Now and then the cast of the Tome Show gets to interview someone in the game industry...this is a collection of those episodes. Visit for more Tome Show Productions.
Round Table 120 - Greg Marks on the Adventurers League and more!
23/05/2016 Duration: 01h04minJames Introcaso sits down with Adventurers League admin, Greg Marks, to discuss the Con Created Content program, the search for more female designers, future D&D storylines, payment for AL adventure designers, and his upcoming products and projects. This podcast was recorded on May 18, 2016.
Curse of Strahd (Tome 264)
18/05/2016 Duration: 01h29minIn this episode of the The Tome Show, Jeff & Tracy are joined by Sam Dillon and David Gibson to discuss Wizards of the Coast’s latest 5e D&D adventure, Curse of Strahd. Their discussion is followed by an interview with the product’s lead designer, Chris Perkins. Please rate and review The Tome Show on iTunes. It takes 30 seconds and helps us more than you think!
Handwaving and Pacing (Tome 263)
11/05/2016 Duration: 52minIn this episode, Jeff and Tracy are joined by Jessica Price of Paizo Publishing. They talk about her introduction into the gaming hobby, how she got into a campaign with Paizo’s founder, and some of the GMing skills she has learned and perfected over the years. Please rate and review The Tome Show on iTunes. It takes 30 s [...]
Round Table 118 - Magic in D&D, Acquisitions Inc. Series, and Gem Dragons of Faerun
09/05/2016 Duration: 01h16minJames Introcaso sits down with Alex Basso and Round Table newbies Dan Elwell and Daniel Franco to discuss the free PDF that brings the Zendikar campaign setting from Magic: The Gathering into fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons rules. Then they chat about the
Gamer to Gamer - Rob Heinsoo and Jonanthan Tweet
06/05/2016 Duration: 46minJames Introcaso sits down with game designers Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet to discuss their careers and lives with gaming. Both have worked on previous editions of Dungeons and Dragons and together they created the hit RPG 13th Age. The design duo are getting ready to put out 13th Age in Glorantha[...]
Round Table 117 - Have Spellbook Will Travel, Arcanis, and Mists of Akuma
02/05/2016 Duration: 01h24minJames Introcaso sits down with Rudy Basso to discuss their upcoming fantasy, comedy, radio drama podcast, Have Spellbook Will Travel. Then James sits down with Henry Lopez and Pedro Barrenechea of Paradigm Concepts to talk about their long-running campaign setting, Arcanis, and
Round Table 115 - Gothic Heroes, New WotC President, and Noisy Person Cards
18/04/2016 Duration: 01h08minJames Introcaso sits down with Round Table newbies Michael Ambyth and Seth Zolin to discuss Gothic Heroes, the latest Unearthed Arcana article, and Chris Cocks being named the new president of Wizards of the Coast. Then it’s an interview with
Round Table 114 - The RPG Business Part II and Playbook Update
11/04/2016 Duration: 01h28minJames Introcaso sits down with Teos Abadia, Russ Morrissey, and Dan Dillon to discuss making money in the tabletop RPG business. This discussion is a continuation on a subject first discussed in Round Table 113. Then it’s a conversation with Chris Matney of Trapdoor Technologies to discuss an exciting partnership with
The State of the Game (Tome 262)
08/04/2016 Duration: 58minOn this episode Jeff and Tracy sit down with Mike Mearls, chief of the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast. The three of them discuss sales, excitement, new releases, future plans, the direction of the game, and much more! Wizards of the Coast Mike Mearls on Twitter Jeff on Twitter Tracy on Twitter
Ashes of the Tyrant (Tome Book Club)
01/04/2016 Duration: 01h36minIn this book club episode, Jeff, Tracy, and Eric are joined by Appendix N host Geoffrey Winn. They discuss Ashes of the Tyrant, the latest in Erin M. Evans’ series featuring Farideh. After their discussion, Jeff and Tracy interview Erin M. Evans about the book, the characters, and the next book in the series. Erin M. Evans Web Erin M. Evans Twitter Appendix N Podcast Jeff Twitter Tracy Twitter
The Lazy Dungeon Master (Tome 261)
30/03/2016 Duration: 01h24minIn this episode Jeff and Tracy are joined by Susan J. Morris, Allison Rossi, and Ryan Costello Jr. to discuss the recently released audiobook version of Sly Flourish’s The Lazy Dungeon Master. After their discussion and critique, they are joined by Sly Flourish himself (a.k.a. Mike Shea) and Colby Elliot, the reader of the audiobook version. Links: Mike Shea Web Mike Shea Twitter
Adventure Design and the Dungeon Masters Guild (Tome 260)
25/03/2016 Duration: 01h28minIn this episode Jeff and Sam are joined by Mike Shea (Sly Flourish) and Wolfgang Baur (Kobold Press). The four of them discuss what makes a good adventure, the importance of hooks, editing and proofreading, art in your product, and whether or not the Dungeon Masters Guild is the right place for you to sell your product, among other things! Dungeon Masters Guild Jeff Greiner on Twitter Wolfgang Baur on Twitter Kobold Press Sly Flourish on Twitter
Round Table 111 - Kobold Press 10th Anniversary
21/03/2016 Duration: 01h27minJames Introcaso sits down with Wolfgang Baur, Steve Winter, and Brandon Hodge to discuss the storied ten-year history of Kobold Press. They discuss how the RPG publishing company came to be and great products past, present, and future. This podcast was recorded on February 29 and March 17, 2016. Noble Knight Pick of the Episode:
Art in RPGs (Tome 259)
18/03/2016 Duration: 01h32minIn this episode Jeff and Sam (filling in for Tracy) speak with two of the RPG industry’s most prolific artists, Claudio Pozas and Mike Schley. Jeff and Sam ask a couple of questions and then sit back and let these two personable gentlemen discuss their experiences as artists in the game industry. They talk about everything from where and when they got their start in the gaming industry to the nuts and bolts of freelancing to diversity in art to the difficulties of writing a good art order. Sit back, relax, and listen to these two industry veterans dish on their passion and their goals. Mike’s Website: Mike’s Online Store: Claudio’s Website:
Shelly Mazzanoble (Gamer to Gamer)
16/03/2016 Duration: 57minJames Introcaso sits down with author and Wizards of the Coast staffer Shelly Mazzanoble. They talk about Shelly’s books, her career with Dungeons and Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, and&nbs [...]
Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide (Tome 258)
09/03/2016 Duration: 01h39minJeff is joined by Geoffrey Winn, David Gibson, and Shawn Merwin, to discuss the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. The guys review the latest release from Wizards of the Coast in detail! Is this the Forgotten Realms book that Jeff Wanted? Listen to find out! This extra long episode also features an interview with Steven Kenson of Green Ronin Publishing - the design studio that worked with WotC to produce this book and the latest super-adventure, Out of the Abyss. David Gibson: 5-Minute-Workday (5mwd) Shawn Merwin: Encoded Designs Steve Kenson: Green Ronin Publishing< [...]
Archmage (Tome 253)
19/02/2016 Duration: 01h09minThis lost episode of the Tome Show is out of order, but please don’t let that confuse you or take away from the joy of a good book review and interview with the author! We’ll be back on track next week with episode 258, but for now… In this episode Jeff is joined by Tome Show regular James Introcaso to discuss R. A. Salvatore’s book, Archmage. This title was released in September 2015 and has a sequel, Maestro, being released in April 2016. After they discuss their thoughts on the book, Jeff and James talk to the author about his thoughts on the story, the characters, and where it may be heading. Also, they discuss whether it should be pronounced arCHmage or arKmage… what do you think? Support the show, shop below…
Round Table 105 - Mystic 2.0 and The Four Horsemen
08/02/2016 Duration: 01h41minJames Introcaso sits down with Andrew Timmes, Barak Blackburn, Andrew Kane, Dan Dillon to talk about the updated Unearthed Arcana mystic class. Then it’s an interview with Steven Helt,
Round Table 104 - Adventurers League Strahd and Strike Force
01/02/2016 Duration: 49minJames Introcaso sits down with four of the six Adventurers League admins - Bill Benham, Resource Manager,Greg Marks, Associate Resource Manager, Travis Woodall, Content Manager, and Robert Adducci, Community Manager. They talk about the
Dan Dillon (Gamer to Gamer)
27/01/2016 Duration: 47minJames Introcaso sits down with Dan Dillon of the