Oasis is an innovative and racially diverse Christian church that has been serving Los Angeles since 1984. Founded by Philip and Holly Wagner, Oasis is known for its social justice work, relevant teaching, creativity, and welcoming environment. If you have any questions about Oasis, please give us a call at 877-526-2747, e-mail, or visit
Give Me 5: Love (Elyse Murphy) (2015-05-17)
18/05/2015 Duration: 05minLove: Knowing love is knowing Jesus.
Genuine Faith (Philip Wagner) (2015-05-10)
11/05/2015 Duration: 32minPhilip Wagner talks about living life with faith that transcends circumstances.
Give Me 5: Life (Julian Lowe) (2015-05-10)
11/05/2015 Duration: 05minLife: What's on your hit list?
Give Me 5: Life (Ashley Abercrombie) (2015-05-10)
11/05/2015 Duration: 05minLife: Love is in us and through us.
Give Me 5: Life (Sheri Lake) (2015-05-10)
11/05/2015 Duration: 05minLife: Jesus always took time for the one.
Give Me 5: Speech (Brandon Thompson) (2015-05-03)
04/05/2015 Duration: 05minSpeech: attuned listeners have to listen to really hear.
Give Me 5: Speech (Elyse Murphy) (2015-05-03)
04/05/2015 Duration: 05minSpeech: gossip and how grace rebuilds it.
Rewritten (Holly Wagner) (2015-04-05)
06/04/2015 Duration: 39minHolly Wagner teaches us how the life of Jesus changes all of our life stories.
Generosity (Jordan Wagner) (2015-03-22)
23/03/2015 Duration: 57minFor World Water Day, Jordan Wagner speaks on generosity and the many ways we can give in order to serve the Kingdom of God.
Finding Your Identity (Holly Wagner) (2015-03-15)
16/03/2015 Duration: 36minDo you find your identity in what you do and not who you are? Holly shares two important ways to discover who you are, and how God works all things together for His good.
Hope in the Storm (Dan Lian) (2015-03-08)
09/03/2015 Duration: 39minIn life we may encounter storms, but the truth is that Jesus is always in control. Dan Lian gives three points of encouragement to help you through the storm.
Different Kinds of Space (Dan Lian) (2015-03-08)
09/03/2015 Duration: 50minDan Lian uses the parable of the sower to illustrate how we have different kinds of space in life.
Winning Life's Battles (Philip Wagner) (2015-03-01)
02/03/2015 Duration: 42minAre you facing giants? Need renewed faith in the midst of trouble? Pastor Philip Wagner teaches us how to speak God's promises and encouragement into our own lives and to keep our focus on God.
Taking Ground: Gratitude (Holly Wagner) (2015-02-22)
23/02/2015 Duration: 37minHolly Wagner speaks from Colossians about three ways to find contentment in any situation.
The Wrestle (Charlotte Gambill) (2015-02-15)
16/02/2015 Duration: 41minCharlotte Gambill gives a compelling message about God's identity for us.
Taking Ground: Six BUT GOD Killer Strategies (Herbert Cooper) (2015-02-08)
09/02/2015 Duration: 35minHerbert Cooper shares six BUT GOD giant killer strategies. We all face many giants in life and more often than not, we cannot defeat them on our own. BUT GOD has a different plan.