Romance Out Loud

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 79:14:16
  • More information



Gay romance author Kris Cook and pop culture aficionado Chadrick Douglas bring you lively conversations about about gay men, lesbian women, bisexual and transgendered people falling in and out of love. Explore the world of books, movies, music, television and so much more through big gay colored glasses. You'll also hear interviews with authors, entertainers and other fascinating people more than happy to share their passions, desires, fears and funny moments with you! Come join us and explore all things romantic and gay ... even if you're neither!


  • Beyonce Conquers Country While P Diddy Diddles

    12/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Beyonce's white horse and big western hat has a few old-country racists seeing red ... and we're here for all of it. Go Queen Bey! Meanwhile, the Feds are combing Combs (as in P Diddy) for some nasty evidence of really bad things as accusations fly. Person, woman, man, camera, TV? Nah. More like: Hat, house, Kate, crow, getting molested.

  • A Gay Man Walks Into a T**tie Bar

    05/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Can a gay man have a good time at a straight strip club? Of course! But some straight men hestitate going to gay bars, even with friends. Why is that? Also, if you're gay, you probably know a flight attendant or two. Back in the early days (and the glamor days) of air travel flight attendants had to put up with much more than air rage and unwashed, underdressed passengers. They had to fight for their rights to marry, have decent pay and not be fired at age 32.

  • Kicking Up Dust And Porn

    29/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    Oh there's dust in the air! An automatic vacuum goes rogue as the boys kick up the dirt over dirty websites in Texas.  Yep, the latest sex "crime" has porn lovers scrambling for alternative ways of finding their filth.

  • RNC You Next Tuesday

    22/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    Chadrick is on the move again. Again? Yep. But there's lots to ponder in this episode. Keeping up appearances has become a royal pain in the ass. Plus, another psychic, another choking hazard for one of the presidential candidates. Time to raid the kitty and hope no one scratches!

  • Furious Jumping

    15/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    The State of the Union produced some of the best comedy material in recent memory and the internet didn't disappoint. Speaking of politics, we gays are still scared of the future if things go bad, but fewe were more scary this past week than Alabama Senator Katie Britt and her demon-eyes-Stepford rebuttal to the President's speech. Oh and the Oscars happened!

  • People In Glass Toilets Shouldn't Throw ... What?

    08/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    What does it mean to be bissextile? It's not what you think. Let's talk about keeping our privates private, being pee shy and what "mirror-mirror on the wall" really means. It'a actually mirror-mirror on the wall, and floor, and ceiling.

  • W-T-IVF?

    01/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    Are shelves of eggs in Alabama supermarkets now considered orphanages? OK, it's a stolen paraphrased joke, but thank you Betty Bowers for allowing us to laugh at this! We talk Beyonce going country, the Grand Ol' Opry, fires at landmark buildings and a "fine people" comment from a Fox News guest that went over like a racist lead balloon. It's March, folks! Deal with it.

  • I Did Not See That Coming

    23/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Superbowl hangover? Not here! Yes, there's Taylor Swift talk and Ye's antics at the game but in the end, she was the focus, right? Oh yea, and the team that won the damn thing. The boys also talk about collectibles which naturally turns the conversation to racism. Huh? Very interesting.

  • Breaking Up Is Heart To Do

    16/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    The post-Valentine's Day episode is here with lots of plate throwing and breakup talk and loofahs for everyone! Meanwhile that other big day has also passed and we do our best to predict what would/did happen at the Super Bowl having recorded our episode prior to both days. Also, you'll never guess who the Taylor Swift haters are lifting to become their answer to her star power. You just won't. Nope.

  • OK Groomer

    09/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Chadrick is off on a cruise so Lee and Mike play backup singers to the vacationing 'Diva of Dialogue' and talk about body grooming, manscaping products, supermarket dilemmas and why parking lots are more dangerous than holes being blown off the side of airplanes. Happy travels everyone!

  • Guess Who Wants To Sleep With A Cousin?

    02/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    We're in the throes of winter season, award season, bitching season so we talk about all of this and more in this episode. From icy queens on power trips to marrying cousins and award show faux pas, we've covered it!

  • Tiki Dolls, Wet T-Shirts, and Hunter's Big Shade

    26/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    Cruise drink packages... worth it? Would you go see a wet t-shirt contest with 80-year-olds? That gay New Year's kiss on CNN reminds us of a time when American TV was more daring than it is today. Plus, you'll never guess who got dissed in the most gay-bitch fashion at a congressional  c̶l̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶w̶ hearing. Actually, you can kind of guess.

  • The Whore Inside

    19/01/2024 Duration: 24min

    Last call at the bar? Don't get caught with the lights on, unless of course, you're just getting in touch with your inner whoredom. We're talking the "speakeasy" days of gay bars and what constitutes a "happy snitch."

  • I Wanna Kiss Your Pineapple

    12/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    Things go dark pretty fast as the boys welcome another week of the new year with talk of Death cards, movie blood and black hearts. Happy pre-Valentine's Day everyone! Also, do you know what the pineapple on your cruise cabin door really means?

  • Is 2024 Over Yet?

    05/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    A new year has begun but old issues remain. Among them is the adbundance of resolutions to be a better you. Will it work? Well, for weight loss, it might pay to be diabetic. Or at least pretend to be. Also, were there ever gay saints?

  • Do These Holiday Meals Make Me Look Fat?

    29/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    The retail chaos swallowed Chadrick whole so Lee and Mike kicked those reindeer off the sleigh heading back to wherever the f*** reindeer go after a long road trip with Santa and took the reins themselves on this show. So, so tired after the Christmas chaos and now our thoughts turn toward all things that scream New Year – like dead celebrities and futile attempts at weight loss resolutions. Enjoy!

  • Foreskin And 2000 Years Ago

    22/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    Gearing up for the holidays, thoughts naturally turn to gay investment opportunities, cutting cable, cutting skin (as in circumcision) and tacking your pre-worn intimates to a wall. Merry Christmas everybody!

  • Moms For Throuples

    15/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    We're on hypocrite watch as the political clown show continues with the anti-gay but pro-threeway Moms for Puberty book burners finding themselves embroiled in a sex scandal. Taylor Swift is Time Person of the Year and we couldn't be happier, plus George Santos is selling Cameo videos after being expelled from Congress. 'Merica!

  • Impuritan Thoughts

    08/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    Why Christmas can be full of horse (and all kinds of animal) sh*t. What if you get to Heaven and then have to go? The war on poinsettias continues; plus holidays you wouldn't mind moving to another time of year.

  • Does Getting A Blow Job From a Guy Make You Gay?

    01/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    How about converational whiplash? We've got it! Does getting a blowjob from a guy make another guy gay or does it have to go further? Also, it is blowjob or blow job? Don't think auto-correct or grammar police can help here. It's post-Thansgiving and there's a table argument about stuffing vs. dressing. Does stuffing make you gay? One thing is for sure, what's PC today will most definitely not be tomorrow. Enjoy!

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