Health Coaches Laura Agar Wilson & Kezia Hall share their nutritional wisdom and expertise to help you get happy and healthy!
MINI 15: You have so many more options than you realise!
06/09/2023 Duration: 14minThis Mini Episode is a heartfelt message to remind you how powerful you are and that there is so much you can do to feel better. I chat to people and they and through no fault of their own (no shame in this at all) but they literally did not know that they do not have to have awful periods, that they could get rid of their IBS, that joint pain could be a thing of the past, or that they could stop with the constant constipation or the loose horrible bowels or that their gallbladder issues or endometriosis could be helped. When I'm talking about these things, I'm never mean ‘my way is better than surgery or my way is better than conventional medicine’ - I mean that people don't realize the breadth of what tools are available for them in order to heal and feel better so that they can wake up and enjoy being in their body. Resources Book your free call with me here Find out more about the SHIFT Retreat
Ep 261: The 3 F’s to Feel Good: Food, Feelings & Function
30/08/2023 Duration: 27minWhat are the foundations of feeling good? What are the foundations for pain-free regular periods, a flatter bloat-free belly, a healthy body composition and body fat %, happy joints, quality sleep, and glowy skin? Where do you even begin? Well in this week's podcast, I want to introduce to you the 3 F’s for Feeling Good - my unique, holistic & science-based methodology that will help you feel good - fast! After working with clients for years and lots of learning the following 3 areas are key to seeing lasting, big and sustainable changes (at an accelerated pace!) - Food - because food IS medicine - Feelings - how you feel and your nervous system is crucial to your healing, joy and health - Function - how is your body functioning and a whole person holistic functional medicine approach (like for example the lab test I run are not diagnostic in any way but they do give us a picture of how your body is functioning - even if everything is ‘fine’) Resources Book your free call with me here Find out more abo
Ep 260: How I stay healthy when busy as a mum/biz owner/someone with a tricky traumatised mind…
23/08/2023 Duration: 33minConfession - I also sometimes get totally overwhelmed at what to eat and this whole health thing. With tiny kids, a career I love, relationships that are meaningful, and a body and mind to take care of it's easy to feel like it's all too much. That is why in today’s episode I sharing with you the 3 things that I do to set myself up for success. The 3 tips and things I do to ensure I eat well and make time to look after myself. Resources Mindful chef link Book your free call with me here Find out more about the SHIFT Retreat
Ep 259: Your belly, period, and brain = your sex life, relationship, income and life!
16/08/2023 Duration: 30minIn this weeks show we are looking at something very obvious and logical BUT often get missed out and ignored. When it comes to symptoms, niggly or awful things to do with our periods, our gut, our bellies, our brain we often think it's ‘selfish’ to deal with them, invest time or money into them and we just soldier on. But today I want to share with you how these things impact your career, relationship, sex life, money and LIFE. Let's dive into the show And heads up - I am taking on new clients right now - so if you want to find out more about what your symptoms mean and what you need to do to get rid of them then book your free Clarity Call to find out more about what's going on and how you can work with me privately. Resources: Book a free Clarity Call here Read more about my story here Take the FREE Gut Goddess Quiz here
Ep 258: How to create quicker results in your hormones & belly. (And why things aren’t working)
21/06/2023 Duration: 26minHow to create quicker results in your hormones & belly? And why things aren’t working? Why are all those healthy foods or healthy habits not making your bloating better or your periods better? Why are you still tired even with your smoothies or gluten-free dinner. That is what we are diving into in Ep 258 of the podcast and I am sharing with you the 3 step process I use with my client to ensure they make more progress in 3 months than they have in 3 years! What is going on? What do your symptoms mean? Where do you begin? Find out what is going on in your body and do the Gut Goddess Quiz Do the quiz here >>> Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me privately here Hormones 101 on Instagram – HERE Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipes here
Ep 257: You are NOT eating too much
14/06/2023 Duration: 22minChances are you’ve been told or believed that if you ate less food then things would be better. Fewer calories mean less weight gain and generally make you a better person right? WRONG! And that is what we are diving into in today's episode - I want to myth bust the idea of eating less is best… because my clinical experience working with lots and lot of women has told me the opposite. So, I am here to make a case for you to ditch the restriction, the portion control and eat MORE food! What is going on? What do your symptoms mean? Where do you begin? Find out what is going on in your body and do the Gut Goddess Quiz Do the quiz here >>> Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me privately here Hormones 101 on Instagram – HERE Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipes here
Mini 14: You Matter.
08/06/2023 Duration: 18minA mini episode and download for you that I felt I needed to share. Enjoy. And if you want to join me for an in-person Retreat later in the year and get access to a SPECIAL (discounted) early bird rate. >> Join the SHIFT Retreat waitlist here
Ep 256: Natural Approaches to Anxiety & Depression: Whats worked & whats not! {Part 3}
31/05/2023 Duration: 21minWhat have I been doing to support my own mental health? As I shared with you at the start of the year I had noticed my own mental health take a dip. A not-so-nice PLUNGE into more anxiety and sadness. And as part of that, I shared with you my two-part series of Holistic Approaches to Anxiety & Depression and because I practice what I preach I want to share with you what's been working and give an update. Natural Approaches to Anxiety & Depression - part 1 Natural Approaches to Anxiety & Depression - part 2 What is going on? What do your symptoms mean? Where do you begin? Find out what is going on in your body and do the Gut Goddess Quiz Do the quiz here >>> Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me privately here Hormones 101 on Instagram – HERE Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipes here
Ep 255: If you want easy breezy periods & hormones you need to do THIS!
24/05/2023 Duration: 23minHow do create easy breezy, pain-free periods? Why do some women struggle and others have no issues? And with ALL the options out there where do you begin? That is what we are looking at on the podcast this week. I am sharing with you the one area that you can focus on to see your periods become more boring… I bet it's not something you heard much about when it comes to you and your hormones but is it SO IMPORTANT. What is going on? What do your symptoms mean? Where do you begin? Find out what is going on in your body and do the Gut Goddess Quiz Do the quiz here >>> Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me privately here Read 5 things that could be causing your IBS HERE Hormones 101 on Instagram - HERE Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipes here Want to work with me? I have two spaces for new clients in June - click here to find out more
Ep 254: Do you know the extent of the problem? (And I am NOT talking about your bloating or hormones for once!)
17/05/2023 Duration: 31minThis episode is something that doesn't get talked about often yet it will be impacting your hormones, belly, relationship with food, energy, sleep and health overall. It will be impacting how you treat your body, how you eat and how kind you are to yourself. And if you struggle with staying ‘motivated’ then its probably because you need to have a kinder more compassionate approach (I explain this more in the episode!) Because when it comes to your body and your symptoms - CONTEXT is key. Or said another way - the ecosystem you have come from, grown up in, and been a part of MATTERS. It impacts your hormones, your gut, your relationship with food, your weight and your health behaviours. And THAT is what I am addressing in this week's podcast. What is going on? What do your symtpoms mean? Where do you begin? Find out what is going on in your body and do the Gut Goddess Quiz Do the quiz here >>> Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me privately here Read 5 things that could be causing your
Ep 253: Trigger foods for bloating, IBS & your awful periods.
10/05/2023 Duration: 19minWhat foods can trigger off those horrid symptoms? What foods might be creating bloating, pain, excess wind, or weird bowels? And how could those food be impacting your HORMONES? Your period? That is what we are talking about in today's episode - and while I share with you the main trigger foods I’ve seen impacting clients its also it's NOT all about trigger foods…so make sure you listen to find out more ;) Work with me privately in my Beat the Bloat Bootcamp – 2 spots left. Find out more here Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me privately in my Bootcamp here Read 5 things that could be causing your IBS HERE Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipes here
Ep 252: Simple daily habits for a better belly & periods.
03/05/2023 Duration: 20minYour daily habits and routines are the foundations of your health. If you have constant awful niggling symptoms then you probably need to be more intentional about your daily habits. And this week on the podcast I want to share with you a whole host of habits that you can ADD IN that will help your periods and your belly. And I am sharing these as someone with a full life, 3 young kids, a business, a marriage, friends, family, a vegetable patch I am attempting to grow things in, and a half marathon I am training for - so know that creating healthy habits is possible for you. Work with me privately in my Beat the Bloat Bootcamp - 3 spots left. Find out more here Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me privately in my Bootcamp here Listen to an episode about why testing your gut microbiome is a GAMECHANGER – here Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipes here
Ep 250: The thing you’ve never been told: gut health = hormone balance.
26/04/2023 Duration: 27minDid you know that your gut health massively impacts your hormones? I didn't know this at all. I mean in fact I didn't know much about my periods and hormones at all other than it was 'normal' for it to be miserable and awful...oh and that I should be ashamed and embarrassed (what a great foundation for women's health!). But this week on the podcast I am sharing with you something that doesn't get talked about but is super important if you want better, pain-free periods, happier menopause, and to get off the hormonal rollercoaster you may be on. (Also it means your belly improves too - a winner all round!) The Beat the Bloat Workshop: how to create a flatter belly and pain free periods in 3 easy steps. Watch this FREE workshops now – click here to instantly access! Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me privately in my Bootcamp here Listen to an episode about why testing your gut microbiome is a GAMECHANGER – here Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here Looking for free-from recip
Ep 249: Why simple blood work can unlock your healing! And my recent blood test results...
19/04/2023 Duration: 35minHow often have you been told everything is 'normal' when it comes to your blood test results? You get told everything is fine ...yet you don't feel FINE. You are actually struggling, feeling bloated, fatigued, maybe struggling with hormone imbalance and other unpleasant symptoms. So today I am sharing with you a holistic perspective and how you can glean more information from your results even if it's 'all normal'. Because simple blood work CAN unlock answers when it comes to your symptoms and health. The Beat the Bloat Workshop: how to create a flatter belly and pain free periods in 3 easy steps. Watch this FREE workshops now – click here to instantly access! Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me here – and book your call. Listen to an episode about why testing your gut microbiome is a GAMECHANGER – here Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here Head to to stream from there or subscribe to
Ep 248: How I beat the bloat, ditched period drama & quit IBS for good.
12/04/2023 Duration: 30minHow did I beat the bloat? How did I ditch the YEARS of awful IBS, bloating, and awful periods? What were the mistakes I made and how can you avoid them? That is what we are talking about in this week's podcast episode click the play button to start listening! The Beat the Bloat Workshop: how to create a flatter belly and pain free periods in 3 easy steps. Watch this FREE workshops now - click here to instantly access! Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me here – and book your call. Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here Head to to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will be delivered to your device every single week. The Beat the Bloat Workshop: how to create a flatter belly and pain free periods in 3 easy steps. Watch this FREE workshops now
Ep 247: Dealing with Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue
06/04/2023 Duration: 43minWe're talking about burnout today. What to do when you just feel exhausted, done, depleted, and just, frazzled for want of a better phrase. So, we're going to look at what might be happening in your body in terms of what's going on in your brain and the hypothalamus and your pituitary and your adrenal axis. Sometimes known as ‘adrenal fatigue’ But we're going to look at more of what could be actually happening and then look at what you could do. So, this episode is going to be really helpful even if you're just feeling slightly burnout or a bit fatigued or even if you're the other extreme where you are just totally done. Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones? Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me. Resources Mentioned Find out more about working with me here – and book your call. Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here Find out about the BIGGEST mistake peop
Ep 246: How to fix Binge & Comfort Eating (and why both are TOTALLY logical!)
29/03/2023 Duration: 53minSo, as a recovered binge and comfort eater, how do we move on and let go of bingeing and comfort eating? How can we fix this habit and behaviour? And also what is it telling us about our bodies and our lives? That is what we are looking at today in this week's episode. How can you fix your binge and comfort eating? Because this is something I've worked on with a lot of clients and also work through myself and I am going to share some stuff in today's episode that I basically can guarantee you've not heard before or thought about when it comes to this area. Most people's approach to bingeing and comfort eating is this, ‘just stop it’ mentality (Dealing with the habit) Whereas in true holistic nutritionist style, I really want to look at the root cause. Why are you bingeing? Why are you comfort eating? Because when you can figure out what the real problem is, you can actually solve it. And bingeing and comfort eating, they're just symptoms of a deeper root cause and that is what I'm going to share with you in t
Ep 245: Expensive cars. Cheap bodies. Why does investing your body feel scarier than buying a new car?
22/03/2023 Duration: 35minWhy does investing in your body and your health feel scarier than, let's say buying a new car or booking a holiday? Why do you get the absolute panic when you hear about the cost of organic food or the cost of working with me or a yoga class or therapy, you're just thinking ‘Nope, too expensive’ Why do we get that really big emotional response? Or that just panic, that sheer money panic of “aha, I can't do it”? Cause if you’re anything like me, you have felt that panic. It's really important that we address your health and your wealth because when we look back at history and how women's bodies have been treated and how women's financial empowerment has been, women have had a very disempowered relationship with their bodies and with money in the past. And it's time that that changed. We need to change that narrative moving forward. It might be that your relationship with money is getting in the way of your health. It did for me for years. I would've made so much more progress if I had just dealt with my relati
Ep 244: How To Fix Your Hormones - The 3 Essential Foundations You Need
15/03/2023 Duration: 58minToday's episode is all about how you can fix your hormones, whether you're still getting your period or perimenopausal, menopausal, or postmenopausal. I'm going to be sharing with you the foundations that you need in order to see some massive shifts and to balance your hormones. These are the essential things that often don't get talked about, but are really important. If you want to see some changes in your hormones and feel like your hormones are really serving you and helping you, and you want to do that with more speed and more ease, I'm going to be diving into some of the practical actions you can take. So, get a pen and some paper, take some notes, because even if you just apply one of these things that I share in today's episode, it's really going to help your hormones. Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones? Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me. Resources Mentioned Find o
A Special Invitation for YOU this March!
09/03/2023 Duration: 08minYou are invited to work with me in the Well Woman Accelerator: 12 weeks of support, private one to one support, expertise, lab testing, an in-person Scottish Retreat, one-to-one coaching, group support and a bespoke plan of action that will help you fix your belly, hormones and energy. This unique blend WILL WORK where other things haven’t. We get started at the end of March and the EARLY BIRD BONUSES end the 15th March so if you know you need some support, expertise and a radical change - without doing a million things - then book your free Clarity Call now. Find out more here Book your FREE Clarity Call to get started here Thank you for listening!