The Tome Show does montly episodes giving advice on the game of Dungeons and Dragons...this is a collection of those episodes. Visit for more from Tome Show Productions.
D&D Next DM Advice (Tome 214)
23/05/2013 Duration: 56minMike Shea joins us in this episode to dispense advice with us on DMing a D&D Next playtest group. Enjoy! Sponsors: Noble Knight Links: Mike’s Lazy DM book
EXTREME D&D Advice (Tome 216)
08/05/2013 Duration: 59minIn this episode we talked to Tom Lommel, known as Bill Cavalier, the Dungeon Bastard. We got plenty of advice on how to make your D&D game more EXTREME! You will note that this episode is being released out of order in an effort to get it out in time for you to support Tom’s Kickstarter if you feel so inclined. Enjoy! Noble Knight Noble Knight Pick of the Episode - X-DM
Women at the Game Table (Tome 212)
05/05/2013 Duration: 55minIn this episode Jeff is joined by Heather Hoover and Jaydot to talk about how to have a woman-freindly game table. We’ve often been accused of being a pro-women gamers podcast but never directly tackled the issue for any length of time (despite the complaints we’ve fielded). This was the time to do it… Check out the sites of our guests: Jaydot - Vanity Games | Women Reading Comics Heather - House of Paincakes | Armored Gopher Games If you hear this and decide you want to support the show, click on one of these links and we’ll get part of the proceeds: [...]
Collaborative Campaign Advice (Tome 211)
15/04/2013 Duration: 48minErik Scott De Bie joins Jeff in this episode, talking about how a DM and a player might collaborate to create a campaign together. If you want to support the show you can go shopping by either of the links below, maybe buy one of Erik’s books, like Eye of Justice, our current Book Club book.
Story on the Fly Advice (Tome 209)
27/03/2013 Duration: 57minJames Wyatt from WotC joins us in this episode where we talk about making up your story on the fly. How do you improv your game and do it well? There is no greater pro than James Wyatt… Help the show out…shop at the link below:
Old School Stan! (Tome 206)
01/01/2013 Duration: 56minIn this advice episode we talked to Stan!, off and on employee of WotC who is a long time staple of the gaming community for his writing, editing, and comic-making. He talked to us about what it means to run an old school game and how to capture that nostalgic feeling. Sponsors: Noble Knight Rules Cyclopedia Continue Magazine Links: Littlest Shoggoth Kickstarter Stannex Super Genius Games
Game Inspiration Advice (204)
13/11/2012 Duration: 58minIn this episode we are joined by a familiar figure, Mike Shea, to give some advice on finding inspiration to make your game better. Sam, our editor, has weathered the storms of the Northeastern region of the US and is getting us back on track, editing the episodes that we have been busily recording like clock work. Thanks goes to Sam for his diligence. This is extra important because Jeff is unable to do it all as this is November and he is using all of his non-podcasting free time posting to HoNoToGroABeMo to beat down breast cancer once and for all. I’d love if you’d join me by sponsoring my beard, all the money goes to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Sponsors: Continue Magazine Noble Knight Games Links: < [...]
Freelancing Advice (Tome 203)
30/09/2012 Duration: 01h10minThe Dungeon and Dragon magazine open submission window is nearly upon us, so we’ve gathered together some experienced freelance game designers Owen K. C. Stephens and Craig Campbell (as well as co-host Tracy Hurley) to talk about how to get attention with your pitch, get it accepted, and what to do once you have your foot in the door to try and keep the freelancing jobs coming. Sponsors: Continue Magazine Links: Craig: Wizards Community | ENWorld Owen: Paizo [...]
Story Advice with Robin Laws from GenCon (Tome 201)
24/09/2012 Duration: 55minThe legendary Robin Laws joined us for our GenCon episode, recorded in front of a live audience. It was a lot of fun and I hope we get the chance to continue this. Sponsor: Continue Magazine
Digital Tools Advice/Reviews (Tome 199)
17/07/2012 Duration: 01h10minWe discuss what digital tools we use and give some advice on how to use them. Consider this a combo review/advice episode for July 2012. Joining us for this episode is Michael the OnlineDM. Sponsors: Continue Magazine Tome’s Amazon Link Links: Michael - Website | Twitter SoftRope Awesome Dice article comparing Google search results for D&D editions Michael’s Tools - MapTool/TokenTool | Power2ool |
D&D Next Playtesting Advice (Tome 197)
18/06/2012 Duration: 01h04minIn this episode Mike Mearls (from WotC) and Dave Chalker (from Critical Hits) join us to talk about how to be a good playtester for D&D Next and what the process is likely to look like as it moves forward. Sponsors: Gamerati Gamerati TV Continue Magazine Amazon (shop through this link to help the show) Links: D&D Next Playtesting Information Critical Hits article on playtesting Marvel Heroic Role Playing (which Dave worked on the [...]
Player Engagement and Prep Time (Tome 195)
01/06/2012 Duration: 01h06minThe award winning blogger the Id DM joins us for this advice episode looking at helping players stay engaged at the table and discussing DM prep time (and where the most effective place to put it is). We also discuss D&D Next news and GenCon! Be sure to join the Tome Show’s live recordings at GenCon they are: Tome Advice (guest to be announced) SEM1233024 Gamer to Gamer (with Chris Perkins) SEM1233028 Behind the DM Screen SEM1233180 Sponsors: Gamerati Gamerati TV Continue Magazine Links: Michael Mallen (the IdDM): Email |
Rodney Thompson Advice (Tome 193)
20/04/2012 Duration: 01h14minRodney Thompson, Wizards of the Coast Advanced Designer joins us for this episode. He talks about his work ranging from Star Wars Saga Edition to Lords of Waterdeep..and of course D&D. He gives some advice for DMs on how to handle splitting the party and he helps players go with the flow and teaches us how to handle it when the DM makes a call or house rule that we don’t agree with. Sponsors: Gamerati Gamerati TV Continue Magazine Link: Rodney Thompson: Twitter | Facebook | Rule of Three (WotC) | Official D&D P [...]
Organized Play with Chris Tulach (Tome 192)
09/04/2012 Duration: 01h31minIn this episode we talk about participating in Organized Play the head of WotC Organized Play, Chris Tulach. Sponsors: Gamerati Gamerati TV Links: Chris Tulach: Twitter | Website Prismatic Art: Kickstarter | Google Plus | Twitter | Facebook Wizards Play Network Ashes of Athas Living Forgotten Realms (LFR)
Building Campaigns the Elder Evils Way (Tome 190)
09/03/2012 Duration: 01h13minRyan Costello Jr from the 3.5 Private Sanctuary (website I Facebook) and Know Direction (Facebook) joined Jeff for this episode (Tracy was sick but feeling much better now). We build a campaign using the guidelines from Elder Evils, the last 3.5 D&D book from WotC that was also 4e “compatible”. Sponsors Gamerati Gamerati TV
Raw Naked Tome!
14/12/2011 Duration: 55minThis episode had one rule, no preparation at all…and be awesome. I guess that’s two rules. It was a blast, it rambled, it gets awkward at times, and it was legendary! This episode featured Matt Goetz (freelancer) and Fred Hurley as guests and a wild studio audience in the chat room. Man that was fun. Typically we record episodes on Mondays at 8PM EST and you can find the live broadcasts on Mixlr. Join us! It’s crazy fun. Sponsors: Pick of the Episode - Legend of Drizzt Boardgame
Tome Ep 185: Advice with SRM
26/11/2011 Duration: 51minStephen Radney-Macfarland, freelance game designer for Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons joins us in this episode to run the gambit on advice. Enjoy! Sponsors: Pick of the Episide - Pathfinder Ultimate Combat Links: HoNoToGroABeMo Neogrognard (Stephen’s site)
Tome Ep 179 - WorldBreakers and Play Styles
22/07/2011 Duration: 01h16minThis episode sees us joined by Ennie nominated blogger Quinn Murphy (from the At-Will blog). We talk about quite a bit of D&D news, we discuss how to build a “WorldBreaker” solo monster, and we come up with ways to have fun at a game where there are very different play styles. Sponsor: Pick of the Episode - DMG2 Links: Ennie Nominated Sarah Darkmagic - Tracy’s blog Ennie Nominated At-Will - Quinn’s blog, home of the WorldBreak [...]
Tome Ep 177: Aquatic Adventures
26/06/2011 Duration: 01h09minIn this episode Jeff and Tracy are joined by Matt Goetz and Erik Scott de Bie as they explore underwater campaigns, encounters and the Anguillian. Links:Contest 15 Retarded Dungeons and Dragons MonstersAt-Will chatroomCandlekeep forumsShadowbaneNeverwinter Campaign Setting
Tome Ep 175: Planar Advice
31/05/2011 Duration: 01h38sDanny Rupp (aka Bartoneus from Critical Hits) joins us in this episode as we discuss using the planes in your game. We build a PC with a planar theme and discuss ways that a DM can use the planes in their game. It’s a planar-good time! Support the show, swing by Amazon and buy something.