A weekly dose of just the right medicine to help you get out of debt, save more money, and break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.
045 - Get Organized with Jill Pollack!
27/08/2012 Duration: 13minI interivew Jill Pollack, an organization expert, and host of "Consumed", a one-hour de-cluttering/life-changing TV show for HGTV Canada. She shares some great tips on finding some breathing room with your stuff!
044 - Taking Care of Your Family, No Matter What
22/08/2012 Duration: 08minAs part of the #LifeAware Life Insurance Movement, I bring on special guest, Jeff Rose, Cerftified Financial Planner, founder of Alliance Wealth Management, and blogger at
043 - Why Aren't You Getting Ahead?
20/08/2012 Duration: 06minYou may make "good money", but you don't feel like you're getting ahead. You just don't think you're gaining any traction. You may not have a good grasp on your True Expenses.
042 - Interview with Dan Miller on Careers, Goals & Passion
13/08/2012 Duration: 22minI set out to have Dan talk about pursuing your passion, and it ended up turning a bit into my own personal coaching session! Dan Miller is a best-selling author, speaker, and career coach. We discuss careers, goals, passions, and more.
041 - Credit Card Pros and Cons
06/08/2012 Duration: 07minIf you carry a credit card balance from month to month, your credit cards should be destroyed. If you're operating by YNAB's 4 Rules, Credit Cards offer some advantages.
040 - Success Story: Motivational Speaker Gets Motivated by YNAB
30/07/2012 Duration: 16minI interview Joe, a motivational speaker that was motivated to change his finances for the better. He's also started using YNAB in a very unique way -- and it has nothing to do with money!
039 - When a Spouse isn't On Board
23/07/2012 Duration: 07minI'm no marriage counselor, but I do sell for a living, and I think you have to sell your Spouse on budgeting.
038 - The Most Important Number in Retirement
16/07/2012 Duration: 07minThere's always lots of talk about your "nest egg" in retirement…and lots of sexy-sounding words when it comes to investing (ETF! Diversification!) but the most important number is the one that's never talked about.
037 - What IS YNAB Anyway?
02/07/2012 Duration: 07minIn the wake of an eventful, learning-filled, stressful launch of YNAB 4…what IS YNAB?
036 - YNAB 4 is Here. But it's Not Why YNAB Works
25/06/2012 Duration: 07minNew software is great (and YNAB 4 really is great), but the software isn't the reason YNAB works.
035 - Unexpected Slowdowns & Water Shortages
18/06/2012 Duration: 07minI returned from a 50-mile backpacking trip in a fairly remote area of Utah. Of course every single thing I experienced can be tied back to budgeting. Because budgeting is awesome.
034 - Success Story: Debt Free and Loving It
11/06/2012 Duration: 11minBill has been using YNAB for three years, along with Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover method. They're debt free, and are working to pay down their mortgage as fast as possible.
033 - A Week in the Wilderness
04/06/2012 Duration: 05minPrepping for a 50-mile hike is a lot like the monthly budget meeting. This topic is oozing metaphors.
032 - How I Paid Off My Mortgage Before I Turned 30
28/05/2012 Duration: 10minKind of hesitant to share this, because up until now I haven't made it public. But what the heck. The key for me paying my home off before I turned 30 was incessant focus, and long hair.
031 - Success Story: Where There's a Will...
21/05/2012 Duration: 12minWill has been using YNAB for about five months and, since he only had nice things to say about it, I thought he made a great success story ;)
030 - Trends in Finance (Look Out!)
14/05/2012 Duration: 09minMore things change, the more they stay the same. Banks want you to borrow money--badly. And there are some interesting developments in the Personal Finance Management (PFM) space to help you do just that. Here's a heads up.
029 - So..Should You Start Over?
07/05/2012 Duration: 04minWhat's the harm in starting over? What are some good reasons to hit the 'reset' button, and when should you keep on truckin'?
028 - Are You a Budget Failure?
30/04/2012 Duration: 04minWhat does it mean to fail at budgeting? It, frankly, doesn't mean much of anything.
027 - What Does the Ideal Budget Look Like?
23/04/2012 Duration: 09minA rambling discussion of accounts, categories, cash, and just trying to do everything you can to simplify your budget process, while still deriving all of the benefit it provides.
026 - Backpacking and Rationing
16/04/2012 Duration: 07minWhen backpacking, you don't eat all of your food the first day. When you receive a paycheck, you don't spend all of your money the first day either. Also, handling a wildly variable income.