Oasis is an innovative and racially diverse Christian church that has been serving Los Angeles since 1984. Founded by Philip and Holly Wagner, Oasis is known for its social justice work, relevant teaching, creativity, and welcoming environment. If you have any questions about Oasis, please give us a call at 877-526-2747, e-mail, or visit
Taking Ground: God's Plan for Your Life (Holly Wagner) (2015-01-18)
19/01/2015 Duration: 39minPastor Holly Wagner teaches how we are equipped and prepared to take the ground God has set before us through the book of Joshua.
Taking Ground: Leaving a Legacy (Holly Wagner) (2015-01-11)
12/01/2015 Duration: 33minHolly Wagner continues the Leaving a Legacy series by talking about taking your ground.
Taking Ground: Finding the Will of God for Your Life (Philip Wagner) (2015-01-11)
12/01/2015 Duration: 40minPhilip Wagner speaks on finding the will of God for your life.
Taking Ground: Leaving a Legacy (Philip Wagner) (2015-01-04)
05/01/2015 Duration: 37minWhat we make famous in our minds becomes a reality in our lives. Pastor Philip encourages us to take new territory, beginning with leaving a legacy and being open to the change God wants to begin in us.
Home for the Holidays: Be Joyful Always (Holly Wagner) (2014-12-14)
15/12/2014 Duration: 28minThe greatest gift ever given is Jesus and his gift of joy. Pastor Holly Wagner teaches practical ways for us to choose joy, starting with forgiveness.
Home for the Holidays: Memories, Expectations, and Actions (Philip Wagner) (2014-12-14)
15/12/2014 Duration: 37minPastor Philip Wagner challenges us to think about the memories, expectations, and actions in our lives and to make room for Jesus this Christmas season.
A Personal Peace Plan (Philip Wagner) (2014-11-23)
24/11/2014 Duration: 35minFeeling stressed this holiday season? Pastor Philip teaches us how we can develop a personal peace plan to eliminate stress during the holiday season.
A Personal Peace Plan (Holly Wagner) (2014-11-23)
24/11/2014 Duration: 36minFeeling stressed this holiday season? Pastor Holly teaches us how we can develop a personal peace plan to eliminate stress during the holiday season.
Unlock the Dream, Part 2 (Philip Wagner) (2014-10-26)
27/10/2014 Duration: 44minFollowing the story of Joseph, Pastor Philip Wagner continues to teach us about the different tests that we encounter in life. This week he focuses on the Purity test and the Prison test.
Unlock the Dream, Part 1 (Philip Wagner) (2014-10-19)
20/10/2014 Duration: 37minFollowing the story of Joseph, Pastor Philip Wagner teaches about the different tests that we encounter that lead to the building of our character in order to sustain us in our dreams.
Proud or Humble (Holly Wagner) (2014-10-19)
20/10/2014 Duration: 41minAll of us fit into two categories: the humble and the proud. In this message Pastor Holly Wagner teaches openly and honestly about the difference between them and the power that can come when we live in humility.
Patterns and Principles Part 1 (A.R. Bernard) (2014-10-12)
13/10/2014 Duration: 43minDr. A.R. Bernard shares the four things that God expects from men to develop better relationships and communication.
Patterns and Principles Part 2 (A.R. Bernard) (2014-10-12)
13/10/2014 Duration: 54minDr. A.R. Bernard continues his message on the four things that God expects from men to develop better relationships and communication.
Patterns and Principles Part 3 (A.R. Bernard) (2014-10-12)
13/10/2014 Duration: 01h44sDr. A.R. Bernard concludes his message on the four things that God expects from men to develop better relationships and communication.
99 Problems But Grace Ain't One (Julian Lowe) (2014-09-21)
22/09/2014 Duration: 29minOasis Youth Pastor Julian Lowe teaches that the grace of God is for everyone.
Baptized into Leadership (Kenneth Ulmer) (2014-09-21)
22/09/2014 Duration: 45minBishop Kenneth Ulmer teaches on the relevance of being connected to a leader’s vision and the anointing on their life.
To Hell With Cancer (Jordan Rubin) (2014-09-14)
15/09/2014 Duration: 38minAuthor of "The Maker's Diet" Jordan Rubin shares his testimony of how God healed him of cancer and the 5 keys we can use to unlock conquering faith in all challenges.
What Does The Wilderness Have To Do With My Dream? (Philip Wagner) (2014-09-07)
08/09/2014 Duration: 47minThe wilderness is where dreams are redefined and refocused. Teaching from Matthew, Pastor Philip Wagner talks about keeping the faith and our God-given dreams in the midst of trouble.
Loud and Clear: The Many Names of God (Holly Wagner) (2014-08-31)
01/09/2014 Duration: 34minPastor Holly Wagner teaches on Matthew 6 and how it teaches us to become more aware of how we pray.
Loud and Clear: Loud and Clear (Philip Wagner) (2014-08-31)
01/09/2014 Duration: 42minPastor Philip Wagner teaches about prayer transforming us into a people who care for our communities and develop a heart like Jesus.