My name is Daniel M. Clark and Im on a mission to drop fifty pounds without resorting to fad diets or fly-by-night systems. Each week I will detail my efforts toward that goal and I hope to provide insight and inspiration to others who would like to become healthier.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #13 – 235 – What Happened?
03/07/2011 Duration: 17minThis has not been a good week. I knew when I woke up this morning that if I stepped on the scale, it would be higher than the last time I checked, but I wasn’t prepared for it to tell me that I’d gained nearly five pounds this week. That’s disheartening, embarrassing and unacceptable. I […]
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #12.1 – 230 – Live on Tape
24/06/2011Part of the QAQN: Rebirth initiative, this episode of Yet Another Weight Loss Show is a great jumping on point for new listeners. Two important things happen with this episode. First, I recap and summarize everything that this show is about to make it accessible to everyone. I give a backstory of my health and […]
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #12 – 224 – The Secret to Weight Loss, Again!
12/04/2011 Duration: 21minIt's been three weeks since the last episode... three weeks and ten pounds! How do I drop more than three pounds per week (average)? Simple! Illness!
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #11 – 234 – A Near Miss
20/03/2011 Duration: 15minIt was a close one this time! This episode breaks my streak of consistent weight loss, but hey, at least I didn't gain. I call it a near miss because I came in at 234.0 on the scale. Just a tenth of a pound more and I could have reported 233 (yes, I remove the decimal when I report my weight here). Also in this episode - treadmill desks!
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #10 – 234 – I Survived McDonald’s
16/03/2011 Duration: 12minAnother week with a loss! True, not a massive loss, but a loss nonetheless. I'll take it.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #9 – 235 – Still Winning
06/03/2011 Duration: 12minHere we are on the ninth episode of Yet Another Weight Loss Show, and it's my third consecutive check-in with a loss. It almost wasn't - yesterday I weighed in at 236 for our Road to Thin podcast, today I came in at 235. Well, no matter - I'll take it!
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #8 – 236 – Fast Food, Poison
27/02/2011 Duration: 21minIn this episode, I focus on two things. First, how I dropped four pounds in a week - without being sick. My body was in weight-loss mode after being ill a couple of weeks ago, and I managed to keep it in that mode after I got well. I didn't start any special diet, either... I just ate less and ate better. The second thing is the story of the time I broke down and went through the McDonald's drive-through last week and the gall bladder attack that it triggered.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #7 – 240 – The Secret to Weight Loss, Discovered!
21/02/2011 Duration: 15minI'm back after a two-week absence with a new episode! Why the missed week? Well, it just so happens that I've discovered the secret to weight loss, and I simply had to miss last week's episode in order to show that it really works. Illness!
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #6 – Sort of Starting Over
06/02/2011 Duration: 12minAnother week, another episode of Yet Another Weight Loss Show. This is a somewhat abbreviated show because there’s not much to report. I’m not up, I’m not down; I broke even this week. Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday (is the NFL going to come after me for trademark infringement? Should I have called it “The […]