Hello and thank-you for visiting My Lean Business Coach.At MLBC we believe every business can reap the benefits of lean business systems. Our passion is in seeing our partners grow and succeed through the application of simple lean tools. Lean doesn't need an army of technicians or engineers to be successful; all you need is a passionate and committed team and the right approach.
Episode 15 - Documenting Your Business
01/06/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discusses how the process of documenting your business is changing for the better. The bottleneck of your lean journey can by updating and developing your documentation. Whether standarized work after a kaizen event or writing procedures. With QikProcedure you'll be dome in no time
Episode 14 - What is in Your Control
25/05/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discusses why you should work on what you can control to achieve your lean business goals. Visit us at to sign up for our free lean video tutorials.
7 Steps To A Lean Business - Chapter 3 Capturing The Current State
22/05/2015 Duration: 21minIn this episode Jason reads from Chapter 3 of 7 Steps To A Lean Business. Listen as he teaches how to apply standardized work, kaizen, 5S and more Free Video Tutorial
Episode 13 - Communication In Your Business
18/05/2015In this episode Jason discusses the requirements of communication if today's business world. For all of your Lean Business requirements visit for access to free video tutorials covering: - Lean - Kaizen - 5S - TPM - Standarized Work & Kaizen - Jidoka - Just in Time and more...
Epsiode 12 - The Value Of The VSM
12/05/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discusses the value of the Value Stream Map to your business on your lean journey. Visit us at www.mlbc, for access to the free video tutorials.
Episode 11 - Technology In Your Business
06/05/2015In the episode Jason discusses the implementat process for new technology into your business and how many get it wrong. Join us at for free resources to help you take your business on its lean journey with 5S, Kaizen, Standardized Work, Jidoka and more.
Episode 10 - Less With More?
27/04/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the lean journey and how not every journey results in team achieving more with less. To start your lean business journey visit for plenty of free resources on lean, 5S, Kaizen, Standardized Work, Jidoka, JIT and more.
7 Steps To A Lean Business - Chapter 2 Genchi Genbutsu
21/04/2015In this episode of 7 Steps To A Lean Business Jason discusses Chapter 2, Genchi Genbutsu and how to incorporate this effective action in your lean business. Visit us at to sign up for the 12 Week Intensive Lean Course, the free fortnightly lean webinar and other free resources.
Epsiode 9 - The Nitpicker
20/04/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the nitpicker in every business and how to conquer. Visit us at to sign up for the 12 Week Intensive Lean Course and the free fortnightly webinar.
Epsiode 8 - Bringing Back Simple
13/04/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discusses why business's are becoming more complex and how we can bring back simple solutions. Visit My Lean Business Coach at to sign up for our 12 week Intensive Lean Training Course or our Free fortnightly webinar and other Free resources
7 Steps To A Lean Business - Chapter 1 Where To Begin
09/04/2015In this episode of 7 Steps To A Lean Business Jason discusses the different options of where to start your lean journey; the pro's, con's, requirements and spotential struggles. Visit us at to sign up for the 12 Week Intensive Lean Course and search through our free resources. At My Lean Business Coach we bringing the simple back into business.
Episode 7 - How To Solve Any Problem
07/04/2015 Duration: 04minIn this episode Jason will show you how to simple solve any byusiness problem in any business without complex processes. At we will show you how every business can succedd through the application of simple lean tools
Episode 6 - A Day On The Gemba
30/03/2015 Duration: 03minIn this episode Jason discusses the importance of practicing Genchi Gembustsu and spending time walking the Gemba on your lean business journey. Visit us at to sign up for our free webinar and other free resources to help you on your success journey.
7 Steps To A Lean Business - Episode 2 - 5S
24/03/2015 Duration: 07minIn this episode Jason discusses the basics of 5S in your business and how it is the foundation of lean. Visit us at to sign up for the free webinar and 12 week intensive lean course
Episode 5 - Systems And Culture
23/03/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discusses the role of systems and culture in your business success. Visit us at for all of your lean learnings.
Episode 4 - Common Business Challenge - Resource Restrictions
17/03/2015 Duration: 05minIn this episode Jason discusses another common business challenge - Resource Restrictions. Whether they be money, labour or equipment. Visit us at for all of your lean business tools
13/03/2015 Duration: 08minIn this first episode of 7 Steps To A Lean Business Jason introduces his first book with an introduction and short history of lean.
Episode 3 - Common Business Challenge - Dealing With Red Tape
13/03/2015 Duration: 02minIn this episode Jason discusses the challenges of dealing with red tape and offers recommendations on how to unstrangle your business.
12/03/2015 Duration: 05minIn this episode Jason discusses the common challenge of diverse customer bases and customer expectations
11/03/2015 Duration: 05minIn this short episode Jason discusses one of the common business challenges - The misalignment of goals and objectives.