If Lands Could Kill is a comedy Magic: the Gathering podcast by novices, for novices. Host Knife City along with Ryke, Samhain Crow, and Hot Sauce discuss the meta game, building decks, giving advice to new players, and how not to be a dick. This podcast has explicit language and themes, and that's just the way we like it. Along with the weekly podcast, ILCK provides a series of Deck Techs and booster box opening videos, plus Versus matchups between current tier 1 decks and home brews, all of which can be found at our YouTube channel and website.Visit ourWebsiteLike us onFacebookWatch our other content onYouTubeFollow us onTwitter
Episode 131 - Winner Winner You Had Too Much Dinner
13/11/2019 Duration: 02h23minThe boys are back in town and ready to talk MTG. What have they been up to lately, you’re probably wondering. You’re in luck because they go over what has happened since we last saw them.
Minisode 1 - Breaking History
08/07/2019 Duration: 39minAre you missing that special something in your life? Haven't had your ILCK desires filled? Need to release a little tension? Well you're in luck big boy! ILCK presents our Minisode series. It's not a full cast and it's not a full episode but it's still just enough to last you until you can get your next fix. Or it's just filler, you decide! This minisode KnifeCity opens a box of Modern Horizons and talks about Oathbreaker.
Episode 130 - Most Kissable Guilds
05/12/2018 Duration: 01h44minJust when you thought it was safe, the ILCK boys are back. This episode they talk about MTG Arena, Standard, and a build around card that they both built decks around. Whose deck is better? You be the judge! Stick around until the end to figure where to kiss us.
Episode 129 - Bonobo Buddies
25/09/2018 Duration: 03h05sShots fired right out of the gates. ILCK wants you to know that they are back and they aren’t messing around. This episode the boys talk about the little break they took from casting. They go on to talk about Commander 2018 and all the products surrounding Guilds of Ravnica. Hot Sauce has a spicy EDH brew while Knife is simply excited about books. Stick around until the end to join in the fun….the making fun that is.
Episode 128 - The Story That This Road Tells
26/03/2018 Duration: 02h01minIn a garage, two men sit. Sound waves travel through space and time, only to be captured by a GhostBusters like Ghost Trap, comprised of mics, filters and a laptop. And you, my good listener, are the Containment Unit. Now sit back and take this steaming box of ghastly comedy. Stick around until the end for human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
Episode 127 - Mr Bean Coming In Hot
15/03/2018 Duration: 02h27minThis week the boys work with what they got. Knife and Sauce continue to carry the flag of hilarity and MTG. Stick around until the end for some new changes that will take place.
Episode 126 - Noobsplaining
26/02/2018 Duration: 02h02minSo much has gone on since the boys were last in action. KnifeCity hogs up all the intros and then they go on to talk about the Pro Tour, Modern Unbannings, M25 and future MTG games. Stick around until the end to hear the results of a very important Twitter poll.
Episode 125 - A Tom Tom Christmas
06/01/2018 Duration: 02h57minAfter a short hiatus the guys are back with an action packed cast! They talk about Unstable, their non-staple EDH staples and a speculative read of a Rolling Stone MTG article. Stick around until the end for the quote of the century.
Episode 124 - Trademark It
23/11/2017 Duration: 02h13minWant to escape an awkward family gathering? Need some humor to drown out your drunk Uncle's political ramblings? About to pass out from over eating and need a podcast to help keep you awake on the long drive back from Grandma's house? Well you're in luck because on this episode the boys practice their hilarious riffing while talking about their weeks. They go on to talk about MTG/MTGO news and the upcoming Unstable set. Stick around until the end for a history lesson.
Episode 123 - Lucky Louie
15/11/2017 Duration: 01h56minThis week the guys talk about current affairs and comedy. They then move on to discuss Pro Tour Ixalan, MTGO changes, some 1DH results and some bitching new tokens. Stick around until the end because we can't finish if you don't.
Episode 122 - Barely Understand It
06/11/2017 Duration: 02h06minThis week the guys start off with such serious topics as Star Wars and how their week is going. They go on to talk about MTG digital products, Hot Sauce's 1DH deck and Knife's Axis of Evil EDH deck. Stick around until the end because......I remember Halloween.
Episode 121 - We Can Never Go Back To Olive Garden
16/10/2017 Duration: 02h01minThis week the guys crack each other up during the first hour of the show by telling stories and talking about their weeks. They go on to talk about Standard, new Modern decks and Knife talks about how his 1dh deck performed. Stick around until the end because this bit won't die.
Episode 120 - Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
29/09/2017 Duration: 04h11minThis week the boys satiate your earholes with a 4 hour long cast. They have on ex host and long time friend, Ryke, to keep them company during the first half of the cast. They go on to discuss MTG Arena, MTGO and Ixalan. Stick around until the end for some tears!
Episode 119 - Glimpse the Reprintable
15/09/2017 Duration: 02h29minThis week the boys try to cut the intros short (yeah right) and talk about all that is going on in the world of MTG. They talk Iconic Masters, C17 decks in practice, MTG Arena, and Ixalan spoilers. Stick around until the end because Chixdiggit.
Episode 118 - The EDH Chromosome
15/09/2017 Duration: 02h21minThis week the boys travel back in time to about a month ago. When it comes to MTG they are pretty much stuck on EDH and the new pre cons. Stick around until the end to hear the boys horse around.
Episode 117 - The Good, The Bad and a Little Bit of Magic
28/08/2017 Duration: 02h22minThis week the boys talk mostly about all the hilarious and real things happening in their lives. There's MTG sprinkled in but we all know why you are here. Stick around until the end to time walk into the past....or whatever.
Episode 116 - Bert's Insulin
25/07/2017 Duration: 03h22minThis week the boys talk about what video games they've been playing, what podcasts they've been listening to and other such things that take up their time. When they move on to MTG they discuss a variety of different decks spanning several formats and Knife answers the call to Hot Sauce's challenge of building a budget EDH deck. Stick around until the end to hear how the true beginning of the episode starts.
Episode 115 - Maro, Maro, MARO
19/07/2017 Duration: 03h06minThis week the boys can't really remember what happened over the past month or so but they are up to their old shenanigans again. Not only are there some thought provoking conversation to be had but this is also their Hour of Devastation set review episode. Right? That's what the other podcasts call it? Whatever, stick around until the end to find out what happen to Knife's sleeves!
Episode 114 - The Late Conspiracy Part 3
07/07/2017 Duration: 02h14minNothing is making sense anymore! These episodes are like weeks late and frankly I'd like to find out who is respon..........*hhhhmmmm* *hhmmmppphh* *hhhmmmmppphhh* *THUD*.Hello everyone! This episode of If Lands Could Kill is brought to you by LSVD, Paula Victor Damn it Rosa, and everyone here at the Channew Fiyea Bawl family. Keep in mind you can visit our website to buy over priced singles, listen to podcasts that used to be good, and read mediocre articles that are behind an unnecessary paywall. Thanks for your support (money) and hope to see you at the next GP (for more money).
Episode 113 - The Late Conspiracy Part 2
04/07/2017 Duration: 01h38minThe mystery goes on! Why isn't Knife in this episode? Is he the one behind the episodes being late? Or did he get too close to the truth and someone shut him up? Listen to this Sauce and Crow filled episode until the end to find out.