GPS-God Positioning System is part of the teaching ministry of Covenant Community Church
Ask a Silly Question
03/08/2010 Duration: 54minQuestions...we all have them. Some questions are good and solid and to be honest, well, some questions are just plain silly. Sometimes when we ask a silly question we don't expect the answers that sometimes come back. In this look into The Book we discover that although the question was silly. . .the answer was serious and surprising.
The Great 3:16
25/07/2010 Duration: 45minIn preparing for a Bible study I stumbled across a verse I had never read before. It stuck with me and I jotted it down in my journal. Later I realized that it was a 3:16. . .which is not magical, just interesting. I decided to come back later, study it more, and unpack it in my personal study. I heard about a guy who wrote a commentary of sorts on all of the 3:16 verses in the Bible. The book got mixed reviews but the idea kept floating across my brain. What if you did a study on all the 3:16 verses of the Bible? So I took a little time and found our there are some great 3:16 verese and many of them extremely pivotal in the transformational journey of faith. I thought it would be interesting to see the full list of these 3:16s. . . To read and discover more click the link below
CU Committed (Crazy University Week 9)
18/07/2010 Duration: 01h14minThis is the last session in the Crazy University series. We have been coming face to face with how we face the crazy world we live in. Our discoveries have been helpful and insightful. Together we have learned ways to face life CALM, CONSTRUCTIVE, CHALLENGED, CONNECTED, CENTERED, CONFIDENT, CONSISTENT. Today we ask the last question...are you committed?
CU Consistent (Crazy University Week 8)
11/07/2010 Duration: 49minCrazy University is back in session this week as we begin to wrap up the series that we have been winding through the last few months. We have been coming face to face with how we face the crazy world we live in. Our discoveries have been helpful and insightful. Together we have learned ways to face life CALM, CONSTRUCTIVE, CHALLENGED, CONNECTED, CENTERED, CONFIDENT and today we add another CONSISTENT. We all know what consistency is. Or at least we think we do. But can we live consistent lives in the crazy world around us? Or most importantly and what we will focus on today ; Can we live consistent lives for Jesus in the midst of a crazy world? It is our hope today that when we are done people will CU Consistent!
CU Confident - Crazy University Week 7
27/06/2010 Duration: 37minCU Connected - Crazy University Week 7 How do you face the future? You don't have a choice in whether or not you face it. We all face the future because time is always marching onward. But what we really are wanting to know is how do you face it? Are you fearful, unsteady, and concerned? Or are you sure, confident, and strongly facing what lies ahead? In a crazy world you can face the future with confidence. Really, you can! In this session of Crazy University we discover how that can happen in our lives.
CU Centered - Crazy University Week 6
20/06/2010 Duration: 42minCU Connected - Crazy University Week 6 If we are going to live courageous lives in this crazy world then we must be CALM, CONSTRUCTIVE, CHALLENGED, CONNECTED and CENTERED. As a matter of fact being centered is what this installment of Crazy University is all about. Most people spend the bulk of their lives off center We are focused on what we don't have...and miss out on what we do have. We allow our circumstances to define us and we end up mad, mean, and missing the joy that could be found in what we have around us.
CU Connected - Crazy University Week 5
06/06/2010 Duration: 50minCU Connected - Crazy University Week 5 The world is crazy...without a doubt! The great news for each of us is that Jesus knows how confusing and out of control life can be. That is one of the reasons that He has designed us for community. So in this edition of the Crazy University series we explore whether or not people CU CONNECTED...and you get to decide for yourself if you are connected in the right way so that life becomes what He intended for it to be!
CU Challenged (II) - Crazy University Week 4
23/05/2010 Duration: 33minCU Challenged (II) - Crazy University Week 4 Here we are again for another course at Crazy University! This is the second installment where we explore ways we face life challenged! In the crazy world we live in does life beat you up or do you get up and face each day challenged to live it to the max? This study is a continuation of CU Challenged I and we look deeper that the passage in 2 Peter as we find some tools to help us face life.
CU Challenged - Crazy University Week 3
16/05/2010 Duration: 01h11sCU Challenged - Crazy University Week 3 Here we are again for another course at Crazy University! This is the lifelong learning school where we are discovering ways to navigate the sometimes and often craziness of the world we live in. So far we have looked at how we stay CALM and CONSTRUCTIVE in the midst of the craziness. Today we examine a new topic...we ask if people C U Challenged? Now it is true that life can be doubt about it. But that is not what we are talking about. We are asking if you approach life as a challenge, are you tackling the challenge of living the life that God has created you to live in ways that honor Him, when people look at you as you live do they CU Challenged? In the same way we face life in calm and constructive ways, we can also face life as a challenge and let that challenge bring out the best in us. To get there and to face the challenge we must be diligent. When you are diligent you are : Thorough, attentive, industrious, persistent, and tireless. So this we
CU Constructive - Crazy University Week 2
09/05/2010 Duration: 45minCU Constructive - Crazy University Week 2 It is so easy in the crazy world we live in to throw up our hands, whine about how tough it is, and mope over how difficult and depressing life can be. Not only is that easy to do but you can usually find others who will join you in your misery...well, because after all...misery loves miserable company. But in the middle of the mess around you is it possible to be an agent of change? Is it possible that you might be a person who is known as one who builds things up instead of tearing them down? Does the call of Christ call us to be constructive or destructive in the crazy world we live in? When others see you do they C U Constructive? The call to follow Jesus gives us some resources that we are to use to build the kingdom around us. His Love and His Gifts are given freely to us and they allow us to build. Get ready to discover how God wants to use you to build His kingdom in an out of control world.
CU Calm - Crazy University Week 1
02/05/2010 Duration: 46minCU Calm - Crazy University Week 1 In this celebration worship experience we look at the crazy world we live in and ask the question "how do we stay calm in the midst of the craziness?" The great news for us is that Jesus has a plan for how to stay calm. So once we discover and start living out this plan then when crisis and chaos comes along others can C U Calm...
Close-up Two: It's a Spa, Spa World
28/03/2010 Duration: 44minMost of us major in the "me." We have an attitude that thinks about ourselves first. Sometimes we offer spiritual excuses as to why we think this way but there is an annoying problem that we must come to grips with...Jesus came to serve and give. We are called to become more like Him. And the struggle begins. In this close up we see how important this thing called being a servant really is.
Close Up One : Take A Picture
21/03/2010 Duration: 49minSometimes we don't have a real complete picture of Jesus. We have heard that we are to follow Him and even become more like Him...but sometimes that is very disconnected from our real lives.
Grapes, Giants, Grasshoppers and God
07/03/2010 Duration: 44minGrapes, Giants, Grasshoppers and God - Richard Israel, Youth Pastor Richard Israel is your tour guide during this time of celebration worship as he leads us on a journey toward the Promised Land. On a Sunday with a student ministry emphasis we discover that lessons learned years ago have impact in our lives today.
Stronger Than You! - Astonished: Week 8
28/02/2010 Duration: 49minStronger Than You! - Astonished: Week 8, Jeff Dixon We are ready to explore what it means to love God with all of your strength! What does that mean? What does it look like? Is it something you can do? In this celebration worship experience we get the chance to find out how we do it! Get ready for some practical, insightful, and lifechanging downloads for your soul.
How we do it
21/02/2010 Duration: 54minHow we do it - by Rev, Jeff Dixon We are ready to explore what it means to love God with all of your strength! What does that mean? What does it look like? Is it something you can do? In this celebration worship experience we get the chance to find out how we do it! Get ready for some practical, insightful, and lifechanging downloads for your soul.