Sales hacks for startup hustlers by Steli Efti. Tactics, strategies and sales stories straight from Silicon Valley's most prominent sales hustler. Head over to for sales videos and blog posts plus extra materials related to each episode.
Digital Nomad Emily Breuninger, Zapier: Creating Your Dream Life & Career
07/06/2018 Duration: 37minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at, @rebeccatluo Emily Breuninger ( is the Partnerships Manager at Zapier ( Episode highlights: > Zapier's fully-remote company structure and the serendipity that brought her career there > The moment she realized her dream of working and living abroad > What type of person thrives in a digitally nomadic life? > Two places that Emily will cherish for the rest of her life > Minimalism: Food for thought and a few parting words
Melissa Rosenthal, Cheddar EVP & Former Buzzfeed VP Creative: Bold Reinvention
31/05/2018 Duration: 34minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at, @rebeccatluo Melissa Rosenthal ( is the Executive Vice President at Cheddar Inc. ( Melissa was named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 and Business Insider’s 30 Most Creative People Under 30. In 2010, Melissa joined Buzzfeed, where she became a key contributor to the early success of BuzzFeed’s branded content advertising model, and created the site’s first ads. She went on to become BuzzFeed’s Vice President of Creative Services where she led and grew her direct team to 100 creatives, working with Fortune 500 brands to create compelling, engaging, and social branded content. We discuss her iconic career moments, working with Jon Steinberg (Cheddar CEO, Former Buzzfeed President & COO), and reinventing how sales teams work in the creative industry. Bonus discussion: what it was like for her to meet Terry Crew
Julianne Gsell: First SDR at Box to Director of Sales at Databricks
24/05/2018 Duration: 26minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at, @rebeccatluo Julianne Gsell ( is the Director of MidMarket Sales at Databricks ( Julianne was previously a Director of Enterprise Sales at Box, where she started her career as the company’s first SDR in 2009. Julianne studied Applied Science and Nutrition at California Polytechnic State University, where she also competed in NCAA Division 1A Cross Country. Julianne began her career in newspaper ad sales, learning about solution-selling to business owners, before moving to technical sales at Box. Over the course of her time at Box, Julianne was promoted five times, having been an integral part of the sales team and in building out the sales process. In this episode we delve into Julianne's amazing career trajectory. Julianne shares how empathy turns technical conversations into people conversation
How To Use UX To Design High - Converting Cold Emails, Calls, And Product Demos
22/05/2018 Duration: 21minCheck out the full blog post here: Too many sales reps focus shortsightedly on the close. Because that's the moment they earn a commission. But there's a lot that happens leading up to that moment. Today, I want to share how you can close more deals with less effort by designing a better buying experience. Too many sales reps focus shortsightedly on the close. Because that's the moment they earn a commission. But there's a lot that happens leading up to that moment. Today, I want to share how you can close more deals with less effort by designing a better buying experience. It doesn't matter what part of the sales process you're focused on: the cold email the qualification the sales call the product demo the meeting the close You can take insights from UX designers, and apply them to your sales approach to unlock massive sales growth. Stop chasing after prospects, and instead make them want to engage with you. While everyone's trying to scale, automate, an
Joanna Moshman, Figure 1: Structured Habits of a Partially Remote Company
17/05/2018 Duration: 30minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at, @rebeccatluo Joanna Moshman is the Senior Manager of Business Development at Figure 1( Her career today comes from two paths that converged: startups and healthcare. She previously served as the investor services manager at Golden Seeds, an angel investment firm focused on female-led and -founded companies. Prior to that, she assisted and volunteered through the AmeriCorps Volunteer Program at Hudson River Healthcare. In discussing how she landed her current job, Joanna shares how to overcome the fear of asking when it comes to reaching out to people for introductions. Joanna works remotely in New York while Figure 1 as a company is predominantly on-premise at the Toronto office headquarters. She shares how Figure 1 became a partially-remote company, how her team uses daily routines, and how she personally structures her time and
Alicia Cornell, Shopify Plus: "Breaking Up" and Falling Back In Love with Sales
10/05/2018 Duration: 29minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at, @rebeccatluo Alicia Cornell is a Sales Manager at Shopify Plus ( Alicia graduated from Carleton University in Ottawa, and shortly after joined McGraw-Hill Ryerson, the Canadian division of McGraw-Hill, an educational publishing house. After a few years selling there, she traded in textbooks for e-commerce software and joined Shopify in 2014, where she was previously a manager for the Shopify Partner Program, and worked on the Enterprise sales team. Alicia has always been a true student of the sales game, but at one point during her career, as the top salesperson on her team, she took a break from sales. Her heart told her to explore other functions within Shopify, which she did, only to eventually fall back in love with the craft of sales.
Kelly Aizicowitz, Figure 1: How Politics Shaped Her for Sales
10/05/2018 Duration: 30minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at @rebeccatluo Kelly Aizicowitz is the Senior Director of Business Development at Figure 1 (, ( Special thanks to Ilya Motamedi, undergraduate student in computer sciences at the University of Toronto, for filming this interview. Kelly held adviser roles between 2004-2010 with the Government of Ontario, before moving on to various roles in her career which included being at a government relations consultancy in Toronto for four years. Kelly discusses what she learned about communication and stakeholder management from working in government and consulting. She also shares how her career journey has come full circle from her childhood aspirations to where she is today!
Jolijt Tamanaha, Fresh Prints: Selling her First Company & Managing a Sales Team of 40
10/05/2018 Duration: 31minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at @rebeccatluo Jolijt Tamanaha is the CMO & CFO of Freshprints ( Jolijt founded Farmplicity at 18 years of age while enrolled as a full-time student at Washington University in St. Louis. She created an online marketplace for farmers to sell directly to chefs and got acquired by Sunfarm Food Services in less than a year and a half. Jolijt is now managing and coaching approximately 40 of 250 of Fresh Prints' on-campus student sales representatives and managers. Jolijt explains how she got the job by content marketing herself like a product - her Medium piece, “'Don’t Take Startup Advice’ and More Startup Advice” (, caught the attention of the right folks and was even mentioned in a tweet by Marc Andreessen!
Megan Orth, Freightview: How Raising a Family Shaped Her For Sales & Startups
10/05/2018 Duration: 23minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at @rebeccatluo Megan Orth is the Director at Freightview. In 2014, Megan co-led the development of Freightview as a part of a startup project within a company called Freightquote, and by 2015 Freightview was acquired by C.H. Robinson. She is a CPA by designation with a background in Finance and previously held a Manager role at KPMG. Megan fully embraces the busy yet fun nature of running a startup and having a family of three children. She points out that both business and family are about empathy and listening. Megan talks about not allowing for “death by comparison” when it comes to parenting, sales, and management. She reminds us that sometimes life isn’t about being perfect all the time - sometimes, it’s about surviving the chaos and appreciating those around you.
Liz Stephany, Law School, Disappointment, and Becoming a Startup Team Leader
10/05/2018 Duration: 32minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at @rebeccatluo Liz Stephany is our very own Senior Customer Success Manager at ( She has worked in sales at Oracle and as a sales and account management team lead at Thomson Reuters. She received her JD at the Cecil C. School of Law at the University of Memphis. We talk about overcoming doubt and disappointment when your career and life doesn’t go according to plan. Liz shares her take on being resilient and calm as someone in her role, which involves having difficult conversations with customers about their concerns and criticism. Liz tells us about how she’s evolved from a self-proclaimed “yes” person at the start of her career to a highly adaptable, proactive, and respected leader at She believes in treating your career like dressing for the job you want to have -- if you do the job you have now as well the job you want to have, you will ge
Sales Coach Lauren LaForge: Consistency, Building a Business, and Remote Life
10/05/2018 Duration: 36minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at @rebeccatluo Lauren LaForge is a professional sales trainer and business coach at Southwestern Consulting ( As a college student, Lauren sold books and software door-to-door for Southwestern Advantage, finishing top 5 out of 3,000 sales people for all 4 summers. She also started and sold two businesses before the age of 30. Lauren gives us advice on what she calls the “intentional roller coaster” in sales, scheduling, and remote life. When it comes to consistency in sales, Lauren advises her clients to focus on what they can control in terms of three categories: hours, attitude, and meetings.
Sarah Haselkorn, MakeSpace: Emotional Resilience as a Triathlete, Entrepreneur, & Systems Engineer
10/05/2018 Duration: 28minCLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at @rebeccatluo Sarah Haselkorn is the Head of Sales Operations at Makespace and co-founder at Unfettered Socks ( She’s a triathlete, an investor, and an advisor, with a university degree in systems engineering.
SaaS Sales: Selling To SMBs? Use This Enterprise Sales Tactic To Succeed
17/04/2018 Duration: 18minSelling software solutions to small- and medium-sized businesses? Understand who your stakeholders are. We learned this the hard way—and almost did some serious damage to our startup because we weren't differentiating enough among the stakeholders we're serving. Related blog post:
How to know when exactly you should contact your prospects
10/04/2018 Duration: 23minImagine there's a way to close a lot more deals, without really having to change anything you do. You wouldn't have to work more or harder. All you have to do is contact the prospect at the right time. Here's how. Related blog post + video:
When (and How) To Scale Your Business With Resellers And Channel Sales Partners
02/04/2018 Duration: 14minChannel sales partners can be a great way to accelerate your sales growth. Getting the right resellers to sell your product for you can be a real game changer for your business. But if you do it wrong, or at the wrong time, it can totally derail the trajectory of your business.
How To Sell To Early Customers Who Have Risks Buying From You?
26/03/2018 Duration: 14minYou’ve got a new product you’re ready to start selling. And by some miracle, there’s already a major client ready to pull the trigger. There’s only one problem: You don’t know 100% if you can deliver for them. A lot of people will advise you to fake it 'till you make it. Wrong. Others will suggest you "just give it away for free". Worse. Instead, you want to a) close the deal from a position of strength, b) charge a lot of money, c) but completely remove the risk for them.
How To Build Relationships With Influential People
19/12/2017 Duration: 08minHere's how ANYONE can build relationships with influential people and grow a high-value network. (While keeping it real, without fluff and BS "networking tactics".)
How to create a killer startup pitch
17/11/2017 Duration: 14minToo many startup pitches follow a flawed formula. They start with a grand vision rather than simple explanation. Learn how to make your pitches more effective. Learn more at
Why creativity kills sales scalability (and how to fix it)
26/05/2017 Duration: 12minI’m not gonna lie: I’m a great salesperson. Humbleness aside, I've pretty much always been. But as long as we’re being honest, I’ve got a confession, too: I was a terrible sales manager. Seriously, I almost ran my first sales team into the ground. And I probably would have, too, if not for a single, defining moment: The moment I met the sales genius who gave average, underwhelming, and all-around unimpressive sales pitches. If you’re a sales manager or leader of any kind, this is for you: The story of the most valuable sales leadership lesson I ever learned. Hopefully, you won’t need it as badly as I did. Can't wait to get the tools you need to scale a sales team? Get them right now! (Not so) humble beginnings As I said above, I’ve always been a pretty gifted salesperson. I had my faults and made mistakes, but I usually closed more deals than I lost, and it didn’t take long for my creative pitches and aggressive negotiation tactics to catch the attention of my superiors. Soon, I was promoted from salespe
Cold calling: How to respond to "I don't have time"?
22/05/2017 Duration: 09min Cold calling: How to respond to "I don't have time"? by Steli Efti When Donald Trump says he has “no time” for political correctness, what he really means is that he’s chosen not to make it a priority. It’s the same way with your customers. Unless you happen to cold call someone whose office has just caught on fire, it’s pretty likely that “I don’t have time” is just a polite way of saying “Go away,” or “What you’re offering is not a priority for me.” After all, if they really didn’t have time, they would have just hung up on you. And yet, your average salesperson still hears “I don’t have time,” stammers, gets nervous, and hangs up. It’s a difficult objection to deal with—we’re not used to responding proactively to “I don’t have time.” You can’t really argue with it, because who are you to question whether someone really has time? A great salesperson, however, finesses this objection around into further conversation. A great salesperso