Influencing people to walk a Christ-centered life.
Who is the Greatest? - Part 1
22/03/2017Pastor Paul Foslien begins a Wednesday series on the importance of humility in our lives.
A Life of Faith
15/03/2017Maria Foslien talks about what it means to have a Life of Faith, a life that all Christians should have.
The 12th Man - Part 1
26/02/2017Pastor Paul Foslien looks at the concept of 'The 12th Man' and how we both need one and need to be one for the Church and others.
Weights Part 5: Give Them to God
19/02/2017Pastor Paul Foslien concludes his series on Weights with a call to action for us to give the weights in our lives to the Lord - and to never take them back.
Missions Spotlight: Honduras
08/02/2017Pastor Paul Foslien invites Pastor Wilmer of Honduras to share his heart, passion, and the love of Christ from Honduras where Living Word has visited and is planning missions trips to.
Weights Part 2: Forgiveness
29/01/2017Pastor Paul Foslien continues the series on Weights by looking at how forgiveness must be a part of each of our lives.
Seeds and Weeds
25/01/2017Pastor Paul Foslien looks at how weeds in our life affect us and how to deal with them the proper way and at the proper time.
Weights Part 1: What is Holding You Back?
22/01/2017Pastor Paul Foslien begins a new series, Weights, where he explains how we all have weights in our lives. Not all weights are sin, but there are many weights which hold us back in life. What is holding you back?
Be Encouraged
15/01/2017Pastor Jane McDonnough of Faith Life Church in Tampa, FL explores how each of us both needs encouragement and needs to encourage others.
Christmas Eve 2016
24/12/2016Christmas Eve at Living Word Family Church - join us as we celebrate the birth of Christ and focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
Ten Commandments of Christmas - Part 3
18/12/2016Pastor Paul Foslien concludes the 'Ten Commandments of Christmas' accompanied by special Christmas music and a special violinist, Lori Jean Smith.
Ten Commandments of Christmas - Part 2
11/12/2016Pastor Paul Foslien continues looking at the 'Ten Commandments of Christmas' with biblical principles that each of us can apply every day.
Followship Before Leadership
07/12/2016Pastor Paul Foslien examines different principles of Leadership and 'Followship' and how to become a great Follower.