A weekly technology news and commentary podcast.Each week, a virtual round table of tech enthusiast discuss and comment on the tech news of the week, and their nerdy pursuits.
029 - The New Class
15/11/2011 Duration: 01h17minSince Fish was p0wning n00bs in Call of Duty, and Victor is leading an Escape from New York, Fredo is joined by junior correspondent and social media expert Brett Neese and security expert and video game savant Corey Hall this week. Like when Saved By The Bell got an all-new cast but Screech stayed behind.
028 - We're Too Old For This Shit
10/11/2011 Duration: 52minThis week the gang realizes the internet is a confusing and frightening place. Luckily, Hello Nerdy junior tech advisor @brneese stepped up to explain the concept of liking, rating, starring and checking in with every single physical object or intangible abstraction that crosses one's path. Next week: The gang continues to find the internet confusing and frightening.
027 - They're His Movies. He Can Do Whatever He Wants with Them
31/10/2011 Duration: 01h06minThis week the gang discusses the Star Wars saga, some technology stuff or whatever and then again with the Star Wars.
026 - Fredo is a Dick Everyday
24/10/2011 Duration: 01h16minThis week the gang compares Android's new Ice Cream Sandwich to iOS in a very fair and balanced way. Sike! Siri works and facelock doesn't. Easy decision, right?
025 - Round Down to Brown
18/10/2011 Duration: 46minThis week the gang spends 50 minutes discussing iPhones for a minute or two and a little bit about how violence solves everything.
024 - Cards
11/10/2011 Duration: 01h09minThis week Fish and Corey abandon the people that love them the most, leaving them alone with nothing to keep them warm, save for a monumental, world shattering week in Apple.
023 - Obscure Angry White Men
04/10/2011 Duration: 01h05minFredo is joined by Brett Neese and Corey Hall. We correct last week's mistakes, talk about kids on Facebook, Windows 8's beauty, and how the name Kindle Fire just rolls off the tongue.
022 - Resurrection
27/09/2011 Duration: 01h36minThe whole gang is back and ready to discuss the catastrophe that is HP management, Windows 8 on Bootcamp, unintended corporate spokesmuppets and the inevitable hour long Apple superiority tangent.
021 - The Twenty First One Always Sucks
19/09/2011 Duration: 38minIn which Fredo and Victor briefly contemplate quitting the podcasting game. Also, Windows 8 was announced.
020 - The Makerbot Tangent
13/09/2011 Duration: 58minThis week Fredo and Victor have little to go off of other than the firing of some blogger or whatever and decide instead talk 3D printers, the new Ultra-Mega-Cheese Menu at Denny's and (maybe) a few relevant tech news items. It's fancy!
019 - Forever Alone
06/09/2011 Duration: 01h15minFredo and Victor discuss Netflix's new problems, ribbons everywhere in Windows 8, the current state of the Ultrabook and Fredo's bizarre desire to run away with Samsung's Galaxy Note and live with it in an open smartphone utopia.
018 - From the Eye of Hurricane Irene
30/08/2011 Duration: 01h12minThis week, the gang ogles a laptop that wasn't made by Apple, discusses who's who in Cupertino, who's keeping Symbian alive at Nokia and who's brilliant idea it was to mess with GameStop customers.
017 - Corey Hall's Sweet 16 Birthday Bash
24/08/2011 Duration: 56minThis week the gang discusses AT&T's new weapon in their crusade against fun, Google purchase of patents as well as Motorola Mobility and the death of WebOS and what that means to Matt's lofty tablet criteria.
016 - More Like SMnotgonnaworkhereanymore
17/08/2011 Duration: 01h05minFacebook Messenger is the latest volley against the cell phone carrier's brutal grasp on a universal wireless messaging service. But you won't be able to use it on your Nokia N9 (in America.) This is a very clever description indeed.
015 - NintenDONT
11/08/2011 Duration: 01h03minBetween the $80 price drop and the Vita delay, one would assume that Nintendo is about to dominate the Holiday Season. Will it? I don't know, but HTC has Beats by Dre now.
014 - You Can't Go Home Again
31/07/2011 Duration: 57minVictorless and armed with a new format, the HN Crew delve into the topics of the week. Netflix, data throttling, 3DS price drop, and the BBC iPlayer are all discussed…and then swore at.
013 - Remote Detonation
26/07/2011 Duration: 01h05minWe spent 60 minutes scouring the week's news to find something Apple related, I swear. You may or may not be impressed with the results.
012 - Patently Dumb
21/07/2011 Duration: 01h05min*POORLY MODULATED - ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK* It was only a matter of time before the Hello Nerdy crew tried to tackle software patents. It's a toss up which system is more broken, software patents or their discussion about them.
011 - MannHein and You're All Getting Screwed
15/07/2011 Duration: 01h23minA cross continent mashup, bringing you the hot rumors about the iPad Pro and iPhone 5 in addition to a bunch of other tech companies that matter less.
010 - Steve Jobs Is My Anti-Pro
10/07/2011 Duration: 59minI tried editing this episode in FCPX, but I became so infuriated that I ditched the video completely.