Sex is proof that God loves us and wants us to have fun!
Pleasure Spots & Too Much Woman
14/05/2019 Duration: 01h25minHas anyone ever said you were "too much?" Too intense, too sensitive, too anything? Join the club! Join Lucia Pavone & I on comedian Paul Brumbaugh's uncensored "The Edge of Insanity." We'll discuss controversial pleasure points that even some Dr's aren't 100% sure exist... all the while laughing, exploring, and inviting you to learn more about feeling good. You'll learn how big the clitoris really is, some other names for the G-Spot, how the energy of your sexuality can ignite success even as a businesswoman (keeping all of your clothes ON) and how you can instantly find more pleasure! *EXPLICIT LANGUAGE* "The Edge of Insanity" is an uncensored comedy show on Mutiny Radio in SF's Mission District. Join Sexploration with Monika and Lucia Pavone June 8th & 9th at Too Much Woman San Francisco with Gina Hatzis of #TooMuchWoman & "Finding Your Spiritual G-Spot", Andrea Barrica, co-founder of "Female & Funded", Michelle Meow, radio host & LGBTQ-history buff at The Commonwealth Club,
The BDSM Tea Party (10 minute quickie edit)
11/04/2019 Duration: 10minYou can hear a quickie of the first-ever episode of Sexploration with Monika which debuted in 2007 on Erotic Radio Live. This is an edited 10 min demo version of "The BDSM Tea Party" for the article "Professionally Homeless for Sex Talk." Sexploration with Monika explores how women and men get what they want in the context of sex and relationships, with a heavy emphasis on exploring new ideas, consent, negotiation, safe sex, kink, connection, communication, and play. Sexploration with Monika show topics range from sex-robots, Japanese bondage and other fetishes, metamorphasexuals, polyamory, and tips on having the perfect menage-et-trois. You can enjoy how "golly gee whiz" I am when they clue me about pegging, obviously this was before I was a Certified Sexual Health Educator! LoL Thanks to David Fratto of Media Posse for donating valuable production time for the first few shows in his lovely studios on Haight Street in SF. It was not uneventful (but it was a learning experience), & I'm sure his neighbo
Is That Broccolini In Your Yoga Pants or Are You Just Happy To See Me?
05/04/2019 Duration: 13minDo YOU think it's OK to wear yoga pants when you are NOT doing yoga? Do you think it's OK to judge people for what they look like in yoga pants? What if they are wearing yoga pants after yoga? While doing a play about yoga? You might think "Yoga Play" is a play about yoga, that's only 1% correct. It's actually about ALL the social justice issues of our time -- and it's funny! Join me at the SF Playhouse for an interview with star & co-producer Susi Damilano and then... is it crudite, is it cruciferous, is it compost? What *IS* that in your veg drawer? It's Broccolini Rhapsody! There's no time sooner than now to eat your veg ;)
This Heart Holds Many; 2nd Gen Sex & Gender
18/03/2019 Duration: 34minCan you be pretty and manly or do you have to limit yourself to being pretty manly? Do you have to pick a gender? How many are there? What's it like when Grandma is polyamorous? How do you get THREE moms? Koe Creation's family tree is more flowchart or a "polycule" with relationships reaching out every which-way. Which pronoun should you use? What's it like growing up in a family where the entire family actually ACCEPTS your sexuality? I know, it's shocking. Koe Creation, The Nonbinary Millennial Child of a Polyamorous Family, tells all in their coming-of-age autobiography and you'll get a taste of them here, tonight. You can join Koe at the SF Book Launch this Friday 3/22, out on tour or invite them to your village at @KoeCreate! They also discuss the SF swing lifestyle in a way you will never expect!!
Boob Massage, Sweet Spots & Radical Feminist Comedy
21/01/2019 Duration: 55minYou'll learn techniques for erotic breast massage and a cunning linguist's favorite “sweet spot” pillow position for the “pillow queen” in your life. Plus, explore the hilarious side of sex-positive feminism with playwright Anne Galjour of #GetGandhi: A Radical Feminist Comedy! We'll hear where the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pantsuits is going. Susan Bratton of Revive Her Drive and the new book "The Soulmate Embrace" will be teaching us some tricks that even after 10 years of being a certified sexual health educator, these are NEW. Plus the breast massage technique sounds AMAZING! Also healthy, all that blood flow and sexy energy moving around, plus lymphatic massage, increased circulation -- have I mentioned pleasure is actually *good* for your body? Plus, we sing "My Vagina is 8 Miles Wide" and you can too. Let's talk about how to integrate healthy pleasure into our fast-food culture, starting with what feels GOOD. This episode was resurrected after the back-end was cut off & re-uploaded with live b
Energy Healing, Sex and Musicals
06/07/2018 Duration: 01h43minBioField Energy Healing, Sexual Energy, & Deep Consent with Mike Sententia, founder of What does energy healing mean for the modern understanding of physics? Then join us on a glittery romp through the outback with "Priscilla Queen of the Desert; the Musical!" by Theatre Rhinoceros (the 1st queer theatre in the known universe) with producer Joseph Tally , and political mime troupe star Rotimi Agbabiaka from “Seeing Red: A Time-Traveling Musical” in Dolores Park July 4th on why the color red (and socialism) might be becoming more fashionable these days. With Token Straight Guy Russ, the Rock n Roll Nurse. Filmed & recorded live at the FCC Free Radio Studios June 29. 2018 in downtown San Francisco, California. Subscribe to Sexploration with Monika now on YouTube!
Take a bite of Erotic Fine Artist Nancy Peach
03/02/2017 Duration: 25minErotic Fine Artist Nancy Peach flowered from church lady to San Francisco's bold and daring sex-positive oil painter who paints dominatrixes and porn stars bigger than life, with gold leaf, fishnets and flowers. We'll discuss how Nancy flowered from church lady to Erotic Fine Artist under Femina Potens & bondage porn star Madison Young. We also talk about how going from architectural artist to erotic fine artist affected her traditional marriage and two children. You can catch Sexploration with Monika LIVE on Facebook too! You can go to Nancy's gallery opening in Santa Cruz at Pure Pleasure First Fridays tomorrow February 3rd 2017 & March 3rd 2017 and all the sexy oil paintings in between.
Kinky Salon Confessions
11/01/2016 Duration: 35minYou've listened to her discuss founding the San Fransexuals' sparkliest sex party, Kinky Salon... she's known as Polly Glamourous, Polly Superstar, latex designer & purveyor Polly Pandemonium... and author of the memoir "Polly Sex Culture Revolutionary!" Now, Polly Whittaker has her very own podcast! It's called "Kinky Salon Confessions" and I was on it talking about polyamory, relationship anarchy, being a sex-positive prude, and making sex culture revolutionaries and organizations more grounded through real estate. Enjoy!
Are you your own authentic kind of sexy?
14/02/2015 Duration: 36minHave you ever felt that the sexual revolution may have happened 50 years ago but you're still not getting what you want from sex and dating? Sex is such a big part of our culture, as 50-Shades of Grey is plastered high on big billboards, but unless you're empowered to say what you want, you might be feel sex & dating is the grey area. What do you do if you're into someone but they're not matching your level of interest? What if he's pushing for physical intimacy but refuses to offer emotional intimacy? Dr Susan Edelman, psychiatrist and author of "Be Your Own Brand Of Sexy" and I discuss how you can explore what you really want, treat your feelings with tenderness, support others, be honest with yourself, and pursue your own desires while gracefully saying no to what you don't want and yes to what you do. Is 50 Shades of Grey, depicting a healthy dating relationship, consent, and even kink in realistic way or is it a fantasy? Your kind of sexy is real and it's different from everyone else's. Let's talk ab
Homeless Sex Party? Scary!!!
24/02/2014 Duration: 32minYou can join us at the last Kinky Salon Halloween at Mission Control in SF's gentrifying Mission district. As Kinky Salon gets evicted from Mission Control, they bid a freaky farewell & start to plan ways to keep throwing their colorful, sexy, highly unique parties while homeless. Remember, it's not just one sex party that is getting evicted, there's Velvet, Pink, Club Kiss, Threshold, Touch, the League of Gentlemen, the Speakeasy series, Essence... In this on-location broadcast you'll hear the Kinky Salon Cabaret, the exorcism in one of the many sexploitation film scenes being play acted live for the amusement of the party-goers, and hear about Bix's plans to give MC a very juicy orgasmic send-off with Jiz Lee and Allison Moon.
Masquerotica 2013: Costumes & Consent Are Sexy
03/11/2013 Duration: 16minYou can join me live on location at the epic sf sexy-party Masquerotica with Club Exotica, Bondage-A-Go-Go, Syd Gris, Cabaret de Caliente, Barron Scott Levkoff of Kinky Salon, Dark Garden, Mama Fou, and Clod Hop with Carnival Fantastique, Joegh of Anon Salon and so much mmmore! We'll describe the sights, sounds, eye-popping costumes and sexy goings-on, how to make a sexy corset that's COMFORTABLE, and all the myriad of ways to get consent (so you can make sure the person you are touching actually enjoys it) including the ever-so blackbelt move the "ask without asking." Masquerotica is an annual sexy pre-Halloween costume party that dares to discourage touristing and bad manners by outlawing street clothes, looky-loos, and unwanted advances. It's a "second base" party so consensual hugging, kissing, making out, above-the-waist groping/frotterage/fondling/pleasurable touching are A-OK. You'll hear Wes and I be surprised by some light and very exhibitionist BDSM play "cropping up" just before our eyes.
Girl Sex 101: Roadtrip Sex-ed Romance Novel Comic
13/10/2013 Duration: 19minGirl Sex 101 is roadtrip sex-ed comic book erotica, where the story "drives home" lessons about pleasure, anatomy, sexy communication skills, consent, and the 1,001 ways to pleasure a woman. Join sex educator & author of the Tales of the Pack (lesbian werewolves) books Allison Moon and I at the Fruitopia loft for a lubricating discussion of what anyone can learn from women having sex. In Girl Sex 101, Jamie and her ex Layla are driving a van from Vancouver to San Diego, and sexy adventures ensue. Allison and porn comic artist kd diamond of Salacious Magazine are creating a feminist, pleasure-positive, and consent-oriented sex education comic-book story to help women of all orientations understand their bodies and their partners. For example, in the first chapter, Layla has a hard time speaking up about what she likes in bed with a hot femme she picks up. Later on, Jamie finds herself in bed with a trans guy and doesn't quite know how to talk with him about his body. Meanwhile, Layla wants to communicate h
Love Drugs & Polyamory with the Queen
08/08/2013 Duration: 38minAre you in love or are you drugged by your own brain chemicals? If you have decided to open your relationship, how can you make sure you're doing it in a healthy way? Francesca Gentille is the founder of the Sacred Courtesan School, the Knights of Eros, and the Temple of Shadows. We discuss new relationships and all the drug-like brain chemicals that come with them... and when you're a floaty-hot-and-bothered-smitten-kitten, how to tell the difference between true love and pheromones. Plus, what's the difference between polyamory, and unconscious non-monogamy or "cheating?!!" What is high-protocol polyamory and how would you start a polyamorous relationship with the queen (or her paramour)? How can you engage with people in other relationships in the most conscious way - so that things go as smoothly as possible in uncharted waters? Could polyamory be a mechanism for personal or spiritual-growth? Also, you'll learn something ridiculous about the history of "playing footsie" that will either blow your mind, m
Tantra & Pleasure: the Danger Path?
10/05/2013 Duration: 38minWhy is Tantra, the "pleasure path" to spirituality, also seen as dangerous? I'm wandering in, around, and above Union Square with Francesca Gentille, founder of the Sacred Courtesan School, the Knights of Eros, and the Temple of Shadows. We'll explore a number of ideas in, around and on top of consciousness and sexuality. Learn about "Intuitive Safe Sex," whether or not it's actually safe, and how to communicate about STI's and manage your risk. Do you talk to your vulva? You could be able to experience a new level of orgasm by loving & being IN your body. Plus, can the tools and techniques of BDSM & kinky sex be used for sacred sexuality and spiritual connection? In relationships, how can you break the cycle of neediness and fear and come to a place of choice? Does playing "hard to get" work or is it dangerous because it communicates that we're not able to be honest in a yes? How do you deal with mixed messages, while being open, authentic, and creating allure with power & clarity? If your body i
Cockette's Tinsel Tarts In A Hot Coma: Theater of the ReDICKulous
04/05/2013 Duration: 17minYou may wonder what is a "Tinsel Tart in a Hot Coma?” But this musical isn't about making sense, it's about outrageousness! It does ~have~ a plot about a Hollywood star (or a "Tinsel Tart") going back to New York, but this musical trades narrative for being outrageously sparkly, queer, and sexually provocative. If you listened to the "Hot Greeks" Sexploration with Monika episode, you'll remember the Cockettes, who have been described as "mindless libertineage," and "beautiful, funny, liberating, psychedelic messengers from the gods." There's a story within a story here that arcs from SF to NYC and goes all the way back to the late 1960's North Beach. Until June 1st 29th, 2013, the Thrillpeddlers are reviving another Cockette's Theatre of The Ridiculous sextravaganza with 3 of the original Cockettes, Scrumbly Koldewyn, “Sweet Pam” Tent, and Rumi Missabu. This troupe of glittery anti-establishment drag queens took "Tinsel Tarts in A Hot Coma" on the road to the Big Apple in 1971. They got a lot of press, and w
Aphrodisiacs and Ingredients for Arousal
15/04/2013 Duration: 20minHave you ever wanted to try a real aphrodisiac? Chances are you have - and I don't mean that you've been dosed - because that's not sexy. There are tons of natural aphrodisiacs, and they could have been masquerading as a tossed salad - not THAT kind of tossed salad, though that could be an arousal amplifier too. Natural aphrodisiacs are just another way that God shows us that nature is pro-sex and when used with intention, you could be in for a lot of fun. Nutritionist Jared of will tell us which herbal aphrodisiacs he uses in his truffles. Speaking of a lot of fun, the "My Blissed Out Valentine" haiku for the aquatic & couple's massage from are here too. It's all for science - awareness, oxytocin, arousal, and exploration on this episode of Sexploration with Monika.
Burlesque Self-Esteem Scholarships (All Kinds of Sexy II)
26/03/2013 Duration: 10minYou can join me on-location now at the glittering "All Kinds of Sexy" burlesque scholarship benefit for victims of rape, domestic violence, and eating disorders from Bombshell Betty. Have you ever been to a dance show where all the dancers looked exactly the same? This isn't that show. There's all kinds of different going on tonight, not just body type, but also I've never seen this Sesame Street character strip before! So many surprises. Also, could learning sultry dance moves (and how to take off your clothes in a sexy way) be part of a process of empowerment and connection with the body and sexual power? Can learning to dance the strip tease be healing? What's it like learning to bare it all (to a group of supportive women) not just physically but "baring it all" in other ways too? We'll talk to scholarship beneficiary Candy Pie, and enjoy burlesque-style teases and sparkle from dance instructor Bombshell Betty, Valhalla Voom, Poundcake Dee Light, Rosey Booticelli, and mmmore at the Elbow Room's "All Kinds
Lesbian Love Story from 1890, A Lady and a Woman
15/03/2013 Duration: 01h08minWhat would it have been like for a lady to fall in love with another woman in 1890? Meet Miss Flora Devine, an African-American lady who owns an inn in a small Southern black township in 1890. She does not realize she could be same-sex attracted until she falls in love with Biddy Higgins, an itinerant butcher. We'll speak with actresses Dawn L. Troupe & Velina Brown, Director John Fisher, and playwright Shirlene Holmes. "A Lady and a Woman" is a production of Theater Rhinoceros, the oldest LGBTQ theatre company in the world, started in 1977 in San Francisco. A long time before it was "ok" to be a lesbian or queer, "A Lady and a Woman" explores the interlocking themes of spirituality and sexuality telling the story of two women who find in each other the courage to begin a new life. We'll discuss other works by Shirlene Holmes including "Daughters" about identity and trans-cultural adoption, and "Strong Arms" about a shelter for battered men, exploring themes of masculinity, power, and ending abuse & d
Pleasure is Good For You (Healthy, Healing, Empowering)
26/02/2013 Duration: 31minYou might want to stop calling it masturbation because the word masturbation literally means "to disturb with the hand." Devi Ward calls it "the art of self pleasure." What's wrong with touching your own pleasure parts? Absolutely nothing, as long as it's private or consensual, and it's good for you. In fact, not only does pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, have a number of physiological benefits, but it can heal emotional trauma as well! In her book, "Shake Your Soul-Song!: A Woman's Guide To Self-Empowerment Through The Art Of Self-Pleasure" Devi Ward describes how taking time for pleasure every day can transform your life. Also, the amount of time you take is important too, this is not about "getting it over with." She'll describe the difference between climax and orgasm, and why it's essential to more pleasure. Also, we'll talk about the importance of relaxation and the parasympathetic nervous system in health and well-being. (Thanks to Fields of Heather for this photo of Devi.) What about those "guilt
Sensual Interactive Couple's Massage (My Blissed Out Valentine)
15/02/2013 Duration: 16minDo you want to bliss out with your Valentine? This is a very unique couple's massage that's so very, very sensual (but not sexual) and luxurious, intimate, & deeply relaxing. Massage therapists Brian and Seleece have created a unique massage experience for couples in their bamboo-garden Oakland loft. The experience starts with aquatic massage like Watsu in the huge 98-degree pool in their living room. Then, you two go upstairs into their plush candle-lit loft for a massage where you relax and are literally massaged into each other's arms! Mmmm, the oxytocin. Listen for the Blissed-out Valentine haiku contest! Deadline Feb 16th, 2013. Best haiku wins a 90-minute aquatic & couple's massage in Oakland, California.