My name is Daniel M. Clark and Im on a mission to drop fifty pounds without resorting to fad diets or fly-by-night systems. Each week I will detail my efforts toward that goal and I hope to provide insight and inspiration to others who would like to become healthier.
Your Eating Solution with Dave Barnas – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #33
24/02/2012For the second episode in a row, I've got a guest on the show! Joining me is Dave Barnas, author of a trio of health and exercise books. He's on to talk about his career and writing, and to answer a few questions about my own efforts and conditions, including back pain and chiropractic.
Catching Up With Vinny O’Hare – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #32
23/02/2012It's rare that I bring a guest on this show, but my guest this time has been on twice. Vinny O'Hare is a fitness mission of his own, and he's on the show to compare notes with me. We talked about cycling, dealing with the weather, gym memberships, dietary concerns and lots more.
Feeling the Turning Point – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #31
15/02/2012This episode is all about turning points. I successfully quit smoking years ago after a long period of minor successes and failures, and much like smoking, quitting eating (so to speak) is a real trial. I know that if I can apply the same principles to one, I can have success with the other, and that's where I am right now.
Nothing to Say… For 30 Minutes – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #30
27/01/2012I was a little more than 45 minutes late doing this episode live, because I decided not to skip it altogether after all. I was going to skip because I didn't think I had anything to say this week. Turns out, I did. I had about a half hour's worth of things to say, apparently!
Let’s Keep it Going! – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #29
20/01/2012I'm back on the bike! After a really rough holiday season followed by a week in Sin City, I thought I was doomed. But you know… I'm not. I'm really not. I'm feeling better than I have in months, I got back on the bike earlier tonight for the first time since… November maybe? and my outlook hasn't been this good in a long time.
Nothing Good – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #28
16/12/2011Title says it all. Nothing good this week. It's a very short episode and I'm investigating the possibility that I have an actual food addiction. I explain my thoughts about that during the episode, but it boils down to the fact that I can't always stop myself from eating. Sounds like an addiction to me. I'll have an update about that next week.
Two in a Row – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #27
09/12/2011See? I told you I would be back on track. There’s no change this week as I clocked in at 235, but like I said on the show, I consider that somewhat of a win. If I’m not down, at least I’m not up. In this episode I talk about how holidays and weather have […]
Making Excuses – 235 – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #26
03/12/2011In this episode I break down and explain why this show has been so sporadic for the past couple of months. I promised at the beginning of the series that I would share my ups and my downs with you, and I reneged on that promise recently. I am turning that around now.
It’s Not as Bad as it Seems – Yet Another Weight Loss Show #25
04/11/2011After a little time off I'm back with an episode of YAWLS in which I talk about a slight backslide on the scale, tracking my intake and my excellent new bike courtesy of my super-cool new sponsor, JensonUSA.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #24 – 228 – Wheeeee!
18/10/2011It's a fun little episode this time, though perhaps a little less coherent than I usually try to be. I was a little loopy. Weight-wise, not a tremendous change from the week before, but a little change - and a little [positive] change is a better than none at all.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #23 – Back in the Saddle Again
08/10/2011After a week without a bicycle - my main form of exercise - and some pretty poor eating choices, I was feeling pretty blah. So much so that I forgot to weigh in because I was so far out of "weight loss mode". All was not lost, however, as I explain on the show.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #22 – 229 – A New Metabolism
01/10/2011I'm the lightest I've been since June, 2011. I'm feeling good. Really good. In this episode, all the reasons I was able to drop 3 pounds between last week's show and today.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #21 – 232 – Steady
23/09/2011I weighed in at the same number as last week, which I'll call a small victory. It beats one alternative - I could have gained. I didn't have a good week, though, overall.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #20 – 232 – What Are You Doing on a Bike?
18/09/2011It was a good week, full of exercise and weight loss. There's not much more I could ask for. Or is there?
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #19 – 234 – Down in More Ways Than One
10/09/2011I don't know what it is, but I'm not feeling quite right. The show went well, I perked up after a few minutes, and it's great that I'm down a few pounds since the last episode, but... for some reason I'm just not feeling quite right.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #18 – 237 – Extenuating Circumstances
28/08/2011 Duration: 30minI'm back after an extended time away from the microphone due to family and business travel. It looks like I'm in worse shape than before, but things are not always what they seem.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #17 – 232 – Down with Vinny O’Hare
05/08/2011I welcomed my first guest for this series tonight, Vinny O'Hare. Vinny is a friend of mine in the affiliate marketing industry, and he's on the right track to shed some pounds and get in better shape.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #16 – 234 – Countdown to Affiliate Summit East 2011
29/07/2011 Duration: 20minAs I close in on Affiliate Summit East 2011, I go over a few techniques I'll be employing to keep myself on the right track while I'm out of town.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #15 – 233 – Up and Down and All Around
21/07/2011 Duration: 15minIn addition to the update on my own weight loss journey, this episode brings good news. There's a new group effort being launched in the wake of the demise of Road to Thin and it's here that you'll get your first glimpse of it.
Yet Another Weight Loss Show #14 – 233 – Endings and Beginnings
09/07/2011 Duration: 07minIt’s a quick episode this week as I catch you up on my progress – and there’s progress this week! Actual weight loss! Sweet! Along with the progress report is the news that the Road to Thin podcast and website have been shelved. In its wake will come a new group weight loss project, this […]