GPS-God Positioning System is part of the teaching ministry of Covenant Community Church
Committed To Follow and Serve: Humility – MOVE – Choosing A New Attitude (Session Three)
25/08/2013 Duration: 19minCommitted To Follow and Serve: Humility – MOVE – Choosing A New Attitude (Session Three) Topics/Passage: Philippians 2:1-11 Summary: We are learning to “MOVE” here at CCC. Our new church year has started with a challenge for each of us a individuals and as body to learn to move forward in our journey of faith. As we do, we will discover how to become a group of people who don’t just make a difference in the world but can become a movement of change in the world. Last week we explained that the choice is up to you and once choice you make will make all the difference. Today we begin studying how to make that happen. Over the next three weeks we will talk about choosing a new attitude and it starts today with a look a humility. Get ready, you may have never heard the things you will hear today…it will be fun and life shaping.
Safari - Survival Strategies (Session Three)
12/08/2013 Duration: 48minDanger, Environment, Guide, Matthew 6 We have discovered the things we need to know before you go and the essentials that you just can’t forget on this prayer safari. Today we continue as we look at some of the strategies that you must be aware of if you are going to be successful on the safari. No one ever promised that any safari would be risk free…bur these survival strategies are necessary for you to experience the richness and depth that awaits you as you connect to Jesus in a deeper way. Main Points Understand the Environment (Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.) Stay Alert to Danger (Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.) Follow Your Guide (For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever. Amen.)
Safari - Just Because You Asked – (Session Four)
04/08/2013 Duration: 52minHearing God, How to Talk to God, Matthew 6, Why should I pray Summary: The greatest tragedy in life are the prayers that go unanswered simply because they go unasked. When you pray to God regularly, irregular things happen on a regular basis. Keep connected to the Father! The impossible becomes possible and you need to get ready to MOVE and become who you were created to be! Main Points If God Knows Everything… Why Should I Pray? How Can I Hear Better When I Pray I Am Not Sure How To Talk To God… Can You Help?
Safari - Don't Forget The Essentials
21/07/2013 Duration: 46minSafari - Don't Forget The Essentials Matthew 6 The Binoculars…so you can see Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. The Map…the direction that you need to go Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The Pack -Supplies…to meet your needs along the way Give us this day our daily bread. Summary - Together we are on an adventure, a safari where we are spending some time traveling through an encounter with Jesus and exploring the vast endless plains for prayer. We have take the time to remember, what we need to know before we go...and today we dig deeper to discover some essentials that we must be willing to remember as we pray. Once again we move into some surprising new perspectives as we explore the bigness of prayer.
Safari - You Need To Know Before You Go!
14/07/2013 Duration: 32minSafari - You Need To Know Before You Go! Matthew 6 1) Leave the Camo at Home Matthew 6:5 2) Create a Base Camp Matthew 6:6 3) Bring a Heart for Adventure Matthew 6:7-9 Summary Are you ready to take an adventure, a little trip where you are free to explore and discover? We hope so....because we are going on a Safari! You are invited in this series to go a journey across the vast plains of prayer. Our trip is going to be very honest, we are going to look at a familiar passage through binoculars so we can see it up close and in a way we never have before. But the end of the safari, you may discover that your prayer life is full of wonder and you are seeing things you have never seen before. We begin right now with a look at some things that you need to know before you go!
You Can Relax
07/07/2013 Duration: 33minYou Can Relax Isaiah 41:10 Relax and replace your fears with His friendship Relax and replace your confusion with His comfort Relax and replace your weakness with His strength Relax and replace your helplessness with His help
Red, White & You
30/06/2013 Duration: 48minRed, White & You 2 Chronicles 7:14 Summary: The celebration worship event this weekend features a look at Independence Day and the things that God’s Word reminds us about how He blesses as we choose to be obedient. Freedom is never free…but is always worth it
The Aha Moment
16/06/2013 Duration: 47minThe Aha Moment John 16: 12-16 Aha! I can hear Him (v.12-13) Aha! I can understand Him (v.14-15) Aha! I can know Him (v. 16) Description - Have you ever had an "Aha!" moment? That moment that occurs, when all of the sudden, like a lightbulb driving out the darkness...something that was unclear becomes crystal clear. It is that moment when you think "duh!" why didn't I see this before? It is that moment when you finally "get it: and see something that you did not understand or that was hidden for some reason before. Those kind of moments can be fun, they can be helpful, and they can make us better. We need them spiritually as well. Today we discover how the "Aha!" moments for the early followers reminds us of how our "Aha!" moments can happen as well.
A Conspiracy – Tabloid (Session One)
10/06/2013 Duration: 01h02minA Conspiracy – Tabloid (Session One) Topics/Passage: Luke 22:1-6, Players, Point, purpose Summary: There is nothing like a good conspiracy. The news media and social media sources just love them. From corporate cover-ups, to the bizarre and hard to explain, to political conspiracies that swirl through the reporting of pundits…the tabloids know that the idea of a conspiracy sells…Conspiracies, while usually intriguing, can be either good or bad depending on who is doing the conspiring for what purpose and for or against whom. (It does get very complicated at times, which is why conspiracy theories take on a life of their own) But when you take the time and look closely, the details matter…and the lessons learned can change us forever.
09/06/2013 Duration: 52minCompassion Tabloid-Week Six Matthew 3:1-10 Luke 11:37-46 It is not about __________ ...It is about __________ Matthew 3:1-10 It is not about __________...It is about __________ Luke 11:37-46 In "Compassion" we wrap up our look at some "Tabloid" passages with a look at some moments when "anger" seems to be taking over the moments and conversations. Have you ever wondered "what makes God angry?" and "does He really get angry?" In this final installment of the series, we look at some interesting passages and discover some things that should encourage and challenge us to be the people we were created to be.
Counterfeit – Tabloid (Session Five)
02/06/2013 Duration: 41minTopics/Passage: Mark 8:6-13, Matthew 27:15-26 Summary: Our Tabloid series continues this week as we face a moment where we think the following… “I just don’t know” When that thought occurs we have to remember what follows is most important…in other words if you don’t know, if you aren’t sure, and you aren’t convinced about something, how do you decide if it is real or fake? People do that all the time with faith and with Jesus. It is not new, it happened in the first century just like it happens today. This week our tabloid headline reads “Counterfeit” and you have to decide what you believe.
The Challenge – Tabloid (Session Four)
26/05/2013 Duration: 53minTopics/Passage: Luke 2:41-52 Summary: Our adventure through the Tabliods in this series has shown us a Conspiracy, A Cover-up, and a Controvery. Each story was loaded with life lessons and each story gave us a chance to take a deeper look at Scripture and discover some new ways it applies to each of us. Today we find another story that is the kind of story that tabloids would love. It involves confusion, panic, stess, angst, frustration, and then unexpected moments. Yet once again, in the story we find a challenge that is just as real today as it was when the story unfolded. And you might see this story in a new way as you apply it to your life.
Controversy – Tabloid (Session Three)
19/05/2013 Duration: 50minTopics/Passage: Matthew 10:34-39 Summary: In our Tabloid series we have taken a look at A Conspiracy and A Cover-Up and discovered that the words we read in Scripture had a huge impact in our lives today. In this edition of Tabloid we look at Controversy…and it is found in a statement made by Jesus. If the one statement is not enough, He then goes on to make some additional statements that leave many scratching their heads and trying to understand just what He means (Usually we never ask the question out loud, we just ponder it, and then ignore it and move on). Today we tackle the passage, see what He said, discover what He means, and then of course apply it to our lives as we discover some Tabloid truth that will help us today.
The Cover Up – Tabloid (Session Two)
12/05/2013 Duration: 53minTopics/Passage: Fact, fear, future, Matthew 28:1-15 Summary: We are in a series where we are looking into the page of Scripture and discovering stories that have the ingredients of the kind of stuff you might find in a tabloid. As we dig into these stories we are discovering some life lessons that impact us in our lives today. This study looks at a cover-up. When something happens, it can be any event, those who are involved will retell the story. If there is some reason not to tell the entire story or edit it in some way, the story gets changed. Before long, a cover-up is taking place and people become convinced that it never happened at all. What does it take for the truth to become a lie? What would it take for that lie to be seen as truth once again. In this celebration worship experience we enter the world of a cover-up and find out, that whether we like it or not, we are involved in the story.
Duck Dynasty Sunday
28/04/2013 Duration: 01h01minYou don’t want Uncle Si after you so make sure you are here for a fun morning of games, activities, videos, music, teaching, and food. You are invited to wear your best camo gear and show off your beard if you have one. In the words of Phil Robertson, it will be a “happy, happy, happy” day to be here at the Warehouse. Bring everyone you know along with you for this unique time of worship and celebration.
"What happens at the table"
21/04/2013 Duration: 56minCovenant April 21,2013 Rev . Jeff Dixon John 6 "What happens at the table" There are different folks at the table, those who are close to God, those who are not close but growing, those that are outside and are missing. John 6 - Jesus feeds the thousands - 5 thousand men and an unknown number of women and children. 1. Attitude -v26-36, v41-43 Your attitude ripples through everything in life. They grumbled. What is our attitude towards the things of God? Our attitudes speak volumes. Jesus doesn't operate the way we want. Our circumstances are right where He placed us to have maximum impact. 2. Initiative -v26-27 We lack initiative - our excuse is - we don't have permission. You have to take initiative to what we do with what God gives us. We are ministers. 3. Motion v48-51 Jesus gives us life. Are we living for Him? What happens at the table doesn't stay at the table.
Putting It All On The TableNot Just Any Table
13/04/2013 Duration: 53minPutting It All On The Table Not Just Any Table - Session Two John 21:15-25 Loading The Table With Food (v.17-19) Pushing Away From The Table (v.19-22) Resetting The Table (v.25) Summary and description - Putting It All on The Table is the second installment in a series where we are exploring the way church works. Now the church is people, the Bible is clear about that. And we join ourselves together as part of the body of Christ to form an outpost of the Kingdom of God in various places, we give these places a name (First Church, Church of the Confused, Second Baptist Church to the Left of First Street around The Corner From The Church I Used To Go To, etc, etc) and each ministry develops a sense of identity and a certain style. But when you begin to take a close look, any church that believes, trusts, and follows Jesus, must be doing certain things in order to fulfill the mission they are called to. Today we put it all on the table and take an honest, close, and personal look at what should be happ
Table Talk "Not Just Any Table" (Part One)
07/04/2013 Duration: 44minTable Talk "Not Just Any Table" (Part One) John 6:25-40 THE INVITATION (v.25- 29) THE PREPARATION (v.30- 34) THE PRESENTATION (v.35-38) Summary- We begin a new series @ The Warehouse where you are invited to the table. But as the title suggests, this is "Not Just Any Table" Using the concept of the table we are going to spend some time getting an understanding of the way we engage the world around us for Jesus. The church is the table where we come in order to get fed. It’s where we find our healthy diet. But too many of us come to church with the me-istic attitude of, “Feed me,” We expect to find the food, the fuel that is necessary to survive in our own little world. But what we do with the food is just as important as the food itself. We have to be willing to push away from the table, to get outside of our comfort zones, and exercise. Today we begin with a little "table talk" that reminds us of some essentials to keep in mind as we think about the table.