Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals Podcast.
MASSP Podcast S6:E1 - Leadership in 2021
13/09/2021 Duration: 15minBeing a strong building leader has been more important than ever during the pandemic. Listen in as Tammy Jackson of MASSP talks about what skills are needed more than ever, how the leaders adapt and what opportunities are available for prospective and new administrators to grow their practice.
MASSP Podcast S5:E8 - Making the Leap to Superintendent
10/06/2021 Duration: 21minAre you considering making the leap to the superintendent role? Jay Bennett & Greg Sieszputowski of MASB's Executive Search Services share details on the current landscape of openings in the state, as well as the skills and experience that districts are looking for, interview tips to consider, and other important reminders.
MASSP Podcast S5:E7 - Esports
23/04/2021 Duration: 29minIn this episode, MASSP Director of Student Services, Matt Alley, invites some special guests from Ludington HS and Bay City Central HS to discuss their experiences with Esports. Topics include starting up a team, benefits of practice & matches and how it compares to traditional extracurricular activities.
MASSP Podcast S5:E6 - The College Enrollment Crisis
19/02/2021 Duration: 18minMASSP continues the conversation with the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) for this episode in which MCAN Executive Director, Ryan Fewins-Bliss, joins us in an attempt to waive the red flag about the state-wide college enrollment crisis. Ryan shares some alarming statistics about the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on college enrollment rates in Michigan, as well as some initiatives MCAN is promoting to combat the crisis.
MASSP Podcast S5:E5 - College Advising Corps
12/02/2021 Duration: 17minListen in as we partner with the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN), and discuss how high school and college advisors are available to help guide, oversee and support college bound students across the state. In this episode, MASSP is joined by Jenny McArdle of Advise Michigan, Micheal Turner from U o fM College Advising Corps and Laura Wise, College Advising Corps for MSU.
MASSP Podcast S5:E4 - Using Social Media to Improve Culture
14/12/2020 Duration: 26minListen in as Jason Reinecke (Principal, West Ottawa HS) and Jason Schrock (Principal, Howell HS) share their experiences using social media to connect with students, staff and parents. Effective strategies and tips are also discussed from two of the best in the business!
MASSP Podcast S5:E3 - Student Opportunities During a Pandemic
14/12/2020 Duration: 23minIn this podcast episode, Matt Alley, MASSP Director of Student Services, shares all of the new virtual opportunities student leaders and advisers can still join during the current virtual/remote environment.
MASSP Podcast S5:E2 - Returning to School During COVID-10 (PT 2)
01/10/2020 Duration: 19minJennifer Bustard (Mona Shores HS), Andy Kowalczyk (Bay City Central HS) & Steve Carlson (Sandusky Jr/Sr HS) all return to to continue the conversation about the return to school in 2020-21 during the COVID-19 pandemic. They share what challenges their buildings faced and what went well during the first few weeks after students and staff returned to the buildings.
MASSP Podcast S5:E1 - Returning to School during COVID-19 (PT 1)
02/09/2020 Duration: 24minThe Return to School plan looks incredibly different at each district all across the state of Michigan as schools plan for instruction during the continued COVID-19 pandemic for the 2020-21 school year. In this episode, Jennifer Bustard (Mona Shores HS), Steve Carlson (Sandusky Jr/Sr HS) and Andy Kowalczyk (Bay City Central HS) discuss their current plans for reopening and the discussions that lead to those decisions. MASSP will follow up with all three guests after students and teachers return to see how the plans changed or adapted over the first few weeks of school.
MASSP Podcast S4:E11 - CS & STEM Opportunities though the MiSTEM Network
05/03/2020 Duration: 15minIn this episode, Larry Wyn (Computer Science Program Manager, MiSTEM Network) shares some opportunities that are available for students and teachers across Michigan who are interesting in CS & STEM programming. Many of these opportunities and resources are free and available though out the year including summer camps. To learn more, visit
MASSP Podcast S4:E10 - Unified Basketball League
05/03/2020 Duration: 25minIn this episode, John Thompson (AD, Brighton Area Schools) and Dan Ekonen (Senior Director, Special Olympics Michigan) discuss the Unified Basketball League including how it has positively impacted the school culture, is supported by the local community and additional ways schools can support special needs students by partnering as a Unified Champion School. To learn more about becoming a Unified Champion School, click here.
MASSP Podcast S4:E9 - Implementing Building-Wide Technology
05/03/2020 Duration: 28minPrincipal Adel DiOrio (St. Johns Middle School) joins the podcast to share strategies on how to successfully implement building-wide technology integration. Through her own experiences, Adel discusses how administrators can determine the best approach to meet the needs of both students and staff and how personal and professional practices are positively impacted based on the new available technology tools.
MASSP Podcast: S4:E8 - Michigan's FAFSA Challenge
20/02/2020 Duration: 18minJamie Jacobs, Deputy Director of the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN), joins the podcast to discuss Michigan's FAFSA Challenge and the approaching March 1, 2020 deadline. Michigan set a goal to have 75% of students complete their FAFSA this school year and MCAN needs your help! Benefits, strategies and next steps are all shared. MASSP has a FAFSA Challenge article and FAFSA toolkit available for assistance. To sign up for the FAFSA challenge, click here.
MASSP Podcast S4:E7 - Entrance & Exit Interviews at Chelsea HS
14/02/2020 Duration: 22minIn this episode, Chelsea HS Principal, Michael Kapolka, shares insight on their entrance and exit interviews with freshmen and seniors. This system has allowed the building to gain valuable feedback which has lead to improved culture and support for students. See some sample questions here.
MASSP Podcast S4:E6 - Peer to Peer Mentoring
14/02/2020 Duration: 21minListen in as administrators from Yale JH & HS discuss their peer to peer mentoring program that has transformed their building culture and reduced discipline referrals. Used at both the JH and HS levels, their mentoring program builds up leadership skills while provided tiered support for those who need it most throughout the school year. Get more details and specifics here.
Summative Evaluation Conversations
06/02/2020 Duration: 08minListen to MASSP Associate Director, Steve Seward, and remember…it’s all about the conversation! As you think about your leadership and the ways to build a collaborative learning environment through the evaluation process, begin by thinking about your ultimate goal. If your goal is to build trust, thinking, and self-directed learning, calibration is necessary. By engaging others in reflection, and purposeful interactions, reciprocal learning and ownership will result.
MASSP Podcast S4:E5 - Leadership as an AP
06/12/2019 Duration: 19minIn this episode, Jenni Thunberg (AP/AD) and Andy Kowalczyk (AP) from Bay City Central HS join the podcast to discuss their experiences as long-time Assistant Principals and some of the rewards and differences of leading in this support position compared to other roles. Whether you are an AP, AD, Dean or a teacher leader looking to make the jump, listen in on what two seasoned vets have to share!
MASSP Podcast S4:E4 - Mental Health Awareness Programs
15/11/2019 Duration: 21minIn this episode, Ryan Cayce (MASSP) is joined by David Ersig (Assistant Principal) and Catherine Livingston (School Counselor) of Henry Ford II High School to discuss some unique programming involving county agencies to offer free therapy to students in need. David and Catherine also share the data they have collected on how academic performance and SEL needs of students have increased since the start of this new initiative.
MASSP Podcast S4:E3 - Collective Efficacy and Instructional Leadership
30/08/2019 Duration: 05minWhat does collective efficacy and instructional leadership mean to you? Listen in as Steve Seward, Associate Director for MASSP, explains how these administrator skills are important to a building, including how to support teachers so they can positively impact students. Podcast whitepaper:
MASSP Podcast S4:E2 - Preparing for a New School Year
30/08/2019 Duration: 07minListen as Colin Ripmaster, Associate Executive Director for MASSP, provides some great suggestions on how principals can reflect on practices, identify outdated methods to discontinue and how to show appreciation for those important stakeholders who will be joining you this school year.