Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals Podcast.
MASSP Podcast S4:E1 - Michigan College Access Network
30/08/2019 Duration: 22minIn this episode, Ryan Cayce (MASSP) is joined by Tony Parsons, Strategy Assistant for High School Innovation at Michigan College Access Network, to discuss options for schools to promote a college-going culture including their new College Bound Michigan program, as well as some key dates schools should mark down on their calendars. More info:
MASSP Podcast S3:E10 - Live From #EdCon19
17/07/2019 Duration: 11minListen as MASSP interviews an assortment of special guests live from #EdCon19 as they share their favorite moments, key takeaways, and other great insight from this amazing event that will get you inspired for the upcoming school year!
MASSP Podcast S3:E9 - Senior Exit Interviews - Lake Orion HS
13/06/2019 Duration: 19minPrincipal Steve Hawley and AP Tony Palmeri from Lake Orion HS join us to share details about their innovative Senior Exit Interview project. This longstanding tradition at their school requires seniors to sit before a panel of community members and share their post-secondary plan through a series of interview questions and talen portfolio evidence prior to graduation.
MASSP Podcast S3:E8 - "Ride with Pride" Mona Shores HS
13/06/2019 Duration: 13minJennifer Bustard (Mona Shores HS) joins the podcast to discuss their "Ride with Pride" program that brings together community members and organizations to help promote PBIS initiatives and safety awareness to students. Each year, qualifying student are selected for a chance to win a free car and moped.
MASSP Podcast S3:E6 - Student Leadership
17/05/2019 Duration: 26minIn this episode, Theresa Stager (Saline HS) and Ryan Cayce (MASSP) are joined by sudent leadership members of the Michigan Association of Student Councils & Michigan Association of Honor Societies, Matt Alley (MASSP), Blake Prebay (Student Leader, Bloofmield Hills HS) & Jessica Lupone (Advisor, Bloomfield Hills HS). The group discusses ways for students to be involved in schools in a wide variety of leadership opportunities and how teachers and administrators can support these efforts.
MASSP Podcast S3:E7 - Student Voice
16/05/2019 Duration: 28minIn this episode, Theresa Stager (Saline HS) and Ryan Cayce (MASSP) talk all things related to student voice. Examples of different clubs, committees, and ideas are shared all of which can help give administrators great insight into the needs and wants of the student body. If you are interested in empowering students to imrpove the building culture, listen to these strategies that are shared.
MASSP Podcast S3:E5 - Social & Emotional Supports
14/02/2019 Duration: 19minTheresa Stager (AP at Saline HS) and other Saline admin team members Kirk Evenson (AP) and Steve Laatsch (Asst. Superintendent of Instruction) share intiaitvies and programs they are using to help support the social and emotional needs of their students. They also share ideas that are having positive impacts from near by schools.
MASSP Podcast S3:E4 - Supporting New Administrators
13/02/2019 Duration: 28minSteve Seward (MASSP) joins Theresa Stager (AP, Saline HS) and Ryan Cayce (MASSP) to discuss available supports for new administrators, including coaching and mentoring options.
MASSP Podcast S3: Episode #02 - Computer Science in Michigan
30/11/2018 Duration: 23minIn this episode, Kathy Surd ( joins Ryan Cayce (MASSP) to discuss the growing Computer Science movement in Michigan. Topics include the Marshall Plan, Hour of Code, AP Computer Science options, and CS Standards that the state will be considering to adopt.
MASSP Podcast S3: Episode #03 - The Impact of School Counselors
30/11/2018 Duration: 29minRyan Cayce (MASSP) is joined by Judy Williams, President of the Michigan School Counselor's Association (MSCA), to discuss the role of school counselors in our current environment. Judy shares great resources and advice for principals to better understand the role of counselors, including how to support student mental health and training opportunities that are available in Michigan.
MASSP Podcast S3: Episode #01- Conversations from #EdCon18
28/09/2018 Duration: 29minTheresa Stager (Saline HS) and Ryan Cayce (MASSP) dicuss the fun they had doing a "live podcast" from Traverse City during the MASSP EdCon 2018 conference. Over a dozen guests and attendees joined us to share their thoughts, takeaways, and favorite moments. Find out which conference sessions were home runs and all the other great learning opportunities by listening right now!
MASSP Podcast: Episode #08 - The Future of Testing
21/06/2018 Duration: 18minTheresa Stager (Saline HS) and Wendy Zdeb (MASSP) discuss the future of testing and upcoming changes including PSAT 8/9, WorkKeys, M-STEP and more. Be sure to listen and make sure your building is ready for the different assessments that are coming next school year.
MASSP Podcast: Episode #07 - Making Connections
08/06/2018 Duration: 26minIn this episode, Theresa Stager (Saline HS) chats with Dr. Joe Sanfelippo (Falls Creek, WI) about how to make better connections with staff and students. Strategies, tips, and success stories are shared to help you foster better relationships in your building. Check it out!
MASSP Podcast: Episode #06 - May Principal's Checklist
17/05/2018 Duration: 19minIn this episode, Theresa Stager (Saline HS) and Tammy Jackson (MASSP) are back to review and discuss the May Principal's Checklist. Be sure to catch the important reminders you need to be thinking about before the end of the year is here!
MASSP Podcast: Episode #5 - Student Growth/Assessment Law
10/05/2018 Duration: 28minIn this podcast episode, Theresa Stager (AP, Saline HS) and Colin Ripmaster (MASSP), discuss everything educators need to know about Student Growth & Assessment requirements and changes coming for the 2018-19 school year. Learn what admin and teachers need to do and about some helpful resources that are available.
MASSP Podcast: Episode 04 - HR End of the Year Checklist
19/04/2018 Duration: 24minIn this podcast episode, Theresa Stager (AP, Saline HS) and Carol Baaki-Diglio (Ret.-Central Office, Novi Schools), review discuss important Human Resources-related tasks that must be completed before the end of the school year. Scheduling, staffing, evaluations, and mentoring are just a few of the items discussed so don't miss it!
MASS Podcast: Episode #03 - March/April Principal's Checklist
22/03/2018 Duration: 19minIn this podcast episode, Host Theresa Stager (Saline HS) and Tammy Jackson (MASSP), discuss what's happening in March and April and review the MASSP Principal's Checklist to help make sure listeners are prepared for what's coming up on the schedule, as well as some other important reminders to begin thinking about.
MASSP Podcast: Episode 01 - An Overview of Things to Come
01/03/2018 Duration: 10minIn this podcast episode, Host Theresa Stager (Saline HS) and Ryan Cayce (MASSP), discuss the return of the MASSP Podcast Series and give listeners some ideas and information on what to expect from the episodes and what's to come in the future.
MASSP Podcast: Episode 02 - AP & Deans Summit Wrap Up & Legal Hot Topics
23/02/2018 Duration: 23minIn our second podcast, Hosts Theresa Stager and Ryan Cayce, review the great sessions and learning that occurred at Crystal Mountain Resort as part of MASSP's annual AP & Deans Summit conference. They also welcome special guest contributor, Kevin Sutton (Lusk Albertson Law Firm), as he shares some insight from the current legal landscape schools are currently facing in Michigan.
Ep. 11 - Sarah Giddings & Matt McCullough, Powered By Teach to Lead Summit - 12.18.17
19/12/2017 Duration: 16minSarah Giddings and Matt McCullough from The Network of Michigan Educators talk with Wendy Zdeb about the upcoming Powered by Teach to Lead Summit on March 12, 2018. The free PD opportunity is for educators to help grow and idea into practice with the help of facilitators, strategic partners and peer feedback. For more information, visit