GPS-God Positioning System is part of the teaching ministry of Covenant Community Church
The Walking Dead - The Zombie Culture
31/03/2013 Duration: 48minThe Walking Dead John 11 The Zombie Culture The Walking Dead Find Love (v. 3-7) & (v.33-36) The Walking Dead Find Freedom (v.38-44) Walking and Dead are not usually two words that are associated together. However, we live in a world where many people move through life living a "zombie-like" existence. Going through the motions of life with no joy, no passion, and no purpose they aren't living the life they were created to live...and in so many ways...are not living at all. Today, on this Resurrection Day celebration we discover that we don't have to wander through life like a zombie...which is not really living at all....but instead, discover that we can survive and thrive in the "zombie culture" that surrounds us. It is an Easter celebration that can change your life!
The Everyone Questions-What If Everyone Gave?
17/03/2013 Duration: 48minThe Everyone Questions What If Everyone Gave? 2 Corinthians 8:2-12 ER) What If Everyone Gave Themselves To God? (v.5) 1) What If Everyone Gave Their Effort? (v.2-5 & 7) 2) What If Everyone Gave Their Resources? (v.2-3,7,10-12) Imagine a world where the followers of unconditional lives..emerged and became the force of change and the force that shaped culture. Sounds exciting doesn't it? Well that is what we have been doing in The Everyone Questions series. Already we have been challenged by asking What If Everyone Prayed? and What If Everyone Connected? we ask one more set of questions... What If Everyone Gave? It is easy to see that we live in a world that desperately needs answers, help, and this study we again ask the tough questions that might just change us and change the world.
The Everyone Questions
13/03/2013 Duration: 39minThe Everyone Questions What If Everyone Prayed? 1) What if everyone prayed...Forgive them? Luke 23:32-34 2) What if everyone prayed ...For those who are searching? 2 Chronicles 6:.32-33 3) What if everyone prayed...For courage? Acts 4:23-31 Summary.... We live in a world where we have been challenged to follow Jesus and love unconditionally. Sometimes that can be a little bit tough to be sure. But in this series we take a moment to ponder The Everyone Questions...and as we do, we have to decide whether or not we are willing to shift our lives so that we might live the life we were created for. What If Everyone Prayed takes us into some easily missed moments in Scripture that remind us that maybe there are some things that we should be praying that we often skip. But if everyone prayed them...well, wouldn't the world be a better place? You can make a decision for everyone...but you can make a decision for what will you do?
God Would Like To Interrupt Your Prayers With An Answer!
24/02/2013 Duration: 55minGod Would Like To Interrupt Your Prayers With An Answer! (Acts 12:1-19) Entrance Ramp-Supernatural Security (v.6) Pardon the Interruption...But You Need To Get Moving! (v.7-11) Pardon The Interruption...But You Need To See Something! (v.12-15) Pardon The Interruption...But You Need To Be Astonished! (v.16-17) Today we offer another installment of our series, You Gotta Admit It...That Is Kinda Funny! ... where we are taking a unique look at some passages of Scripture that were not really intended to be funny, but when you look closely at them, you have to admit they are. Yet in that humor, we are finding some important life lessons that each of us can use as we move another step forward in our journey of faith. So today we visit a prison, a snoring disciple, a more than one surprising visit. When we are finished we will be once again challenged in the midst of our smiling to take a closer look at ourselves.
You Gotta Admit...That Is Kinda Funny!
17/02/2013 Duration: 54minThe Fast and the Funny John 20:1-8 Moving With A Sense Of Urgency (v.2-4) Moving Beyond Expectations (v.5-7) Moving Without Wasting Motion (v.8) You Gotta Admit...That Is Kinda Funny! We are looking at some of the often missed humor in the Bible and the important lessons that we can find in that humor. This week we visit for a few minutes with two good friends...who over the course of their lives were extremely competitive but together grew into the people that they had been created to be. This incident from their lives gives us some insight to lessons they learned that will benefit us as well.
Laughing At The Right Time
11/02/2013 Duration: 49minLaughing At The Right Time Genesis 18:1-15 A Zippy Senior Moment (v.2,6,7-8) A Zany Snickering Response (v.9-12) A Zinger of a Punch line (v.13-15) You Gotta Admit...That Is Kinda Funny! Sometimes, what people do and how they react to certain situations is well, just kinda funny! Most people miss the funny moments in the Bible. However, if you look closely you can not only find the humorous stuff in Scripture, but like always, you discover that there are life lessons to be learned in the midst of them. This series is designed to introduce you to some funny moments that you might have missed but most importantly point out what God was trying to teach His people...then and now. This study today looks at a moment in the life of Abraham and Sarah. Both of them are doing some pretty silly things in this unexpected and unusual encounter. What they do, how they behave, and how they react serve as learning moments for each of us right now.
Written In Red- Unconditional Session Five
04/02/2013 Duration: 46minWritten In Red- Unconditional Session Five John 3:16 1) God's Love Is Extravagant For God so loved... 2) God's Love is Extensive ...the world.... 3) God's Love Is Expensive ...that He gave His only Son... 4) God's Love is Expansive (in the most Exclusive way) ...that whoever...believes in Him... 5) God's Love Is Eternal ...should not perish but have everlasting life... We are wrapping up our series on the love of God...along the way we have made some incredible discoveries. If we will allow His love to change us we can start living Unconditionally because we have been loved Unconditionally. John 3:16 is preached, studies, and cited more than any other Biblical passage. However, it never becomes yesterday's news, never loses it majesty, never sours or loses its is so inexhaustible that over the period of many years, one obsessive preacher compiled more than 600 sermons based on this one verse. Talk about a month of Sundays! That is over 12 years of Sunday mornings...we don't lo
When You Don't Love Him- Unconditional Session Four
28/01/2013 Duration: 54minWe are in a series trying to catch a glimpse of the Unconditional way in which God loves us. Along the way we have seen some incredible and surprising things. Today we move into one of the most familiar stories that Jesus ever told. It is story packed with memorable moments but it is an illustration of how powerful His love really is. We are all in this story somewhere and today, we are going to be seeing it in a brand new way...and hopefully taking another step toward living Unconditionally!
Jerking A Knot in the Nots- Unconditional (Session 3)
21/01/2013 Duration: 47minIn our quest to discover just how big the Unconditional love of God really is…we have found that God is love, that just who He is and we have discovered that He loved us even before we were born. Those truths alone can be overwhelming and as we begin to understand them should cause us to examine how we live our lives each day. Now we are going to add to that good news some more as we find that His love is so strong that He will never let us go. The strength of His love allows us to find strength to live each day…no matter what is happening around us.
Always Unconditional – Unconditional (Session 2)
14/01/2013 Duration: 45minOur journey toward “unconditional living” continues in this study where we continue to come to grips with the “bigness” of God’s love. After our attempt to catch of glimpse of what unconditional love is, perhaps we should pause and remember that God has always loved us…and His always…goes a lot deeper than the way most people use the word. In this study we move from junk DNA to a garbage dump in Paraguay and discover, that the love of God is always unconditional.
Unconditional (Session 1)
07/01/2013 Duration: 48minGod loves you. That is the most important fact in your life. Now you may not have realized that or given it much thought…but that fact changes everything…and if you let it…it will change you. Today we begin an incredible journey of discovering how His unconditional love can free you to live unconditionally. It starts when you explore the true meaning of “God is love.”
Smart and Savvy
02/10/2010 Duration: 46minWeek 3 : Abigail - The Unknowns This installment of The Unknowns features a Bible Study entitled. . . Smart and Savvy. The story reads like an adventure right out of the wild wild west. It has a great hero, an evil villain, and a beautiful heroine. Abigail steps off the pages of the Bible and teaches us lessons worth remembering. Her adventure reveals some life changing truths that impact us today.
Because He was Abel
26/09/2010 Duration: 46minBecause He Was Abel. His is another unknown in the pages of Scripture. This is a story of murder as we take a close look at the life of Cain. What he did was horrifying. Why he did it makes us uncomfortable. The things we can learn from his story can change how we relate to God, others, and teach us to face life differently.
The Unknowns
19/09/2010 Duration: 50minThe Unknowns Unknown Lives. . .Unforgettable Lessons The names are usually forgotten yet what they did was unbelievable. They were men of devotion, commitment, focus, with a willingness and desire to do whatever needed to be done. In their lives we discover traits of a life of significance. Their exploits, their story, their lives you will remember forever and their lives give us lessons that will change us forever.
It is Game Day
13/09/2010 Duration: 56minWeek Two : It Is Game Day (James 1:19-27) Fans of any sport defend the team with vigor, promote the players with enthusiasm, and support the club in both victory and defeat. But at the end of the day, sports teams don't return the favor. They don't show us the same dedication. Learning to cheer and live with intensity for Christ allows us to find that not only do we find Someone to cheer for that will not only love us back, but we also find that He inspires us by what He give us In this study we see that what really happens when we cheer Christ is that Christ also cheers us on through every situation in life That should ignite a passion within us to make every day the best for Him
Game Face On
05/09/2010 Duration: 01h01minWeek One : Game Face On (Philippians 4:4-20) From tailgate parties and bumper stickers to t-shirts and body paint, fans show their support for their teams in a myriad of ways. But does supporting a sports team make any real difference beyond the field or court? The answer is no, but we can learn some spiritual lessons in how we support and root for our favorite teams. In this study we begin to look at the characteristics of a true fan. When we cheer on the team led by Christ, we discover more than a win on the field - we find victory in life.
Listen to the Heartbeat!
29/08/2010 Duration: 50minWe are thinking about living a life that is driven forward by following a vision that God has for our lives. In this passage of Scripture we have discovered what it means when it says "whatever." Now that we know what the "whatever" is, we can look closer at what makes us tick and decide whether or not we are ready to do and be "whatever." You can find out by listening to the heartbeat of your life In this celebration worship experience we take an honest, fresh, and insightful look at "how" you live life to fullest, following the vision God has for you into the future. The "whatever" matters, it really does!
Living Life Wide open
22/08/2010 Duration: 41minHaving a vision and following that vision will ignite your life without a doubt. In fairness most want to live that way but few know how to do it. In this celebration worship experience we take an honest, fresh, and insightful look at "how" you live life to fullest, following the vision God has for you into the future. The "whatever" matters, it really does!
The Big Picture in the Frame of Time
15/08/2010 Duration: 39minIf you are going to have a vision for the life you were created to live then you have to get started. Where you start is important. In this celebration worship experience you are invited to take a look at the big picture and learn to frame your life in a way that counts forever!