6: Your focus intensifies, and you work with the resources you’ve decided will benefit you. Year 7: You take stock in things that no longer serve you. Year 8: Clearing the clutter begins. It’s almost time to start the next cycle. Year 9: You explore and decide what you want to do in the next cycle. Look back on your life and notice how your 9-Year Lifecycle is always in play. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Long Game of Success
23/11/2021 Duration: 11minMany years ago, a friend passed along a pearl of wisdom that has served me well. Larry was a mentor. I was an eager young man who wanted everything now. I'll never forget sitting in the chair in front of his desk discussing all the ways I would dominate the world during my life. I still remember the look in his eyes as he pondered what advice he was going to give. That's when Larry said - "Scott, sometimes you have to hang around long enough for folks to see that you are the real thing before they'll do business with you." I was 24 years old at the time; still, there is one thing I knew for sure. That old guy was out of his mind, completely wrong, and in my way. But, I had to follow my life-long rule... When people I respect drop a knowledge bomb on me, I listen and do what they say. Why? Because when I do, I get what I want faster, and they give me more shortcuts to success. When I don't listen, everything slows down, and the advice stops coming. Over the years, Larry's advice turned out to be correct, and
One Question Makes Goal Setting Easy
22/11/2021 Duration: 11minAs we enter the holiday season, have you taken a few minutes to consider what you would like to do in 2022? Getting started now will allow you to relax and enjoy the next few months. It begins by asking yourself, "What can I do?” But this time of year, we need to reach deeper by asking, "What can I do in a year?" Most people overestimate what they can do in a few weeks. They underestimate what they can do in a year. The difference is enormous. Focusing on the short-term picture can lead to lots of stress. Expanding your thinking to an entire year allows more breathing room. I would focus on two areas: 1) What will you accomplish for the remainder of 2021? 2) What will you accomplish in all of 2022? So, “What can you do in a year? Once you can visualize your big picture goals, it gets a lot easier to focus on the details of getting things done. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are You Tired Yet?
19/11/2021 Duration: 12minMany have said, "Life is a marathon, not a sprint." But what happens when you find yourself doing both at the same time? If you've been living on this planet for any length of time, you've figured out life is a long game made of day-to-day sprints. If you want a big bank balance, you make small deposits over time. If you want to lose weight, you make small reductions over time. If you want to get a promotion at your job, you do well every day. The challenge happens when you have not defined the marathon you are running. A lack of a specific goal can only lead to daily activity that may or may not get you to your destination. If that is happening to you, you may feel worn out, frustrated, and wondering when things will turn around. There's good news. That kind of thinking means that you are on the right track to success. Certain stamina is required to reach any goal. And society today celebrates your ability to put in the hard work no matter what. There's only one problem. If it's not working for you, i
Be The Change You Wish To See in The World
18/11/2021 Duration: 11minPeople have always sought change for themselves, their life, or the world. There is a constant truth if you want to change; you must change before anything else changes. Many intelligent folks agree - Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Leo Tolstoy, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” What about Albert Einstein? “The world, as we have created, is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Do you want to change something about today, tomorrow, or the future? You must change before anything else changes. Have you learned lessons from past experiences? You have already changed, and your future is better for it. Rumi said, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” If tomorrow you want to be better than today and Yesterday, something has to change. That something is you. If you want to make more money, serve more. Do you want to be happie
Exploring Your Possibilities
17/11/2021 Duration: 12minWhat do I want to be when I grow up? The first time you ask yourself that question is when you are very young - if you ever asked it act all. Frankly, somebody else usually asks you, and you probably didn't have an answer and just took off running with this thing called life. And then it happens — Forty or fifty years later, people start asking themselves that question again after a family and career. The lucky ones don't confine it until they retire; instead, they begin to question who they are right now. It can be a scary time. If you are looking for a change in your life, here are a few things to understand— You can't move forward by hanging on to what you have. Remember, you get more of what you focus on in your life. If you're focusing on what you are giving up, you'll get more of that. Instead, you must direct your focus into the unknown future and look for clues about what you will do. I call the process "Exploring Your Possibilities. Imagine if anything is possible and there is no limitation or cons
Time Management That Focuses on YOU
16/11/2021 Duration: 13min"I never have time to work on what's important to me!" I hear that every day from people all over the world. Every one of them is so busy attempting to master the latest productivity hack they end up spending most of their time running like a hamster on a wheel. Frankly, I was doing the same thing when my new business was sucking the life out of me and demanding all of my focus. One day, I realized my focus was in the wrong place. The problem was that I ran my day based on events on my calendar, and all of those red and green blocks were controlling my life. Without thinking, maybe to become more productive, I added more and more blocks to my day. While I got more done, I wasn't doing the things that were important to me. Out of pure frustration, I asked myself a question… "How do I want my calendar to look?" My honest answer was EMPTY! While it may sound like a silly goal, I have no interest in focusing on more colored calendar blocks, I want more time to do what is important to me. At that moment, I r
What Kind of Motivation Do You Need?
15/11/2021 Duration: 12minGet the Daily Boost with ZERO commercials and more coaching too! Go to to get started. Have you ever wondered why some things and not others motivate you? The evolving Science of Motivation has your answer. In a nutshell, motivation is complicated and layered. If you didn’t already know that, you have felt it many times. But it all begins with 4 kinds of motivation: 1) Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of you, and you do it because you are compelled to - usually by someone else. 2) Intrinsic motivation is done for internal and personal reasons. This can be called your WHY. 3) Introjected motivation is similar. The difference is that if something is not done, you feel guilty. 4) Identified motivation is when you know something needs to be done but have not decided to do it yet. What kind do you have? All of them! All types of motivation can be in play at any time, and they can also overlap. However, when you discover your Intrinsic motivation - your WHY- you will find th
Painting Your Way to Success
11/11/2021 Duration: 11minPainting Your Way to Success My wife and I are settling into our new home, and she has assigned herself the job of painting every inch in the house. Not because we couldn’t hire somebody to do the job. Strangely, it’s because she loves to paint. I’ll admit that I’ve felt a little guilty leaving her with a rolling brush and a couple of gallons while I find something more interesting to do - which is pretty much anything. Still, last weekend I offered to join the painting party and speed up progress in the largest and most challenging room, she accepted my offer, and off we went. If I haven’t made it clear, I don’t love painting. The only thing more painful for me is listening to a boring conversation I’ve heard a thousand times before. Still, brush in hand, I began my journey that day while sharing my philosophy with my wife. That’s what she gets for locking herself in a room with me and a paintbrush. While it played out over a couple of hours, here’s what I said — I’m okay with painting. I am. In fact
Relative Time Management
10/11/2021 Duration: 12minRelative Time Management In my entire life, I've always found it interesting that there never seems to be enough time in the day. Still, most days, everything seems to get done. If it doesn't, the world didn't come to an end, and I survived to check off another item from my to-do list tomorrow. I know I'm not the first human on the planet to face the problem of time, but I do think I'm one of those smartypants people that have figured out how our time works in real life. And it was 180 degrees from what I felt that time was all about. Pay attention now. How you look at time is about to change. First, when you run as fast as possible to get things done, time moves quicker, and less gets done. Even worse, with every minute filled, there is never enough time to do the things that make your heart sing. If you're like me, that will eventually lead you to sabotage your list so you can do something fun for yourself. It's a never-ending cycle. On the other hand, when you slow down, hold space for yourself, and f
Leaders Look For Conflict
09/11/2021 Duration: 12minLeaders Look For Conflict I admit the title, "Leaders Look For Conflict," might a little over-the-top. But I know that you want to be a better leader. I also know that you hate and don't want anything to do with conflict - especially since I can hear you saying — "Why can't we all get along?" I get it. Saying the word "No" is hard enough. Saying "Yes" when others agree or disagree with your choice can be more difficult. "Why can't we all get along?" The answer is that we can. However, the truth is that conflict will always happen whenever more than two people get together. Especially when there is a common goal, and everyone is on the same page. Conflict will always play a role in your success. What? We're on the same page, agree with each other, want the same result, and there's still conflict? "Why can't we all get along?" It's not that. It's just that no matter how positive your project is, everybody has a different idea of how to reach the outcome. Everybody has a different right way and wrong wa
Stoic Happiness
08/11/2021 Duration: 11minStoic Happiness I'm a fan of Stoic Philosophy. While it may be over 2,000 years old, its practicality is still useful. These rules to live by will help you have a happier life: 1. If you're going to learn and succeed, be humble. There is always someone smarter, more successful, and wiser. 2. Find the right scene. Choose your friends and situations. If you want to rise in life, you can't allow yourself to be held down by others. 3. Protect your time. Seneca said, "We're tight-fisted with property and money, yet think too little of wasting time, the one thing about which we should all be the toughest misers." Life is short. 4. Never do anything out of habit. Always think about how you can do things better and always question yourself. 5. Keep it simple — do your job. Approach every task as if it were your last because it very well could be. 6. Adapt and learn from failure. Using your success to justify complacency is common. It's also easy, which is why most people do it. You can do more and be bett
Get Off The Fence And Get What You Want
03/11/2021 Duration: 12minGet Off The Fence And Get What You Want Okay, I'm feeling a little bit lazy today, so I'm going to cut to the chase and bestow upon you the secret to success you've been seeking. Are you ready? Success requires that you do the hard work. Bam! Hmm… I think I'll take my advice and rethink that lazy thing. I want to set a good example. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that if you want more, you will have to do something to get it. Still, we live in a world that makes it seem like it should be easier, and it's not. Success takes a lot of hard work - even if you don't see it. Successful YouTubers make it look easy - after thousands of hours of trial and error. Musicians are seemingly living their dream - after years of living in a tour bus and making pennies after their agents get paid. Even people who do nothing but accept the generosity of society to make their way are working hard at a life that you would never want. It doesn't matter what you want, good or bad, prosperous or not, happy or sa
Is The Universe Whispering to You?
02/11/2021 Duration: 12minIs The Universe Whispering to You? I’m not sure how you feel about the Universe and how things work in the world, but does the Universe whisper to you? Now, before I go on, you need to know that I can go pretty deep into the world of woo-woo in my beliefs. Still, the real-world dude in me makes me realize that while it may be fun to ride a unicorn to the coffee shop, I haven’t yet been able to request one from Uber. You may believe that your life is already planned for you or that you can ask for what you to manifest. One or both, you can’t deny that something is whispering directions to you all day long. Are you listening? While there are many ways people seek to receive messages of guidance as we make life decisions, my favorite has always been events the occur in triplicate. If something happens three times, I pay attention. Call me hard-headed, distracted, or set in my ways, but life has taught me that wisdom tends to come in whispers - usually when our thoughts are screaming in our head and drowni
Empower Your Emotional Triggers
01/11/2021 Duration: 12minEmpower Your Emotional Triggers I don't know about you. I love it when we miraculously put together the perfect day and then life decides to get in the way. Well, not life, and maybe I don't love it, but occasionally something or someone will cross your path and cross your wires. I don't know anybody who doesn't get hit smack in the face with a situation that triggers a feeling deep inside their soul, stirs emotion, and results in a reaction or response that makes you say, "Why did I say that?" Of course, we are emotional creatures, so it makes sense that robust emotional responses are a thing for most of us. Still, a little common sense will tell you that it doesn't always serve us. It gets even worse when people sedate their emotions to protect themselves. Not only do they miss great opportunities, when they are triggered, it becomes an 8.0 earthquake. So, how do you deal with it? The way I handle it is to understand that triggers usually happen when I least expect them. Still, my Scott LOGIC tells m
Talking Trash About Yourself is Good
26/10/2021 Duration: 12minGet the Daily Boost FIVE days a week and more at I have an admission to make on your behalf. If I may - You and everybody on the planet talks bad about themselves. Heck, some folks do it every day. If you are really good, you might fall into the category of a professional self-trash talker and even dream bad stuff about yourself. Yes, are THAT good! I have another admission. I do it too. I’m good at it. Better than you. Not only that, I like it when I dig deep and bury myself in the pain of talking trash about myself. It’s like watching a horror movie about my life without the nine-dollar popcorn. But why is it good for you? I work with clients who have a natural tendency to talk bad about themselves in their quest to make their lives better. It usually shows up as a reason masquerading as an excuse, which turns into a tool for them to explain their current situation to blame and link to past behavior. That’s as far most people go, good momentum stops, and bad momentum continues.
Good Habit Generator
25/10/2021 Duration: 14minThere is not a single day that I don’t end up saying to myself, “What are you doing, Dude?” The only thing that makes me feel better is there seems to be a pandemic of that kind of thing going around these days. In my case, I usually have decided what bad habits are getting in my way and have at least a small clue as to what good habits I should be doing every day but… I’m the BOSS OF ME! Why would I tell myself what to do and not do it? Hmm… I’ll have to get back to you on that. Nope. Why wait? The truth is that I’m pretty good at doing what I say I’m going to do, as long as I do a couple of things first. If I don’t, can drift more than a rudderless sailboat. Let’s lay some solid groundwork: 1) Everything about your life is a result of an action or inaction you take. One is productive, the other is lazy, and both are life-changing. 2) Any habit performed in a ritualistic manner will give you results. Good habits make life better. Bad habits make life worse. 3) If you want to take it the hard way, foc
Power of ONE Idea
19/10/2021 Duration: 12minAre you the kind of person who is searching high and low for anything that will make you happy, get you married, bring in more money, or allow you to ignore the crazy world we live in today? If I may, it’s time that stop searching and do this - Accept that ONE good idea, ONE good realization, or ONE good action can and will change your life instantly. Before I continue, I'm not saying to focus on ONE thing as you'll find in Gary Keller's book. Nope. The ONE thing I'm talking about comes way before that. It has nothing to do with productivity, and it has everything to do with mindset and being specific. You don’t have to listen to me, but I’ll give you a pat on the back if you at least consider it. You see, everything gets easier when you develop, understand, and trust that ONE idea combined with day-to-day committed action will lead you to your dreams. And that's not 16-hour, hair on fire, run as fast as you can, bend all the rules, shatter relationships, and get what you want at all cost days. No. I
Are You Standing On The Edge of Your Dreams?
18/10/2021 Duration: 11minAre you standing on the edge of your dreams that haven’t become reality? Steve Harvey is a funny man. He is also a wise man. He says, "You must jump. If you want to be successful, you must jump into your dreams, take a leap of faith, and go for it." Many times we stand on the cliff of life and watch others enjoying the success you deserve. They jumped, their parachute opened, and life is good. You must jump. When you finally decide to jump, your parachute will not open right away, and you will get bumped and bruised, but your parachute will open. You must jump. Look, let me get real. If you want success, you must jump to your dreams so your parachute will open. If you don't jump, it will never open. If you are standing on the edge of your dreams, the question is simple. You either you do or don't. If you do, JUMP. If not, find another edge - but make it one that makes you excited to jump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit