A weekly dose of just the right medicine to help you get out of debt, save more money, and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.
Special 01: Interview with Carl Richards - Why?
24/03/2015 Duration: 14minIt's a therapy session folks! Gettingn down to the WHY behind money will bring you absolute clarity. It's Rule One.
164 - There's No Party Like a Budgeting Party
23/03/2015 Duration: 03minWhen budgeting with a partner... have a regular budgeting meeting. Make it fun.
163 - You Need Your Space
16/03/2015 Duration: 03minWhen budgeting with a partner.... have some individual space. You need some fun money.
162 - Make It Joint
09/03/2015 Duration: 04minWhen budgeting with a partner... keep it simple. You merged your lives—merge your finances.
161 - Lay it All on the Table
02/03/2015 Duration: 03minWhen budgeting with a partner.... be clear about what you bring to the table. All of it. Debts, habits, passions, etc.
159 - Your Money or Your Life
16/02/2015 Duration: 03minA shoutout to a classic that everybody should read.
158 - YNAB's 10 Year Anniversary
09/02/2015 Duration: 03minA look back, with an anniversary four months late.
157 - When You're Spending More than You Bring In
02/02/2015 Duration: 03minThen budgeting is even more important.
155 - Creating a Gasoline Hedge
19/01/2015 Duration: 03minDon't fritter away the temporary savings of low gas prices!
154 - The Reset
13/01/2015 Duration: 07minThe new year is a great time to hit that Reset Button. One category at a time.
151 - Retirement is Rule Two
22/12/2014 Duration: 05minThe biggest rainy day you have is when you retire. Old-timer. ;)
150 - Finding the Best Personal Finance Software
15/12/2014 Duration: 03minThere are Four Rules to YNAB's Method, but One Rule to rule them all.
149 - Android App Overhaul
08/12/2014 Duration: 02minThe Android app looks great! It's available by the end of the day today for a free update.
148 - Peeling Away the Emergency Onion
01/12/2014 Duration: 05minThe longer you use YNAB and follow the method, the fewer emergencies you have.
146 - Dealing With Downs
17/11/2014 Duration: 05minKeeping your head up, when progress seems to be more backward than forward.