Living Word Family Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 100:38:02
  • More information



Influencing people to walk a Christ-centered life.


  • Take Your Seat - Our Authority in Christ


    Pastor Paul Foslien continues our series on a Christian's DNA - Who do you think you are - by examining the authority we have in Christ and how to take command of that authority.

  • Paid in Full


    In Part 3 of our Summer Series "Who do you think you are? - Discovering the Christian's DNA", Pastor Paul is looking at what Christ has done for us so we can be free from the law of sin and death.

  • Part 3: The God I Never Knew


    Pastor Paul Foslien continues looking at the Holy Spirit in our series The God I Never Knew with an examination of how we, as Christians, interact with God and the Holy Spirit.

  • Part 2: The God I Never Knew


    Pastor Paul Foslien continues our series "The God I Never Knew" with a look at how spiritual maturity grows and occurs in our lives.

  • The Terms of Faith: Part 1


    Pastor Paul Foslien begins his new Wednesday series looking at the Terms of Faith. Many Christians understand to some extent what being a Christian means, but do they understand what faith and its conditions truly are?

  • Part 1: The Holy Spirit is a Person


    Pastor Paul Foslien begins a new series looking at, exploring, and explaining who the Holy Spirit is in our life.

  • Humility - Part 5


    Pastor Paul Foslien concludes the Wednesday series on Humility with an in-depth look at what the Bible in many verses has to say about the relationship between God and humility in our life.

  • Things That Matter | Mother's Day


    Maria Foslien explores Godly virtues and practical tips for a balanced life, especially for moms.

  • Humility - Part 4


    Pastor Paul continues looking at how humility is such a large part of every Christian's life.

  • Guidelines for Man


    Pastor Paul Foslien continues our series, "This is Us", looking at marriage, families, and life by examining how we should lead our homes and the guidelines that God has provided.

  • Blending Backgrounds


    Pastor Paul Foslien continues This is Us by examining how we can build stronger marriages and solidify our families.

  • Surviving Prodigal Moments


    In our new series, This is Us, Pastor Paul Foslien shares how prodigal moments in our life or our children's can be just that - a moment in time. These moments may very well come up, but they do not have to be forever and you and I can get through them.

  • Easter 2017: Good Intentions


    Welcome to Easter 2017 - a celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ. This Easter, Pastor Paul Foslien looks at how even the apostles failed in their good intentions, but our Lord goes before us even when he knows we will fail.

  • Humility - Part 3


    Pastor Paul Foslien continues looking at how humility is such a large part of every Christian's life: by looking at Jesus, we see the perfect example of someone who humbled himself to serve.

  • Last Chance


    It is Palm Sunday and Pastor Paul Foslien looks at how some are at their 'Last Chance' - but our God is a God of restoring and redeeming Last Chances.

  • Humility and Pride - Part 2


    Pastor Paul Foslien continues his Wednesday sermon speaking on Humility and Pride and how there should only be room for one of those in our life - Humility.

  • Beauty in Sorrow


    Maria Foslien shares her personal story of how even during an emotional year full of ups, downs, and the darkest parts of life, there is still beauty in sorrow - our Lord is still with us.

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