Sex is proof that God loves us and wants us to have fun!
Elizabeth Rosevelt's lesbian lover Lorena (Hick)
01/01/2024 Duration: 35minYou can learn more about the first lady of the world Elenor Roosevelt and her intimate stolen moments on the campaign trail and in the White House. Playright Terry Baum introduces us to Lorena Hickock, the highest paid female journalist of her day, who coresponded with Elenor in hundreds of secret love letters. Find out where you can explore the romance and love that lasted for many years.
Mimes Speak For Change!!
31/07/2023 Duration: 26minSexploration With Monika invites San Francisco Mime Troupe's Marie Cartier to Edge Studios in downtown San Francisco. Token Straight Guy Paul Brumbaugh joins in on the fun. Recorded Live 7-21-2023 These mimes will not stay silent in Dolores Park and lots of Bay area Parks, even as far away as Cotati! San Francisco native Marie Cartier is also a social worker and brings her unique voice to social justice issues like homelessness and depression that we all have faced, especially during the pandemic. She tells her story about writing Hobos in Space, a radio play produced online when we couldn't go outside. You can see Marie and many of her castmates as the summer goes by in Berkeley, Glen Park, and in lots of other areas, and on Labor Day, they will be back at Dolores Park! Mimes speak for social justice in San Francisco's Dolores Park and many other Bay Area parks, and you can find out more with Sexploration with Monika's interview with Marie Cartier!
Cockettes Res-ERECTION
24/03/2023 Duration: 01h03minAre you feeling the chill of winter? As the rains give way to the flowers of May and/or March let's enjoy the present moment and hear what Scrumbly Koldewyn, DJ Dan Karkoska, and the rest of the Cockettes have in store for you! It may just raise your freak flag! Sex educator and musical theater geek Monika Thomas and Paul Brumbaugh from the Edge of Insanity enjoy a live performance where Scrumbly Koldewyn searches for the perfect banana for you and me and everybody else. "As the chilly winter gives way to spring, there is a feeling in the air, a need for rebirth and everything it takes to get there–fauna blooming, bunnies and chickies being born and giant phallic objects rising into the air needing to be worshiped. The legendary Cockettes give the Rites of Spring their own unique twist as original Cockette Scrumbly Koldewyn brings you Res-Erection, a colorful musical revue featuring new songs and classic Cockettes numbers inspired by the changing season, bunnies, love and lust. Prepare for a night of Cockette
What Forbidden Friut Do Wou Want To Explore?
14/10/2022 Duration: 36minNude Noir a sexy party coming up October 14th and 15th at at a gorgeous venue the Speakeasy in North Beach ofSan Francisco Sexploration with Monika talks with Britt about .female sexual empowerment, desire, sensuality, personal exploration, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, tantra, BDSM, and The libertine history of San we discuss the safe and consensual exploration of darkness, shibari rope bondage, and finding your authentic thrills.
Footgasms with Mistress Minax
24/07/2022 Duration: 01h48sstay tuned to sexploratio with Monika for the explicit details about #NudeNoir coming from London to #SanFrandFreakshow at #thespeakeasy October 14th and 15th is the next episode. Did you know you could have an orgasm In Your Feet? You can learn how to have an orgasmin in a shocking number of erogenous zones! Learn how to enjoy #Footgasms and even #armpitgasms with professional #dominatrix and #sexeducator Eve Minax who will also, discuss how to employ your sexuality and the sympathetic nervous system to heal trauma. We'll learn how Eve"gets the kinks out" of her ever-so-willing "patients" in medical play scene. Plus the connection between the spiritual side of sexuality and BDSM and kinky sex #sexploratiowithMoika #kinky #footplay @eveminax @Paul Brumbaugh at edgestudios in #SanFrancisco
Girl Shock Tease; Is Crossdressing Too Much Fun?
15/06/2021 Duration: 20minHe thought he would just dress up as a woman for Halloween, but she keeps having so much fun, what were all the reasons s/he should stop again? Maria Konner's tell-all-the-sordid-details book "Girl Shock!" Self-discovery. Sexuality. Trans. LGBTQ. Gender Fluidity. Drag. Kinky Sex. Love. Lust. Rock & Roll. Even Comics. This book has it all, and it is all true. Girl Shock! I Dressed as a Girl for Halloween but Then She Took Over My Life. This post-pandemic teaser-interview is just to wet your... whistle as you wait for my Zoom laptop harddrive to be fixed. Join Maria Konner as she launches her racy new memoir "Girl Shock: I Dressed As a Girl For Halloween But Then She Took Over My Life" at The Cinch Saloon on Polk Street in SF Saturday, 6/19 5-7p. Meet Maria, get her to autograph your book! The Cinch has a new piano, so Maria promises some tunes and boozy, sing-along fun!
15 Kinds of Orgasms for Everyone
01/03/2021 Duration: 57minAuthor Susan Bratton experienced watching her sex life fizzle while she and her husband pursued careers. After hitting a crisis point, the couple made a fierce commitment to do whatever it took to keep the family together and revive the passion in their marriage. We may have spent the last 9 months cooped up with our partner (or alone) and be worried there's nothing new left to explore in our orgasm, but Susan has 15 male and female orgasms for anyone male-bodied, female-bodied or somewhere in between. You can find the #UpwardPleasureSpiral in your relationship, and your relationship with yourself. If you're longing for new sizzle in your explorations, Susan is chock-full of well-researched techniques and ideas like the "Me Breath" technique she mentions for ejaculatory choice, erection control, or her g-spot guide, G-Spot Joy! You and your partner can even stretch out orgasm in a way that transcending time and space! Susan Bratton has authored over 30 books and online programs including Relationship Magi
Sexy Tantric Ganja Yoga
11/02/2021 Duration: 31minSex Coach, Tantrika, Yogi, & Author Dee Dussault has some moves to get you into your hips, pelvic floor -- and some extra special tools to help you tune into your body, relax, and connect with yourself and a partner this Valentine's day. The pandemic has been hard for couples and singles alike, but she's got some feel-good technigues to help you melt into the infinite present moment away from all your work-from-home and COVID19 worries. Cannabis is optional in Dee's Ganja Yoga classes, but it can be a useful tool to help disconnect from chronic stress into expanded relaxation and positive body consciousness. Similar to restorative yoga, these classes are *very* chill.
Keeping Yes And No Sexy
28/12/2020 Duration: 24minSexologist Relationship Coach Veronica Monet was once a high-end escort and knows how to keep consent super sexy. Do you want to try something crazy new with a partner but don't know how to ask? Are you worried your new friend wants to move too quickly? It is a global pandemic, after all, we're all cuddle-starved! Would you like to assert a boundary more gracefully? As a result of your skillful communication tactics you can create more desire, turn-on and possibilities for play in your partnership! Veronica and I dish about sex work, foot fetish, intimite partnerships, staying safe and being intimate in these strange times. Sexologist Relationship Coach Veronica Monet was once a high-end escort and knows how to keep consent super sexy. Do you want to try something crazy new with a partner but don't know how to ask? Are you worried your new friend wants to move too quickly? It is a global pandemic, after all, we're all cuddle-starved! Would you like to assert a boundary more gracefully? As a result of your
52 Lesbian Sex Fantasies
24/11/2020 Duration: 42minYou might recognize Kamala Devi from Showtime's "Polyamory: Married & Dating." This tantra star and their family is showing everyone in reality that it's possible to have an almost 20-year marriage -- and a girlfriend! Now before you start having lurid, sexually-explicit kinky lesbian fantasies... let Kamala Devi show you how it's done! Just kidding, you can start having lesbian sex fantasies RIGHT NOW. I know I am.. mmm two ladies kissing... There's even a three-way kiss in "52 Fridays A Polyamorous, Queer, Kinky, Tantric Love Story" Kamala will introduce us to the beatiful Violet, and Ravyn, a dominant and fierce sex-positive feminist. Join us in exploring why exploring your sexy fantasies is so important, especially right now during the pandemic. How can tantra, BDSM, and even slut-shaming (with love) be healing? Kamala teases me with their recent book "Sex Shamans: True Stories of Sacred Sexuality and Awakening," and deeper mind trance states.
Kinky Tantric Gasm TV
22/10/2020 Duration: 01h33minAs the Folsom Street Fair has gone all online for COVID-19, Eve Minax of "Getting the Kinks Out: uses medical play, chastity, even erotic enemas to take consenting masochists on healing endorphin journeys while observing that her deep dive into BDSM has healed her early childhood trauma as well. We also discuss what type of relationship you might be drawn to, are you a Dopamine-seeker or Testosterone-seeker, like Monika? Eve also brings up attachment styles (fun 5 min quiz). Sacred Kink Courtesan Francesca Gentille is also starting a new online sensual sex-education project as well. Since most people are getting their sex-ed from porn, GASM-TV's mission is to excite and educate, bringing healing & transcendence. We also discuss healing from the wounds of culture, as GASM-TV has a vision for healthy, empowered sexuality for everyone worldwide. Tantrica Evalena Rose will reveal how her "Femifesting" meditations will help you line in and experience your exciting future successes right now in this pres
Tantric Sex Manifestation
28/05/2020 Duration: 58minYou can use the power of sexual energy to make things happen! Using meditation techniques and the power of love and gratitude; you can menifest the reality you desire. Tantrikas Evalena Rose & Amara Karuna guide us from sex organs to chakras on how consent and energy, deep brainwaves and intention can connect us to the quantum field so we can manifest, or femifest our heart's desire. starts May 30th, 2020 - an online passport to connection & exploration with sexy classes, learning about ecstatic states, yoga, healing, and sexuality as a gateway to the divine. Our Token Straight Guy is comedian Paul Brumbaugh from the Edge of Insanity. Especially in these times of quarantine , face masks, & sheltering in place, meditation and connection to others, a big community of skilled sexy educators and people who want to connect on all the levels is good medicine. EVALENA ROSE: Evalena has taught Tantra 23 years and is a skillful coach in intimacy, deepening intuition, spiritual counse
The Everything Orgasm Episode While We Shelter In Place
06/05/2020 Duration: 01h41minWhile we're sheltered in place we may as well find ways to deepen our pleasure and connection with each other - even if we have to do it at a distanceof 6 feet!'s Marcie Prohofsky coaches us how to use food for orgasmic energy both literally and figuratively. Food is medicine not only for becoming healthier, but how can you add sizzle to a sensuous dinner? What superfood actually has aphrodisiac qualities? Enjoy Marcie's shockingly sensuous creamy chocolate mousse recipe made raw keto vegan with avocado! If you want to take food into the bedwoom in this 9 1/2 week shelter-in-place we're all doing, how can you experiment with food and sex in a safe way (that keeps you out of the ER!)? That's more important than ever right now. In the "Everything Orgasm Book," Dr. Amy Cooper explores the meaning or orsasm, and how to have an orgasm for the 1st time with a partner. We also disciss how to make orgasms more intense and last longer. Clinical Sexologist Dr. Amy Cooper also describes a meditat
Live Cockettes Sexy Theatre Spectacular
05/02/2020 Duration: 58minYou'll probably get glitter in your soul listening to these on-location interviews and sparkly pieces of the 50th Anniversary of the Cockettes from the Thrillpeddlers, Sluts-A-Go-Go, The Cockettes documentary, a threesome of sexy gender-queer Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence; Sister Dana Van Iquity, Sister Roma, and Sister Freida Desire, oh my! Plus, Original Cockettes composer Scrumby Koldewyn & Michael from Pearls Over Shanghai, Tahara from the Angels of Light (a non-commercial spin-off of the Cockettes), California Senator Scott Weiner, comedian Paul Brumbaugh, the rainbow-riffically eclectic Verasphere, a stunningly sexy impression of Mick Jagger from a Thrillpeddler in mind-bendingly tight hot pink shiny pants, and various incendiary, luminous psychedelic Drag pleasurevolutionaries and sexual freedom fighters from 1969's Summer of Love in San Francisco and commune protest movement recorded for posterity in the Victoria Theatre in the SF of today at 16th and Mission by yours truly January 4th, 2020.
Golden Cockettes; Sexy Psychadelic Show Tunes
04/01/2020 Duration: 01h35minWe celebrate 50 glittery, gender-bending years of The Cockettes, an avant-garde theatre & dance troupe from San Francisco's psychedelic Summer of Love. The Cockettes introduced their mind-bendingly joy to so many iconic names that shaped pop culture; Filmaker John Waters, Actress Divine, The Rocky Horrow Picture Show, Heklina, & the spin-off theatre group, The Thrill-Peddlers. Let’s explore the scene, the inspiration, the shadow, and take a deep dive into a part of the glamtastic history of San Franfreakshow with “Goldie” star Birdie Bob Watt and Dan Karkoska aka DJ Dank producer of Cockettes Are Golden: A 50th Anniversary Celebration with Comedian Paul Brumbaugh. Birdie Bob Watt graces the Mutiny FM theatre with “Cruising” a Cockettes original song! We’ll also hear “Hot Greeks,” “69 is Fine,” “No Nose Nanook”from Pearls Over Shanghai , “ Blood on Your Face” from Vice Palace, “Endless Masturbation Blues” & “Oriental Nights.” Tinsel Tarts in A Hot Coma is another Cockettes show previously on Se
Kinky Tantric Ecstatic States for Healing
06/11/2019 Duration: 01h38minJanet W. Hardy, author of the Ethical Slut and Radical Ecstasy; S/M Journeys to Transcendence, joins Sacred Courtesan & Tantric BDSM Priestess Francesca Gentille with sex educator Monika and Comedian Paul Brumbaugh for further exploration of funlightenment, meditating on the sensations of erotic exchange. How do you make hooking up at a kinky play party safe & healing? Even if that does not sound like your scene, how would knowing how to make edge play safe improve your sex life? Francesca & Janet take us on a deep dive into the mind states that can be achieved through conscious BDSM play. We discuss how the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza (quantum field healing), and Dr. Peter Levine (trauma & somatic experiences). In retrospect, this mind state beyond time/space and a sense of self reminds Monika of a TED Talk about neurologist Dr Jill Bolte Taylor who had a stroke and as parts of her brain shut down, she describes an experience of a right-brain *only* mind state beyond time/space and "self" or e
Radical Ecstasy Sacred Sex Transcendental Funlightenment
13/10/2019 Duration: 01h33minSex Educators "Ethical Slut" Dossie Easton, The Intimacy Dojo's Cathy & Monika with Comedian Paul Brumbaugh discuss the love child of Tantra and BDSM, "Radical Ecstasy: SM Journeys to Transcendence." How do you make kink safe? Why is it important even if you're not kinky? Our juicy conversation is just in time for "Confession: A 5-Course Sensual Feast - Beauty, Bondage & Transcendence!" The Sexploration Dinner in a gorgeous stone cathedral in SF's North Beach coming up just before Spanksgiving! The event is November 23rd, 2019, but the $69 earlybird tickets end this week. Making sex sacred again, and proving that sex is proof that God loves us and wants us to have fun! Join us as we meditate for transcendental funlightenment.
Sacred Sex For Life
20/09/2019 Duration: 01h24minA bevy of sex-educators and Comedian Paul Brumbaugh from the Edge of Insanity discuss how to turn your sex life up to an 11 right now and forever. Sex Educator Susan Pizzazz Bratton brings her arsenal of cutting edge technological treatments plus Taoist practices for stamina, health, and pleasure. Monika's star performer Rain DeGrey is also a renowned sex educator having lectured at Harvard and we'll explore how for her extreme sex is like transcendental meditation. From testosterone and tweaking hormones to the latest advances in sexual vitality (stem cells, prp shots, and GAINSwave vaginal rejuvenation, oh my!) Also Monika is creating a dinner party in a restored stone cathedral from 1907 in San Francisco’s North Beach. Under high vaulted stone ceilings and beautiful stained glass windows, you can enjoy a 5-course feast of desire, beauty & passion with dance & art performances that will delight your palette and make your night sizzle. Cocktails & hors d'oeuvres, figure drawing and between dinne
2 Too Much Woman; The Edge of Freedom
08/06/2019 Duration: 01h28minJoin Pleasure Educator Lucia Pavone & I on “The Edge of Insanity” an uncensored comedy show with Paul Brumbaugh. As ever, we’ll discuss all the ways you can be more free while staying safe, personally & professionally as a woman who wants it all, including the freedom to express herself honestly & authentically. S-Factor dance instructor Ellice Apostolos will give us a window into her process going from professional dancer who hat did not dare express her sexuality in dance to finding a way to forget about the mirror, dance for herself, and embody her own physical expression of freedom & pleasure for herself as now owner of Steel & Grace, Santa Cruz's Premier Pole Dance Studio. Clean Beauty Expert Isaac the Girl will lead a discussion how we navigate the surprisingly toxic ingredients in many of the “beauty products” in the United States, and how we can get closer to expressing what WE want to look like, rather than what we think “society” tell us we should look. All this in celebration o
Hot-n-Heavy Fierce Fat Grrls + Too Much Woman SF
05/06/2019 Duration: 19minVirgie Tovar of #LoseHateNotWeight spoke with me in 2012 as she was editing "Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love & Fashion." Founder of Babecamp, a course to help you break up with diet culture, Virgie's been named one of the 50 most influential feminists of 2018 by Bitch Magazine and will tell us about "The YAY Scale!" Virgie's manifesto "You Have the Right to Remain Fat" is out now & "FLAWLESS: Radical Body Positivity for Girls of Color" comes out Spring 2020. Virgie's books are on point for"Too Much Woman SF" June 8th & 9th, 2019 (this weekend!) Join Sexploration with Monika, Gina Hatzis, Lucia Pavone and more ambitious womxn who are ready to explore their leadership beyond the ordinary paradigm.