A weekly technology news and commentary podcast.Each week, a virtual round table of tech enthusiast discuss and comment on the tech news of the week, and their nerdy pursuits.
049 - The LG Conspiracy
28/03/2012 Duration: 01h08minThis week Fredo and Victor discuss ICS' squandered potential, the feasibility of a 7" iPad and confirm a longtime suspicion that Android phones are being named after male contraception products. Also The Hunger Games because why the hell not?
048 - I Want Four Inches
21/03/2012 Duration: 01h12minThe gang (Fredo, Victor and Roof) eliminate their AIM, review the newest iPad, ponder on the fragility of digital media, while berating the people that hold on to physical books. We're nothing if not consistent. And a belated This Week in RIM.
047 - Don't Get Too Comfortable
14/03/2012 Duration: 58minThis week Fredo and Victor huddle together for warmth and discuss comic books, Ultraviolet, Google blunders and homeless 4G hotspots as Corey and Roof wait in the iPad line three days early. I know, right?
046 - New iPad Boners
08/03/2012 Duration: 01h39minThe OG Gang (Victor, Fredo and Fish) discuss the new Canon 5D Mk III, developments in Raspberry Pi, The new Apple TV and the "Resolutionary" New iPad. And its unrealized potential in the professional photography and video realms.
045 - The Turducken
29/02/2012 Duration: 57minFredo and Roof toil around to comment on the Android Mobile Congress, talk stackable phones, 41 Megapickle phones, and pens on tablets, homeless iPads, and the utter neglect of the rest of the gang. We vow to never let go, much like the angelic Leo DiCaprio held onto the Titanic shards.
044 - Mountain Lion Boners
24/02/2012 Duration: 01h44minHello Nerdy's best buddy Fish returns to join Victor for a super special and probably way too long show all about the developer preview of Mountain Lion. Is it a feature upgrade or a service pack? Is it the beginning of the end for sideloaded applications? Is AirPlay for Mac totally rock hard nipple awesome? The answer to one of these questions is yes. Dawg.
043 - Hello Nerdy X
22/02/2012 Duration: 59minCheap tablets! Dumb concepts laptops! Vita is still a shameful product! Shameful! Mountain Lion! No! You'll have to wait for the Apple bonershow! It's doublepodcastweek! Commute babies begone!
042 - Sells Like Ass
15/02/2012 Duration: 01h07minThe Gang (Victor, Corey, Fredo and Roof) rhapsodize about the incredible near-console experience provided by Sony on their latest handheld, the PlayStation Vita, the inevitable 8 inch iPad, and the paradigm shifting Porsche-designed Blackberry phone.
041 - Thunderbolt Legs
08/02/2012 Duration: 01h18minFredo loves cyborgs! Roof hates tablets! Victor is indifferent to everything! Corey isn't even here! Another exciting episode of Hello Nerdy! Bring a towel next week.
040 - Hashtag BeBold
01/02/2012 Duration: 01h07minThis week, Fredo finds an excuse to talk UFC on a tech podcast, Roof gets all angry at Gizmodo and Victor wants to put a Linux box in every home. Plus a great big shout out to one of our only listeners!
039 - This Changes Everything
25/01/2012 Duration: 01h16minThe Gang (Fredo, Corey and Roof) welcome Andrew "Mad Scientist" Morrison to the discussion of education, publishing, and Apple's victory in changing the world. Again. Also is Google Evil?
038 - We Don't Know Any Better
18/01/2012 Duration: 01h29minThis week the gang lethargically drudges through Google's new search results, Apple for the kids and gets all speculative about the future of TV in your internetbox. Victor reveals his preference in margarita consistency. Oh. We're on iTunes now too. Now you have exactly zero excuses.
037 - Juggalos 4 Life
11/01/2012 Duration: 01h20minThis week the gang (Fredo, Victor and Corey) discusses the merits of not being jerks on the internet, swapping phones for fun, the impending giant wave of CES crap and still finds time to say nasty things about the PS Vita.
036 - Nobody Wants the Pre Girl
04/01/2012 Duration: 01h22minFull house! The Gang (Fredo, Victor, Corey, Roof and Fish) discuss Android Niceties, Verizon's dickwaddery, Best Buy's corruption, and our most depressing This Week In RIM yet. Plus Fan Mail!
035 - Variations on The Robot
28/12/2011 Duration: 01h08minThis week the gang tackles battle worn PR firms, Comics in the digital age, Sony Vita, Go Daddy, and what it takes to make it in the tech industry.
034 - Vote YES on SOPE
21/12/2011 Duration: 31sThis week, Victor and Fredo are left alone to discuss the tasty SOPA bill backlash, our creepy Tumblr transition and are joined by a "special guest" for the saddest This Week in RIM yet. Also, the hottest gadgets of France's 2004 holiday season, Fancy!
033 - Dicknots
16/12/2011 Duration: 01h17minThe gang is joined by an Android guy. Yeah I know, they exist. I didn't think they did either. We also discuss patent trolls, and Apple's proposed tablet designs for Samsung.
032 - Two Girlfriends and a Dog
11/12/2011 Duration: 59minThis week the gang discusses the douchey side of carrier manufacturer relationships, tuna sandwiches and what Victor got his girlfriend for Christmas.
031 - With Special Guest T-Pain
29/11/2011 Duration: 01h18minThis week the gang discusses HP's tablet "victory", fancy urinals and wisdom from the 2007 BluRay buyer's guide.
030 - My mom doesn't care about your stick
22/11/2011 Duration: 01h20minThis week, the gang discusses music clouds and why they're much more boring than we had previously anticipated. WARNING: UFC spoilers!