Gay romance author Kris Cook and pop culture aficionado Chadrick Douglas bring you lively conversations about about gay men, lesbian women, bisexual and transgendered people falling in and out of love. Explore the world of books, movies, music, television and so much more through big gay colored glasses. You'll also hear interviews with authors, entertainers and other fascinating people more than happy to share their passions, desires, fears and funny moments with you! Come join us and explore all things romantic and gay ... even if you're neither!
Show 43 - The Foggy Bottom .. um, er, Front
29/04/2016 Duration: 32minAnother episode, another controversy (that was a Prince song, by the way), this time involving retailers, protesters and potty breaks. Speaking of Prince, the hosts pick their favorite tunes from the mega star gone too soon. Did you know that 16 hundred-thousand percent is a thing? And, if it's no soup for you, expect a lawsuit if you come across one particular social bully lawyer guy.
Show 42 - You'll have fun fun fun 'til Chadrick takes your gay card away
22/04/2016 Duration: 30minKris and Chadrick try and name that tune to out gay the other then pit Hamilton vs. Tubman in a rant about history, money and Broadway. Sarina Bowen chats with Kris about her USA Today best-selling book "Us", a sequel to the book "Him" themed around a romance between two male hockey players. Oh yea, and welcome Vermont! You know who you are.
Show 41 - Crystal "meh"
15/04/2016 Duration: 29minKris and Chadrick are on their own and despite the opening, Kris is not drunk. That's Chadrick's job! This show is full of TV talk from Ru- to La- to [insert your "p" word here]. Chadrick gives Kris a nice gift of some stringy, ghosty crystal-ly thing and it opens up a fan-dora's box of stories about death and ghosts.
Show 40 - Who wears short-shorts?
08/04/2016 Duration: 29minChadrick and Kris talk gays, sports, gays in sports and gay sports guys in shorts. Find out why Chadrick blames a basketball legend for ruining the eye candy for him. Your hosts lament what some politicians are doing in some crazy states. Speaking of states, Kris and Chadrick call out the ones we have yet to get listeners from! Let's do this!
Show 39 - Cowboy assassins and gay cruise safaris with cats
01/04/2016 Duration: 32minThis inadvertent travel episode takes you from Denmark, to Texas, back to Europe and beyond. Kris and Chadrick have their preferences -- one for filth and seduction, the other for a true global adventure. You can guess who's who on that one. Hey, did you know that moist cupcakes might get you to Europe? Author Sara York takes us to Colorado, Texas and other places where sumptuous men hang out to provide inspiration for her multitude of gay romance books. Sara can multitask her way into some great stories about men you might have -- or wish you could meet. Hanging with cowboy assassins on a ranch might just be your thing!
Show 38 - Dropping more than the kids off at the pool
25/03/2016 Duration: 29minSo, Chadrick is back from yet another getaway. This time it's Eureka Springs, Arkansas which he says is quite the place for gay people to enjoy. Of course, the conversation has to turn foul as Chadrick explains what happened to his phone during this trip. The question we have which he didn't answer is: Did he put his hands where we think he did to retrieve the phone? Gay romance author A.E. Via returns to the show to talk about her latest hot gay romance books and a new venture she's launching for other authors. What a talent! What great books!
Show 37 - Podcasters of the gay world unite! Oh, and Oprah for President.
18/03/2016 Duration: 29minKris and Chadrick welcome an exchange with fellow podcasters from Jeff & Will's Big Gay Fiction Podcast. All they had to do was agree to be on their show too. We love sharing! Get ready for some more talk of romance, sports and what celebrities would make the best politicians. Sorry Mr. Pitt, you didn't make the cut!
Show 36 - Put on some makeup and get ready for some sherbet!
11/03/2016 Duration: 30minThe show begins on a somber note, then it's Chadrick's turn to speak. Chadrick has a cute doctor, but he still won't let him "go there" for his next physical. By the end of the show, the conversation goes from honoring a recent passing to talk of crapping rainbow colored ice cream.
Show 35 - Have the Decency to Show Me Some Filth!
04/03/2016 Duration: 30minLeo got his Oscar, Gaga inspired, and Max just made Chadrick mad. It's the post-Oscar show and our hosts tell us whether it was a worthwhile watch or a dud. Here's a hint: On a scale of 1-10, Chadrick comes up with a "limp" rating. Did you know that not seeing the movies until after they are nominated makes you a bad gay? Kris welcomes guest Joey Jameson, author of great gay romance that involves dirty talking, stalking and a little walking in Ibiza.
Show 34 - Throw the Book at 'Em!
26/02/2016 Duration: 31minKris and Chadrick go into the world of books, talking about their favorites and what types of reading keeps them wanting more. As an author, Kris gives insight into his preferred types of genres and what his favorite authors are doing. Oh ... Both hosts promise to make a "Book Club" episode each month. Yep, another promise!
Show 33 - The Spouse That Roared
19/02/2016 Duration: 30minValentine's Day has come and gone. Chadrick and Kris talk about how their special day went. Apparently Chadrick's must have gone better because Kris' guest on this show is none other than his husband Stephen! Was it payback for something he forgot to do? Have some deviled eggs and join the show. You might find out what Chadrick's foulest of party fouls is.
Show 32 - Super Bowled Over with VD (pssst, it's not what you think)
12/02/2016 Duration: 29minThe 50th Super Bowl event has come and gone but the memory is more about the half-time show than the game's outcome. Beyonce, Coldplay and Bruno Mars all shone on the stage in an explosion of color and everything-tude. And what a rainbow it was --enough to piss off a bunch of people over it being "too gay" or "too this" or "too that." Too bad say Chadrick and Kris. It's also coming up on Valentine's Day but Chadrick is not impressed. You see, this "made up day" forces people to serve up romance in a can and be done with it, according to the show's host. Why not love someone every day? You're right! Why is that?
Show 31 - The Short Kiss Goodbye (Yuck, Daddy, YUCK!)
05/02/2016 Duration: 29minChadrick has a nose for all things political and Kris just has a nose for running... as in he has a cold. But like a good sport, he soldiers on with the show only to be bested by his other self as Chadrick pulls a bait and switch ... or is that Swift?
Show 30 - London Calling! (That's Keith to You and Me.)
29/01/2016 Duration: 30minThe season's chills grip much of the nation but there's nothing that can melt a winter's frost more than the soothing voices of Kris and Chadrick, right? [queue record scratch ...] Actually, we prefer the sounds of youthful, talented Keith London! The former American Idol contestant had a conversation with Chadrick about what it was like being judged, by celebrity judges on the stage, and viewers across the country, especially when he decided to do something unique on the show. Today, Keith is touring, doing what he loves best and we wish him the very best of luck for a successful career!
Show 29 - A pain in the glass! Chadrick gets wood.
22/01/2016 Duration: 29minChadrick is involved in a car chase, which he started, but it wasn't his fault, really. Like a thorn in his side -- or through his windshield -- other drivers bring out the seldom-seen MADrick Douglas and you'd better get out of his way! Find out what he has in common with a Chihuahua. Speaking of dogs, best-selling guest author Georgia Beers chats with Kris about her Puppy Love series of books, and her latest creation, "Rescued Heart."
Show 28 - The Chad-Shank Redemption and Other Light Reading
15/01/2016 Duration: 30minTwo rules some writers live by: Drink lots of coffee; Write drunk, edit sober.... much like some of us write our greeting cards. But authors are a special breed and balancing personal and professional lives can be a special challenge when you have to give life to the people in your head as well. Author Cambria Hebert is terrific at it and she speaks to Kris about her #(hashtag) series of books, the most recent of which features a gay romance many fans are glad finally happens! Chadrick is not in the best mood now that the January doldrums are upon him, but he does find enough energy to ask Kris about spanking. Sing it with us: "No whips, no chains, no wooden spoons, not a single fantasy ..." Oh, and don't tell Trisha, but Garth Brooks and Cambria's mother got together one night.
Show 27 - The Hangover, Part 2016
08/01/2016 Duration: 29minKris and Chadrick welcome you to the REAL show of 2016 since they had you believe they were actually recording on New Year's Day and that's ... oh, never mind! Chadrick kicks the door shut on 2015 and is all partied out. But he still finds time to give advice to everyone about what to include in YOUR next party. The hosts talk about the war against the government by some self-proclaimed patriots who have taken over a bird sanctuary; how being gay is becoming so mainstream, old gay neighborhoods are changing; and how binge eating during the holidays turns to binge watching shows as soon as the new year kicks in. We also find out why Chadrick could never run for President.
Show 26 - A New Hope. Oh wait, that's taken. A NEW YEAR!
02/01/2016 Duration: 31minIt's 2016 and Romance Out Loud rings it in by skipping a day. Yep we're a day late but you really didn't think we'd do an episode drunk did you? Hung over is much more classy! Kris and Chadrick review 2015, talk men's underwear and all things that meant something during the past year.
Show 25 - It's Christmas ... so all thoughts turn to toilets.
25/12/2015 Duration: 30minChadrick admits that sometimes his parties stink and one Christmas gift could have helped this year. But (hee hee) now the toilet humor door is busted open and somehow the two can’t seem to get out of the bathroom talk. Just be thankful you’re not getting gifts from either of the two. You’ll pray to get incense, frankincense and myrrh forever after this chat. Oh, and Kris comes out of the author closet. Happy Holidays to all celebrating. To those not, go find something to celebrate and we’ll see you next time!
Show 24 - The Mother of All Shows
18/12/2015 Duration: 29minKris Cook is off again and so the show goes off the rails ... again. Chadrick substitutes Kris with the author's own mother and tries to make her blush. He's still trying as Mama Lana holds her own to talk about what a great little angel of an author she has -- an angel whose big head took over 3 hours to get through her nether regions to come into this world. We didn't ask. Chadrick did.