A weekly dose of just the right medicine to help you get out of debt, save more money, and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.
220 - Retreat! Retreat!
22/04/2016 Duration: 04minThe ultimate experience as it relates to "Save up for it."
219 - Is Cash King?
11/04/2016 Duration: 07minWhat if I dramatically reduce our categories so we hit our goals, classify all online purchases as "online" and use cash for everything else?
218 - Quarter In Review
05/04/2016 Duration: 06minThe New YNAB is three months old. How is it going? A bit behind the scenes.
217 - How Will You Feel When...
28/03/2016 Duration: 02minA question that goes a bit deeper than just giving every dollar a job.
216 - The Opposite of Spoiled
21/03/2016 Duration: 22minAn interview with NYT bestselling author Ron Lieber about how to not raise spoiled kids...
214 - One Year Same As Cash
07/03/2016 Duration: 04minWhy do businesses always end up morphing into finance companies?
213 - Interview with Adam Carroll, Student Loan Expert
29/02/2016 Duration: 26minWhere we talk about students and their debt, and "swipe technology."
207 - Goals, Goals, Goals
18/01/2016 Duration: 03minThere's a new feature in our latest version of the YNAB software, and we think you'll love it!
206 - January vs December
11/01/2016 Duration: 04minChristmas bills got you down? Make next Christmas better!
203 - Twas the Night Before Christmas
21/12/2015 Duration: 03minA new take on a classic Christmas story.
201 - A Container for Your Money
07/12/2015 Duration: 03minYNABer Question: How do I switch banks with YNAB?