The Tome Show does montly episodes giving advice on the game of Dungeons and Dragons...this is a collection of those episodes. Visit for more from Tome Show Productions.
All About Fighters! (Tome 280)
21/04/2017 Duration: 01h09minIn this episode Jeff and Tracy sit down with Jonathan Nelson and Gazza Bishop to talk about Fighters! Why should you play a fighter? How can you spruce up your fighter? WHat background should you take? Why is the fighter the best class? Who are the characters that are iconic fighters? All of this and more is discussed in this episode of the Tome. UNDERWORLD RACES & CLASSES KICKSTARTER Links: AAW Games Adventure a Week Jonathan G. Nelson on Facebook Gazza Bishop on Facebook
All About Bards! (Tome 277)
24/03/2017 Duration: 01h00sIn this episode, Jeff and Tracy sit down with Topher Kohan to discuss BARDS! What is so great about this class? WHo should play a bard? What are the best bard abilities? Who should avoid this class? What does the DM need to know about the class? And more… Links: Topher on Twitter Tracy on Twitter Jeff on Twitter
Building a Sandbox Campaign (Tome 276)
20/02/2017 Duration: 01h04minIn this episode, Jeff and Tracy sit down with Wolfgang Baur, Amanda Hamon Kunz, and Steve Winter to discuss the age-old sandbox vs railroad debate in your D&D game! You will hear some great tips and tricks from this all-star group of guests. After the discussion, they tell us all about Kobold Press’ latest Kickstarter campaign… Midgard Campaign Setting: Dark Roads & Deep Magic!!!! Act fast, as there is only a week left in the KS campaign and you won’t want to miss out on this great product! Kickstarter: Midgard Campaign Setting for 5e Our sponsor for this episode: NobleKnight Pic [...]
Worldbuilding For Your RPG (Tome 272)
02/12/2016 Duration: 55minIn this episode, Jeff is joined by a fantastic duo of worldbuilding goodness - Bruce Cordell and Rob Heinsoo. These two industry powerhouses have a lot to say about building your settings! Jeff on Twitter Rob on Twitter Bruce on Twitter Rob’s Website Bruce’s Website Thank you to our sponsor, Open Gaming Store! < [...]
Making Monsters Sizzle
14/10/2016 Duration: 01h16minIn this episode Jeff is joined by Jared von Hindman, Dan Dillon, and Chris Sims to discuss how to make the monsters you use in your D&D campaign sizzle like the best bacon! Do you want to improve your game? Then listen to this episode! Tome Show Patreon Jeff on Twitter Jarod von Hindman on Twitter Head Injury Theater Dan Dillon on Twitter
Handwaving and Pacing (Tome 263)
11/05/2016 Duration: 52minIn this episode, Jeff and Tracy are joined by Jessica Price of Paizo Publishing. They talk about her introduction into the gaming hobby, how she got into a campaign with Paizo’s founder, and some of the GMing skills she has learned and perfected over the years. Please rate and review The Tome Show on iTunes. It takes 30 s [...]
Adventure Design and the Dungeon Masters Guild (Tome 260)
25/03/2016 Duration: 01h28minIn this episode Jeff and Sam are joined by Mike Shea (Sly Flourish) and Wolfgang Baur (Kobold Press). The four of them discuss what makes a good adventure, the importance of hooks, editing and proofreading, art in your product, and whether or not the Dungeon Masters Guild is the right place for you to sell your product, among other things! Dungeon Masters Guild Jeff Greiner on Twitter Wolfgang Baur on Twitter Kobold Press Sly Flourish on Twitter
Inclusiveness in Gaming (Tome 255)
14/10/2015 Duration: 44minIn this episode Jeff and Tracy are joined by Green Ronin’s Steve Kenson. The three of them have a very interesting discussion about the benefits of inclusiveness in RPGs and the future of gaming. Green Ronin Publishing
Relationships at the DnD Table (Tome 247)
17/04/2015 Duration: 01h07minIn this episode Jeff and Tracy sit down with Chris and Sharon Dudley to discuss relationships and gaming. Support the show, shop below… Noble Knight Games Pick of the Episode
Comedy In Gaming (Tome 235)
20/06/2014 Duration: 01h10minIn this episode we are rejoined by the Dungeon Bastard himself, Tom Lommel. Since he’s so hilarious we decided to tap into his knowledge to talk up some advice on the use of comedy at the game table. Enjoy! Links:
Convention Going (Tome 233)
30/05/2014 Duration: 57minIt’s that time of year again, so as convention time rolls around we talked to Christy Crabb, who not only attends cons, but has helps run them. Suppor the show, shop below…
Behind the DM Screen (Jeff Makes a Fate Game Special)
07/05/2014 Duration: 01h17minIn this special episode, we gathered to help Jeff make a Fate Core game from a kernel of an idea. Besides the usual Mike Shea, we’re also joined by Mike Olson, of Evil Hat games who is uniquely qualified to help with this task since he helped write the Fate Core book and recently created the Atomic Robo game (built on the Fate Core skeleton). Support the show, shop below…
Behind the DM Screen (April 2014)
30/04/2014 Duration: 59minMike, Sam, and Jeff get together once more to talk about their games in April of 2014. Support the show, shop below…
Other Games (Tome 229)
14/02/2014 Duration: 01h02minIn this episode we discuss other games we want to play while we’re waiting for D&D Next to be released. Tracy and Jeff were joined by Mike Shea and the three of us came up with quite a varied and interesting list of games to check out. Enjoy! If you want to support the show, use the links below… Noble Knight Noble Knight Pick of the Episode - Fiasco
Adventure Conversion Advice (Tome 228)
23/01/2014 Duration: 54minIn this episode Jeff has a conversation with Joe Lastowski about converting adventures designed for one edition/game and playing them in another.
Scratching the D&D Itch (225)
21/12/2013 Duration: 01h18minJeff found another lost episode…With the lull between editions it may be hard to find a way to scratch that D&D Itch, so we tackle the sorts of things you might want to do to help you scratch that itch. Enjoy! I’m also not sure which episode is the real 225 (this or Murder in Baldur’s Gate) so they’ll both keep their number. :-)
Miniatures! (Tome Show 223)
23/10/2013 Duration: 45minCarinn Seabolt joins us in this episode to discuss the fine art of miniatures. Painting them, modifying them, buying them. Pewter, resin, plastic…the choices go on and on and in this episode we turn to an expert on how to pull off adding the mini crafting hobby to the gaming hobby you already love. If you want to support the show, check out the links below… Noble Knight Noble Knight Pick - HobbyQue Learn to Paint Kit
Tome Travels India and Ireland (Tome 221)
28/09/2013 Duration: 01h06minThis last summer Jeff went to India and Mike Shea went to Ireland…in this episode they discuss some game inspiration they got on those journeys. Enjoy! Sponsors: Noble Knight Noble Knight Pick - 4e Village of Hommlet
Tome Travels - East Coast (Tome 219)
01/07/2013 Duration: 46minJeff recently made a journey up the East Coast of the USA, visiting Philly, Boston, Niagara Falls, and Monticello. All along this trip he looked for any sources of inspiration he thought would be good in an RPG and then brought those ideas back to discuss with Mike Shea (from Sly Flourish). This is that conversation. Through the summer you can expect further discussions like this as Tracy returns from Germany, Mike travels to Ireland, and Jeff head off again, this time to India. Hope you enjoy it! Support the show… Noble Knight Noble Knight Pick - Colonial Gothic
Organizing the Home Game (Tome 218)
29/06/2013 Duration: 54minShawn Merwin joins us in this episode. Shawn is an expert in Organized Play programs (having run them for years and written several seasons of them). In this episode we talk about the lessons someone can learn from Organized Play to make their home game better…and vice versa. Enjoy! Noble Knight Noble Knight Pick - Gamemastery Basic Flip Mat