If Lands Could Kill is a comedy Magic: the Gathering podcast by novices, for novices. Host Knife City along with Ryke, Samhain Crow, and Hot Sauce discuss the meta game, building decks, giving advice to new players, and how not to be a dick. This podcast has explicit language and themes, and that's just the way we like it. Along with the weekly podcast, ILCK provides a series of Deck Techs and booster box opening videos, plus Versus matchups between current tier 1 decks and home brews, all of which can be found at our YouTube channel and website.Visit ourWebsiteLike us onFacebookWatch our other content onYouTubeFollow us onTwitter
Episode 32 - Touched By A Sauce
30/03/2015 Duration: 01h49minThis week the gang talks DTK pre-releases, rules changes, and the last one has crossed the finish line for building a Tiny Leaders deck. What "lengths" would Hot Sauce go to get his house? Stick around until the end to find out.
Episode 31 - Let The Boys Be Boys
23/03/2015 Duration: 02h12minSpecial guest appearance from Steve Scott (Bio V), a long time player with a few ProTours spots under his belt. The crew discusses MTGO beta, 4C reanimator in standard, and the rest of the spoilers for Dragons of Tarkir. It wouldn't be ILCK if we didn't have some immoral, frowned upon conversation between us, so look out for that.
Episode 30 - Coming Unhinged
16/03/2015 Duration: 02h15minThis week the gang cracks open an old booster pack, talk about all that PAX East had to bring us and.....oh ya, Dragon Spoilers just keep gaining on us and gaining on us. Stick around until the end to find out how NOT to start an episode.
Episode 29 - Don't Be a Novice to Your Opponent While Playing Your Lands in the Front in the Hood
09/03/2015 Duration: 01h38minThis week the gang considers changing the locks after another guest spot by the one, the only, Peppermint Swirl. The boys talk about the possible future of MTG trading and they can't help but get all giddy about Dragons of Tarkir spoilers.
Episode 28 - Rock'em Sock'em City
02/03/2015 Duration: 01h39minThis week Ryke has come down with a case of the Mexican Bathroom Water Flu so he is once again replaced with illustrator, webpage designer and long time friend of the cast, Peppermint Swirl. The rest of the cast just came back from a 12 step program for people who interrupt one another. Let's see if they don't relapse when they talk this week about the new Kiora vs Elspeth duel deck, Tempest Remastered, Raging Gumby screwing up SCG coverage with his Naya Tokens deck, and they discuss new Standard and Minimander (Tiny Leaders) decks. Stick around until the end to find out which host had a caricature drawn of them during the cast.
Episode 27 - Old Grandpa's Pine Tar
23/02/2015 Duration: 01h51minThis week the guys talk top 8's and current meta tech. This is Knife's favorite Noob's Knowledge because we talk about Mill. Stick around until the end to find out what type of company we keep.
Episode 26 - Big Orange Head
16/02/2015 Duration: 01h40minThis week the gang talks about Pro Tour Fate Reforged, Knife's first Khans/Fate draft on MTGO, and they recap their first Minimander (Tiny Leaders) experience. And in lieu of Ryke this week, they bring on Peppermint Swirl to fill in the gap. You'll definitely want to stick around until the end to find out what has the guys cracking up.
Episode 25 - Mastery of the Unseen
09/02/2015 Duration: 02h04minThis week the gang plays their favorite guessing game and talk about sexy decks!
Episode 24 - We're Trying To Be Target
02/02/2015 Duration: 02h14minThis week the gang talks about the new decks in the SCG Washington tournament and the new MTG lore story. We also run down an Alesha Tiny Leaders decklist, and the standard decks we are looking to play moving forward from Fate Reforged. Stick around to find out what senior citizen we are scared of.
Episode 23 - Minimander
26/01/2015 Duration: 02h19minThis episode the boys talk about their Fate Reforged pre-release, the Ban and Restricted announcement, a new manifest brew and a sultai walkers brew. The gang tackles a new format for this week's Noob's Knowledge. And as always, stick around until the end to find out how asphalt and gonorrhea are connected.
Episode 22 - Star Wars: The Maybe Played
19/01/2015 Duration: 02h04minWelcome back ILCKites! For your listening pleasure the cast will be talking about what Knife did on the MTGO Fate Reforged Beta and the rest of the spoilers for Fate Reforged. And for the first time ever (and maybe only time ever) the cast will be live brewing a standard deck revolving around one of the gods from the Theros block. Stick around until the end to find out why fixing MTGO is a never ending process.Purphoros deck ---
Episode 21 - Too Many Spoilers
12/01/2015 Duration: 02h02minThis week the boys talk Fate Reforged spoilers, favorite MTG moments from 2014, and what they are setting their sights on in 2015. And as always they fill you in on their exciting lives.....enter Konami code to hear 30 more minutes.
Episode 20 - The Six Month Plan
10/01/2015 Duration: 02h25min***Knife has been a lazy asshole, so this episode is slightly dated*** This week the boys talk about Modern Masters 2015, the Magic World Cup, and Knife City’s first venture into building a cube. Noob’s Knowledge is all about popular competitive and casual formats. Also let us know if the six month plan has worked for you! Recorded 12/13/14
Episode 19 - Ode to Heavy Meta
25/12/2014 Duration: 01h51minAre you tired of the boys spouting off about magics topics they have no idea about?Do you really only listen to the first 20 minutes and last 5 minutes of each episode?Are you curious to why Knife doesn’t drink anymore?Well pour yourself a drink, put your headphones and make sure no one else is listening because this week the boys spend 15 minutes talking about magic and the rest is…..well, you’ll just have to listen.
Episode 18 - You Boys Like Mexico?
26/11/2014 Duration: 02h19minThis episode the gang talks about Commander 2014 pre cons, cheaters, new decks and a brand new Noob's Knowledge. Sitck around until the end to find out how the magic happens.
Episode 17 - Will Work For Commons
23/10/2014 Duration: 01h58minThis episode the guys talk about Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir, current meta, what decks each of them are playing and a brand new N00b's Knowledge! Stick around to find out how Crow is gaining favor within the cast.
Episode 16 - ...And Out Come The n00bs
16/10/2014 Duration: 02h01minThis episode the boys discuss their KTK pre release and draft, the first standard events of the block, and what new brews are out there. Special n00b guest Samhain Crow joins us for this episode.
Episode 15 - Quit Your Khanplaining
16/09/2014 Duration: 01h45minThis episode the boys talk about the complete Khan spoilers, Sauce drops a sweet deck on us from the net....speaking of which, how do you net deck? And find out why HotSauce is not allowed to introduce the show!
Episode 14 - Right on Time
15/09/2014 Duration: 01h43minThis episode we talk about something we've never talked about before! Tournament Reports! HotSauce brings us a sweet new deck and him and Knife go over their MTGO M15 draft. What's that? You want n00b's Knowledge? You got it! Please stick around for a special story from our special Ryke's wedding day cast.
Episode 13 - Mtgo's Mask
01/08/2014 Duration: 01h03minLucky number 13 is short and sweet, packed with our thoughts on the Destiny beta, Magic news from San Diego Comic Con, 2 new home brews, and a summary of the M15 prerelease. Wanna party like it's 1987? Stick around to until the end!