Big Change The Film Podcast is where we have conversations with people that have incredible stories of weight loss and inspiration. Tune in every week for a new conversation.
Episode 42 - Katie Martin (45lbs lost)
08/02/2017 Duration: 54minThis weeks guest is Katie Martin who lives in San Antonio, Texas. Katie said that her weight had been a battle throughout most of her life and that she never wanted to be overweight. At one point she was eating McDonalds 3 times a day and says that her weight was always a rollercoaster ride. She also struggled with depression and anxiety. After she decided to change her diet she said that she felt like the fog lifted, she is now off her anxiety and depression medication, and has lost 45lbs. She has an awesome story and I hope that you enjoy our conversation.
Episode 41 - Denise Norris (234lbs lost)
03/02/2017 Duration: 41minThis weeks guest is Denise Norris from Indiana. Denise was almost 500lbs, couldn’t walk around the block without being exhausted, and said that she had lost her desire to live. Since then she has lost 234lbs, gotten off of her medications, walks 6-8 miles per day, and has changed to a protective diet. She is an incredible individual with an amazing story and I hope that you enjoy our conversation
Episode 40 - Jason Harper (100+lbs lost)
26/01/2017 Duration: 49minThis weeks guest is Jason Harper from Schriever, Louisiana and he has lost over 100lbs. Jason says that he was overweight even as a child and that growing up he didn’t know anyone that ate a salad. Throughout his life Jason put on a bit of weight and didn’t really realize how he had gained until he saw a picture of himself. Coming from a family with health issues, he was concerned about being around for his kids and told his wife, “I have to get it under control… This has to change for good… Because I don’t want to leave my kids and miss all of the important things in their lives.” Jason looks better than ever and I hope that you enjoy our conversation
Episode 39 - Annette Fowler (122lbs lost)
19/01/2017 Duration: 23minThis weeks guest is Annette Fowler who has lost 122lbs. She was 339lbs at her highest, was pre-diabetic, and had a host of other health issues. She said that she had a love affair with food and believed that she was always going to be big. We have a great conversation about her journey and I hope that you enjoy our conversation.
Episode 38 - Alan Stortts (70lbs lost)
12/01/2017 Duration: 46minThis weeks guest is Alan Storts who lives in Halifax Nova Scotia. Later in life Alan found himself overweight and wasn’t able to goto the amusement park with his kids because of weight restrictions. Alan realized that he needed to make a change for himself as well as start educating his kids on what better food choices to make. Since then he has lost 70lbs and is feeling better than ever. Here is our conversation and I hope that you enjoy it!
Episode 37 - Bethany & Zane (160lbs lost)
06/01/2017 Duration: 59minThis weeks guests are Bethany and Zane who run the website Combined they have lost 160lbs and now coach others in wellness. Earlier in their relationship they said that everything they did was based around food and had, as they call it, “an excuses filled diet of alcohol, refined sugars, and fast food.” At some point Bethany decided to change to a healthy lifestyle and told Zane “I am going to be a young widow if you keep doing what you are doing.” Since then they have completely changed their lives and I hope that you enjoy our conversation. Connect with them at &
Episode 36 - Andrew "Spud Fit" Taylor (115lbs Lost)
01/01/2017 Duration: 23minThis weeks guest is Andrew “Spud Fit” Taylor from Melbourne, Australia. For the past year Andrew has been on this incredible journey where he has only eaten potatoes. He has lost 115lbs in the last year but says that really this journey began as a way to change his relationship with food. In addition to changing his relationship with food and losing 115lbs, he has also been able to overcome his clinical depression. One of my favorite things that Andrew said to me during our conversation was this, “everything you need for success is within you, you just need to find a way to unlock it.” Here is our conversation and I hope that you enjoy it. Connect with Andrew at
Episode 35 - Julie Schultz (90lbs lost)
22/12/2016 Duration: 23minThis weeks guest is Julie Schultz from Pearland, TX and has lost 90lbs. Julie says that earlier in life everything centered around food and she was previously pre-diabetic. Much of her family has type 2 diabetes and she knew that she was headed in that direction as well. She decided at some point that it was time to take care of herself, change her relationship with food, and has become a full blown athlete as well. Here is our conversation and I hope that you enjoy it. Reach out to Julie at &
Episode 35 - Karla Freeze (223lbs lost)
18/12/2016 Duration: 24minThis weeks guest is Karla Freeze from Champaign, Illinois. Karla says that she did not have a happy childhood and went on her first diet in 5th grade. In 2008 she was 371lbs, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and decided that things had to change. Since then she has lost 223lbs and says that her philosophy now is that ever bite of food either nourishes her body or feeds disease. She has an amazing story and I hope that you enjoy our conversation.
Episode 34 - Phil Green (110+lbs lost)
09/12/2016 Duration: 33minThis weeks guest is Phil Green from Texarkana, Arkansas and has lost over 110lbs. He was previously 279lbs, had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, a fatty liver, and intense chest pains. Phil says that at night would pray that God would take care of his wife and boys if he didn’t wake up. Since then Phil is feeling better than ever and I hope you you enjoy our conversation. Reach out to Phil on FaceBook at
Episode 33 - Gary Stotler (170lbs lost)
01/12/2016 Duration: 46minThis weeks guest is Gary Stotler from Laramie, Wyoming who has lost 170lbs. One day right before his son’s first birthday he got on the scale, saw just under 400lbs, and said to himself, "I’m on a fast track to a heart attack by 35 and if I don’t do something I’m not going to make to see my kids make it to high school let alone graduate, graduate college, get married.” Since then he has completely transformed himself and is now an ultra distance runner. He has an incredible story and I hope that you enjoy our conversation. Find out more about Gary at his blog at
Episode 32 - Eve Parker (150lbs lost)
26/11/2016 Duration: 30minThis weeks guest is Eve Parker, aka “Inspirational Eve”, who lives in Denver, Colorado. Eve was previously 340lbs and as she says, “has released” 150lbs. She hit rock bottom when at the age of 24 had to buy 2 seats on an airplane. Since then she has completely transformed her life and now helps others do the same through her weight release coaching. She is an incredible inspiration and I hope that you enjoy our conversation. Find out more about Eve at
Episode 31 - Jason Cohen (125lbs Lost)
17/11/2016 Duration: 01h01minThis week we do something a little different and the interviewer is now the interviewee. Tim Kaufman had pitched the idea to me for him to do an interview and as me some questions about my journey. I hope that you enjoy this weeks interview and to connect with Jason on FB visit
Episode 30 - David Cark (160lbs lost)
03/11/2016 Duration: 01minThis weeks guest is David Clark who lives in Lafayette, Colorado and has lost 160lbs. David has experienced the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows in life. David at one part of his life was homeless and at another was the owner of a 8 million dollar company. Eventually David became a 320lb alcoholic and drug addict and would drink an entire bottle of scotch and take 6 or 7 vicadins a night. He has since turned his life around and raced some of the hardest ultra-marathons around. His accomplishments including running badwater, leadville multiple times, running across the united states, and he is also the author of "Out there, A Story of Ultra-Recovery". He is an incredible inspiration and I hope that you enjoy our conversation. David's website - Buy David's Book -
Episode 29 - Nalida Besson Interview (101lbs lost)
24/10/2016 Duration: 52minThis weeks guest is Nalida Besson from Boston. Nailda came from a family of 12 and says that she was always the overweight one. She told me that as an adult her body was falling apart, she worried about dying young, and that “she didn’t want to be the cause of her own demise.” She has since lost 101lbs, is the smallest she has never been, and is loving life. Connect with Nalida at Here is my conversation with Nalida and I hope that you enjoy it.
Episode 28 - Felicia Ricks (206lbs lost)
20/10/2016 Duration: 27minThis weeks guest is Felicia Ricks from Connecticut, and she has lost 206lbs. She said that before she lost the weight she was in pain, even doing the laundry would leave her out of breath, and she felt like a prisoner in her own mind. She says that she now has an abundance of energy, she’s invigorated, she's excited, and that her whole mentality has changed towards life. Here is my conversation with Felicia and I hope that you enjoy it.
Episode 27 - Justin Lacy (225lbs lost)
06/10/2016 Duration: 35minThis weeks guest is Justin Lacy from Dexter, Missouri. At the beginning of 2015 Justin weighted 500lbs and has since lost over 200lbs. He said that he wad always been a big kid and at the age of 12 or 13 he was already reading diet books. Before he changed his life he said that he would goto McDonalds and get 4 McDoubles, 3 McChickens, fries, and a soda all on the way to get something else from another fast food place. In 2015 he made a promise to himself to change his life and become the healthiest person that he knew. One thing he said that really stood out to me was, “You have to love yourself enough to make a promise like that, that’s something that I probably never did before was love myself enough to care about myself." Since we have talked Justin has lost an additional 25lbs and is now up to 225lbs lost. Connect with Justin on FaceBook at Here is my conversation with Justin and I hope that you enjoy it.
Episode 26 - Shannon Farrell
30/09/2016 Duration: 55minThis weeks guest is Susan Farrell. Susan is a Cardiac Rehab Nurse from Macomb Township, Michigan. At one point Susan was in a wheelchair, on 26 medications, developed diabetes, and at one point was given less than 5 years to live. She says that she was depressed, anxiety ridden, and says that she was a science experiment with doctors throwing medications at her. Susan even says that she had about a year of her life that she doesn’t even remember. Since then she has lost 80lbs and is now helping others through through both her personal and professional work. Here is my conversation with Shannon and connect with her at
Bobby Brennan - Episode 25
15/09/2016 Duration: 47minThis weeks guest is Bobby Brennan. Bobby at his biggest weighed 503lbs and has lost 250lbs. He said that he woke up one day and said to him self, “If I don’t do something different I am going to die.” That same day one of his best friends approached him and said, “Everyone loves you, you gotta make a change, what can I do to help?”. Since then he has transformed his health and is feeling better than ever. Here is my conversation with Bobby and I hope that you enjoy it. Connect with Bobby on FB at His Fat Guy Drinks Juice page can be found at Watch his 1 min video at
Susan Weinick - Episode 24
08/09/2016 Duration: 39minThis weeks guest is Susan Weinick from White Station, NJ. Susan said that she struggled with her weight since she was 5 years old. As a child would hide food in her room and had yoyo dieted for as long as she could remember. She said that she was the mom on the sidelines who watched her kids play but could never participate. Since then Susan has lost 215lbs and is now doing things that she never though imaginable. One thing that she said that I thought was great was this, “obesity is following me, it wants me back badly, and im not going back there" Here is my conversation with Susan and I hope that you enjoy it. Connect with Susan at Check out Eating You Alive at