Hello and thank-you for visiting My Lean Business Coach.At MLBC we believe every business can reap the benefits of lean business systems. Our passion is in seeing our partners grow and succeed through the application of simple lean tools. Lean doesn't need an army of technicians or engineers to be successful; all you need is a passionate and committed team and the right approach.
Episode 35 - Tenacity
24/10/2015 Duration: 04minIn this episode Jason discusses the importance of tenacity in achieving success in any endeavour Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 34 - Clear Strategy
14/10/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the importance of a clear strategy in business Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 33 - Sometimes You Just Don't Win
07/10/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses what makes the difference between and losing. Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 32 - The Comfort Zone
06/10/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses why getting out of your comfort zone works! Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 31 - One Out, All Out
06/10/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the challenges of workplace agreements in today's economy. Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 30 - Realism in Problem Solving
17/09/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses why reality is such an important part of problem solving. Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 29 - A Great Place To Work?
07/09/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusseswhat makes some organisations a great place to work. Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 28 - Meetings, Constructive or Destructive?
01/09/2015 Duration: 04minIn this episode Jason discusses meetings, and there impact on productivity. Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 27 - Are You A Hider Or A Seeker
26/08/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the three types of people is every business. The Hider, The Seeker and The Dead Fish Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 26 - Supplier Relationships
21/08/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the importance of effective supplier partnerships. Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 25 - It's The Results That Matter
19/08/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses why it results that matter and not terminology or semantics. Visit for all of your lean business needs. Free lean video tutorials including 5S, Kaizen, Std Work, Jidoka, JIT, TPM and more. With QikProcedure you can develop your business documentation up to 400% faster than conventional methods. Visit to download from the App Store
Episode 24 - Perfectionism Or Procrastination?
04/08/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the issue of perfectionism. Is it perfectionism or is it procrastination? Visit www. for all of your lean business needs. Join our free video tutorials covering all aspects of lean; 5S, TPM, kaizen, standardized work, jidoka, JIT and more. With QikProcedure you can document your business up to 400% faster. Now on the App Store -
Episode 23 Two Out Of Three
02/08/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discussed the two out of three project management rule of good, cheap, fast. Visit for your lean business resources. Free video tutorials covering lean, kaizen, 5S, jodoka, standardized work and just in time. With QikProcedure you can develop your IMS documentation up to 400% faster!
Episode 22 - Productivity Or Efficiency
22/07/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discussed the difference between productivity and efficiency and how get both right is important. Visit for all of your lean business needs. With QikProcedure you can develop all of your business IMS docs 400% faster.
Epsiode 21 - The Three Pillars To Business Success
14/07/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the three phylosophies that when embraced and embedded will ensure any business is a success. Visit for all of your lean needs. Free video tutorials and webinars covering lean, tps, kaizen, JIT, jidoka and more.
Episode 20 - The Lean Government Challenge
08/07/2015 Duration: 04minIn this episode Jaosn issues a challenge to all levels of Government to learn from the lean phylosophies. Visit for all of your lean, 5S, Kaizen, Standardised Work needs and more.
Episode 19 - Lean Success
06/07/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discusses how to measure the success of your lean journey. Learn the role the lean tools such as 5S, Standardised Work, Kaizen etc play in your lean success. Visit us at for all of your lean resources
Episode 18 - Your One Thing
27/06/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the power of focusing on Your One Thing Join us at for all of your Lean Business needs from kaizen, 5S, jidoka, TPM, JIT
Episode 17 - Collaboration
21/06/2015 Duration: 03minIn this epsiode Jason discusses the importance collaboration plays in every business. On your lean journey, working collaboratively can increase your project efficiency 3 fold! Visit for all of your lean management information; kaizen, 5S, Jidoka, TPM, JIT and more
Episode 16 The Epiphany
09/06/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discussed the epiphany or 'aha' moment. Visit for everything you need to succeed on your lean business journey.