Gay romance author Kris Cook and pop culture aficionado Chadrick Douglas bring you lively conversations about about gay men, lesbian women, bisexual and transgendered people falling in and out of love. Explore the world of books, movies, music, television and so much more through big gay colored glasses. You'll also hear interviews with authors, entertainers and other fascinating people more than happy to share their passions, desires, fears and funny moments with you! Come join us and explore all things romantic and gay ... even if you're neither!
Not So Wild About Harry
17/02/2023 Duration: 29minZoo animals on the loose, the Disneyfication of Texas, Mormon underwear and all other kinds of excess baggage are on tap in this episode. Plus, Chadrick and Lee have a "Housewives" style royal fall-out!
Message In A Booze Bottle
10/02/2023 Duration: 29minRecorded in January, the guys remind us that for some messed up reason, the month was to be touted as "Dry January." Thank goodness it's now February. Speaking of time gone by, if you were to go back in time, what era would you go back to? Also, celebrities, sperm donation and a dare to find a movie where Tom Cruise does NOT do a certain thing.
Speak Easy and Keep That D**k Out Of The Vacuum Cleaner
01/02/2023 Duration: 31minThe boys are back talking about forbidden booze, first times for "that time", and movie mash-ups. Also, was JFK bisexual?
2023-01 We're Back ... And Battered Than Ever!
25/01/2023 Duration: 29minAfter a looooong hiatus, Lee Swift (formerly Kris Cook) and Chadrick team up with Producer Mike to get reacquainted with the post-[insert disaster here] world! Lee has gone celebrity, Chadrick has (almost) gone and Mike tries to keep the reigns on the conversation as the group winds its way through LGBTQ life after many years off the air. We talk send-offs, rip-offs and dirty underwear so get to know the term 'pre-pology' pretty well! There's no turning back now. We've also got more great news! The show is not only available on your favorite Podcast app, but also runs 24/7 on and the Live365 app! We find many ways to feed you fluff and will soon pave a way for you to get exclusive features. Meanwhile, we're working on a merchandise store to show off our FABulous new logo on many new products. Thanks for sticking with us! We hope we do you proud and, if not, at least keep things loud.
59 Show - Kum-Bye-Yall
19/08/2016 Duration: 30minKris, Chadrick and Producer Mike talk about what's next. The answer? We're just not sure. We cover topics from the state of gay romance to the Grateful Dead and Andy Gibb and what that has to do with wishing someone death. Romance Out Loud will be taking a break for a while but keep following us on our Facebook page. Kris has lots of books to write and he'll be keeping you updated with the latest! We've come a long way in a year and as we look beyond today, come what may, we are grateful you've been a part of it! We'll see you next time!
58 Show - Fit for a 1-Year-Old
12/08/2016 Duration: 30minCan you believe it? Romance Out Loud is ONE! Congratulations to all who made the show possible. Three people. Really, just three. Well, that's not really true since the great guests we've had on the show, from authors, to friends and family, to film makers and more, we have had fun over the last 12 months! Kris, Chadrick and Producer Mike talk about the year gone by and what could have been ... or might still be.
57 Show - Speedos and Trampolines
05/08/2016 Duration: 30minZika virus be damned! Kris and Chadrick talk up a storm about the Olympics and what events really get them going. Let's just say that going to a dive is among the top things they like. Did you know that Kris once played football and Chadrick used music class to get out of gym class? Oh and speed walking is actually a sport in the Olympics. Is there truth to any of this? Jump on your trampoline and find out. Yep. Trampoline, an olympic sport.
56 Show - Star Trek The Sex Generation
29/07/2016 Duration: 29minHollywood is hard. Take that for what it's worth and run with it! Kris and Chadrick talk about the unease with some movies and the sexy and un-sexiness of the Star Trek series. So we must ask: Have YOU ever considered plastic surgery?
55 Show - Poli-tickle Me Trump
22/07/2016 Duration: 29minIt's full-blown election season time in the U.S. so despite the strong claims by Kris that the show does not do politics, Chadrick forces the issue toward the inevitable craziness that the party conventions bring. Train wreck watchers of the world, this is for you! Pokemon Go! Away! Please! Chadrick reminds players that if you're catching Pokemon characters in the virtual world on your phone, somebody's tracking your every move! And we thought the last political convention was full of fear and loathing. Boo! Are you afraid yet?
54 Show - Its Not Easy Being Mean
15/07/2016 Duration: 31minAre gay characters mainstream these days or still relegated to the sidelines of entertainment? Kris and Chadrick discuss the role of gay leads in television and wonder just how they got to where they are. Chadrick thinks it has to do with favors on a casting couch. Also, it looks like singer Dolly Parton needs some of your love because being nice apparently pisses a lot of people off.
53 Show - Falling Off a Clift
08/07/2016 Duration: 31minBarbara is coming! Now, stop that. Kris and Chadrick talk game shows, book signings and eating out. Now, stop that! Kris welcomes friend and Hollywood producer, Gina Goff. The conversation moves from romantic films to gay cinema and why it sometimes can't -- and shouldn't -- just stay in a gay world. And about that Clift: Well, let's just say that Kris has the hots for somebody who few people know today ... and who's dead. But you know, just Google him. Kris, you might have something there!
Show 52 - Shoplifters of the World, Go Cut a Rusty!
01/07/2016 Duration: 31minKris brings Mama Lana back for some chat about what it means to have a gay child. A difficult world could use some motherly advice. Chadrick has an impromptu PSA basically saying "don't feed the shoplifters!" Richard Simmons becomes a thing on this show and both Kris and Chadrick lament how there is just no fun in game shows anymore. Ready to "cut a rusty?" Happy Canada Day and 4th of July and all that fun stuff to you all!
Show 51 - Pride ... In the Name of Love
24/06/2016 Duration: 30minWith our apologies to U2, we take over the themes of Pride and Love. It's the end of June and Chadrick talks to Kris about what Pride Month, which used to be Pride Week, has meant over the years. What are their favorite places to celebrate Pride? There's a cafe in New York dedicated to the Golden Girls TV show and neither host has any clue where it exactly is, but many shows now in syndication are all the rage right now and that makes one host very happy.
50 Show - We Are Orlando
17/06/2016 Duration: 37minThe meaning of our title needs no explanation. This show is dedicated to the victims of the recent and senseless tragedy that visited upon the LGBT community in the most gruesome way. Kris, Chadrick, Mama Lana (Kris' mom) patch together the show from Dallas and Houston and deliver their heart-felt thoughts about the tragedy. We run a bit long on this one as we name each victim to give them one more chance to be known to all. We then end with some words from our producer on what he thinks could be behind all this hate and how the tiny little things you can do today can start changing things for the better. We don't have all the answers and might not always be right, but it's sure worth a try to be better today than yesterday, isn't it?
49 Show - Three Balls and a Pair
10/06/2016 Duration: 32minThis show has a pop tart, a snotty rag, a pair and a threesome -- NONE of that is what you think, except the pop-tart bit. In this show, Kris and Chadrick cover the rise of the woman, admitting to voyeurism, and going home with ugly. Speaking of ugly, we apologize for the quality of the audio in the interview portion, as Kris decided to use his iPhone as his microphone - in a noisy restaurant, then in a noisy car. The good news is that sharing that phone/mic was none other than the pair known as Kindle Alexander, authors extraordinaire. We hope that makes it all better.
48 Show - Watching Autumn Leaves in July - 6216 7.31 PM
03/06/2016 Duration: 28minKris is back but he's not all there since he's got a bit of a cold, but Chadrick perks him right up with ideas for an anniversary getaway. Maybe Kris should go with Chadrick because all the ideas were for what Chadrick likes. Kris' favorite "pocket gay" talks about finding some magazines that caught his interest years ago. Surprisingly, they were sports mags. Surprisingly, they were not THAT kind of sports.
Show 47 - A Flightmare on Chad's Street
27/05/2016 Duration: 29minKris is taking a much-needed break, though Chadrick is sure there's no rest for the weary writer. Producer Mike sits in for a nice chat with Chadrick about airplanes, romantic movies, Chewbacca and perverted clowns. Those are the pieces. You put them together.
Show 46 - Reality (Show) Check
20/05/2016 Duration: 30minMovie mania abounds as Kris and Chadrick turn to the big screen to talk about their on-screen preferences. The conversation quickly shifts to ... SURPRISE! ... reality shows, particularly Big Brother and how other countries' versions are far more interesting and hot. Then the bombshell is dropped. The boys are thinking of auditioning themselves. But, if all goes as other promises on this show, you might want to avoid placing bets on those odds!
Show 45 - A low down dirty show
13/05/2016 Duration: 29minThey went there. Well, it was really Chadrick who after hanging the moon put some sunshine where the Sun doesn't. The show is about judges, rats in a courthouse and longing for the days when skinny dipping didn't land you in a predator database. This one's a soap box derby with both hosts getting on their stumps to preach about butts, plugs and the unfortunate association of those two words together.
Show 44 - Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
06/05/2016 Duration: 30minKris and Chadrick fly solo for this episode but their banter takes us to the fair. A renaissance fair where people in Texas dress in medieval gear and stare at men in tights. Well, at least Chadrick does. He gets on his high horse (or sort of short-ish horse) and tells us about all the privies and pervys he got to see.