Gay romance author Kris Cook and pop culture aficionado Chadrick Douglas bring you lively conversations about about gay men, lesbian women, bisexual and transgendered people falling in and out of love. Explore the world of books, movies, music, television and so much more through big gay colored glasses. You'll also hear interviews with authors, entertainers and other fascinating people more than happy to share their passions, desires, fears and funny moments with you! Come join us and explore all things romantic and gay ... even if you're neither!
All I Want For Christmas Is ... A Green Comb?
24/11/2023 Duration: 27minThe boys talk about the best and worst Christmas gifts. Chadrick gives his annual PSA about getting your sh** together for the holidays.
Butt Shots, Missed Shots
17/11/2023 Duration: 28minSo, we need our shots, we miss our shots and we [rarely] get our shots at immortal fame. The boys talk about deflecting bugs, attracting celebrities, and regretting those missed opportunities.
Swifty Justice
10/11/2023 Duration: 28minImagine gay men talking about Taylor Swift! Besides accepting a nomination for a much-needed House Speaker, what hasn't she done? And what can't this superstar touch and not turn it into gold? Girl power will not be eclipsed in this episode. Oh yea, there was a pending eclipse sometime during this recording.
They're Creepy And They're Kooky ... And From The Future
03/11/2023 Duration: 27minOctober is all wrapped up and November begins with conversations about ghosts, naturally. But how can you tell if you're being haunted by a gay ghost? We also find out who's in the Munsters or the Addams Family camp. And the boys do their best to guess who will have won the World Series by the time their recording airs.
Naked And Afraid? No, Just Nude And Rude
27/10/2023 Duration: 27minShows are shifting their focus to older audiences as young people have real lives to tend to and the actors are still in walk-out mode. So move over Tiger King and welcome Golden Bachelor! But it's only an hour because, you know, nap time. What about naked dating? The Max streaming network has you covered there ... sort of. Willies, jigglies, cropped and well manicured junction boxes abound as the Brits go naked and unafraid.
Should Have Voted In A Drag Queen As House Speaker
20/10/2023 Duration: 27minWell, here we are without a government again, but who cares as long as there's a circus in town! I think we're going to run out of popcorn. If you ran into your priest at a gay bar, would he be sporting gear as an assless chap-lain? What about phone sex? Are you old enough to remember what that was?
Guess Who Really Built The Hollywood Sign?
13/10/2023 Duration: 27minThis time Lee is missing in action but we took care of that with the grace and care of prisoners on parole. Bet you didn't know that we didn't always have adult birthday parties and you'll never guess who started it all. And the Hollywood sign turns 100 years old. Guess how it all started?
AI, AI, OH ... Sh*t What Have We Done?
06/10/2023 Duration: 27minIf it's not one thing, it's another. The boys had to scramble schedules to record this week but we managed to push out another show without Chadrick. We had a solution, though: AI Chadrick is in the house!
The Gay Underground Railroad
29/09/2023 Duration: 30minWhat movies about the future would you like to live through today? Rethinking time travel when movies about it really suck. Are small town gay bars still a thing? Where to escape if "Gilead" actually happens.
Whelp! We Managed To Make Cartoons And Candy Nasty
22/09/2023 Duration: 27minCongrats boys, you've managed to soil the memories of some lovable cartoon characters! So, what's the best candy to have in your mouth if you're going to ... you know?
Shut Up and Go Mow Your Mother!
15/09/2023 Duration: 27minIf you want real clowns, go to a real circus, they say. But you have to admit that the deluge of indictments over our political overlord-wanna-be's sure makes things entertaining. The latest streaming interest involves a political rom-com which brings up the question: should gay characters only be played by gay actors? There's a lawsuit involving the real-life folks featured in the movie The Blindside and the guys try to play judge and jury already.
Size Really Does Matter But It's Not What You Think. Also, Platypus. Yes, Platypus.
08/09/2023 Duration: 28minChadrick is still out "gorge-ing" so Lee and Mike carry the load and somehow wind up talking about a size to body ratio that might surprise you. Also, what part of the animal kingdom would you include in gay culture and why?
A Smart Watch For The Dead
01/09/2023 Duration: 27minSo, turns out you don't have to call in sick or absent. Just don't show up! Chadrick makes an ooopsie so the others carry the show ... right into a brick wall. Should the recently dead be a demographic for smart devices? Also, what did you learn in school, church, life that looking back seems absurd today?
A Billion Here, A Billion There. Why Can't We Have Any?
25/08/2023 Duration: 27minThe boys fantasize about lottery winnings and all those impossible dreams. But would you be inclined to give to charity if you won a ton of money? Speaking of billions, Taylor Swift's latest tour has surpassed revenues never seen before. Who's the next artist to embark on a billion-dollar tour?
You'll Never Guess What Cures The Hiccups
18/08/2023 Duration: 28minIf you've ever had the hiccups, there's surely something you can try to get rid of them, but you probably can't do it in public. There more things change, the more things try to go back to another time that wasn't kind to non-whites and also the LGBTQ+ family. Don't stand still and let it happen.
Pregnant Barbie? 19 Fibs And Counting
11/08/2023 Duration: 28minIt's a Barbie-palooza as pink takes center stage and the three grown men on the show talk about ... dolls! So, was Barbie really pregnant at one time? Plus, if art is art and love is love, when do you fall out of love because the art you want to love is made by someone you don't? Confused? We are too.
Pre-Killing Celebs And Sports Teams Meet The Jersey Chore
04/08/2023 Duration: 27minThe summer heat must be getting to the mind as one of us tries to kill off a celebrity way too early. From coffee to fake-outraged moms, the wave of anti-LGBTQ activities continues, even moving to sports. Hey, but we can still laugh at something these days, right?
Deep Diving And Pooping In A Bag
28/07/2023 Duration: 27minIt's July so naturally we talk about ... CHRISTMAS! Only Fans would pay to see you do your thing. Would you? And we take a deep dive into billionaire blunders and all the perfect things we'd do with all that money. Because we're always right!
Avatar Jesus: The Walk On Water
21/07/2023 Duration: 27minChadrick is still missing but Lee and Mike take the opportunity to talk dirt about him ... for a few seconds before they're over it. Nomads, profane billboards and James Cameron's directorial three-way. NOT what you think!
Should I Stay Or Should I Go Because I’m Gay?
14/07/2023 Duration: 30minChadrick finds more fun and shiny things to do so Lee and Mike talk about HIM for a change. But that doesn't last long. What are people called where you're from? Are you an ian, an er, an ite or an an? Confused? Good. When things get bad at home as LGBTQ+, is it time to leave or stay and fight?