Health Coaches Laura Agar Wilson & Kezia Hall share their nutritional wisdom and expertise to help you get happy and healthy!
Ep 280: Feeling fat & what will help
24/01/2024 Duration: 34minThere have been a lot of people in my (non-work) life recently telling me how fat they feel. Frumpy, ‘huge’ and really what they are saying is they feel out of alignment. They feel ‘off’ and they are not enjoying being in their body, and its size and shape. So, let's talk about feeling fat. What is really going on and what can you do to feel better and ENJOY being in the skin you are in whether or not you lose a stone in the next 24 hours… Resources Book your free call with me here Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection SHIFT challenge
Ep 279: Sugar dims your light - The how and the why of ditching sugar
17/01/2024 Duration: 46minIn this episode, we're talking about sugar and how sugar dims your light plus the how and the why of ditching sugar because I would call reducing and removing refined sugar a foundational basic step one and it's easy especially at this time of year (after Christmas) It is easy for this to kind of go dry and for us to lose sight of this so I'm going to share some of the geeky facts around this and inspire you and re-envision your thoughts around this basic area. It's really simple, but the impact that it can have can be really profound. If you can have a healthy relationship with sugar, if you can, take the power back when it comes to your relationship with sugar or said another way in a more practical way: You can just remove refined sugars and refined carbohydrates or reducing them can have a profound impact on your mental health, hormonal health, belly and your joy and pleasure in the world. This isn't about restriction and deprivation and removing food for the sake of being better, deprived and being miser
Ep 278: End your own suffering & create healthy habits with EASE in 2024
10/01/2024 Duration: 31minWhy are you struggling or have you struggled to create new habits, new routines that you can be consistent with? Why is that a struggle? Why does lowering sugar or caffeine or alcohol or doing yoga or meditation feel like so stop-start? What is driving this so-called lack of discipline or lack of self-control? That is what we're diving into today, and I know what I share with you is not anything that you all have thought about in terms of this area so, I really encourage you to listen to this. It's an invitation to think about creating habits and routines and about how you can create massive change in your health this year in a way that's really different to anything that you've thought about before. Resources Book your free call with me here Listen to Mini Episode #4: ‘This is why it feels HARD’ here. Listen to Episode 69: ‘You are worth the effort’ here.
Ep 277: Two Powerful Lessons from 2023.
03/01/2024 Duration: 38min2023 was a big year for me and my brain. It was brilliant and awful all at once but as the year ends I am left with with so much gratitude for these two powerful lessons These lessons are simple, but if you let them into your life they can change everything - they have changed my life for the better and I know they can change yours too. Episode Resources Grab your one-to-one program and save 50% here Join the Free SHIFT Challenge on 29th January here
Ep 276: How to feel incredible - RIGHT NOW! (Even after xmas.)
27/12/2023 Duration: 22minThis episode is both a love letter to your body and a big kick up the bum if you are spiralling down any food or body image-induced pits of DOOM. Enough already - food does not get to tell you your worth or value. Your body shape or size does not get to tell you how worthy or precious you are. NOPE. So if you want to hit the reset button, listen to this episode where I share with you one simple thing you can do to feel better right now. Enjoy Resources Book your free call with me here Grab your 50% discount here using discount code BIRTHDAY at checkout (Discount ends at midnight on 4th January 2024)
Ep 275: Stress Addiction
20/12/2023 Duration: 24minChances are you don’t feel stressed and are tempted to skip this episode because you don’t think it applies to you. If that is you MAKE SURE YOU LISTEN. In this episode, I am talking about my own experience with stress addiction and how my BODY is the one that tells me - not my logical thinking mind. So, if you are struggling with fatigue, imbalance hormones, irritated skin, bloating, weird poo or low mood - make sure you listen to this episode. Resources Book your free call with me here Birthday Sale Waitlist Listen to episode 270 about How to handle STRESS here Listen to episode 132 about How To Stay Healthy (& Feel Good) During Stressful Times here
Ep 274: Daily habits & routines that have been reducing my anxiety & increasing my energy (life update)
13/12/2023 Duration: 30minWhat have I been doing as I noticed my anxiety and stress increase and my energy decrease? What are the habits and small action steps I have been taking to get some quick wins in terms of my mental health and mood? That is what I am addressing in this episode - the simple and holistic approach to seeing some quick changes in your symptoms. So while this is a bit more of a personal update you will learn the 7 things and tweaks you can make to feel more resilient, calm and energised - despite the dark wintery days. Resources Book your free call with me here Listen to episode 56 about ‘What to Eat When You’re Depressed & Anxious’ Listen to episode 241 about ‘Holistic Approaches to Anxiety & Depression’
Ep 273: Dieting since childhood? This is how to break the cycle
06/12/2023 Duration: 37minI joined my first dieting club at age 11. I learn to weigh my bread and oats, track my calories and weigh myself daily. So I have had to do A LOT of work to create a healthy relationship with my body. One built of respect, love and balance. If you have ever hated or punished your body or felt like it was failing you - listen to this podcast! You will learn a simple exercise that will shift your relationship with your body as soon as you do it and the two areas to focus on. Resources Listen to Episode 187 about The THIRD Option The Dieting Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About Listen to Episode 58 about How I became an intuitive eater (and ditched binge eating)
Ep 272: Easy & quick health transformations depend on this ONE mindset tool
29/11/2023 Duration: 39minWhat can you do to shift your belly, hormones, periods, energy and brain with more speed and ease? That is what I am diving into in this episode - and it is not about a magic dieting or supplement. It's about making use of my favourite mindset tool. Resources Book your free call with me here Listen to Episode 183 about The Brain Hack To Make Healthy Eating Feel Effortless Listen to Episode 16 about Masculine/Feminine Energy & The Fertile Mindset
Ep 271: You see quick results when you change THIS one thing
22/11/2023 Duration: 33minIf you're anything like me, then you probably want to see more results in your belly, hormones, energy, brain and mood by doing less things and also see results more quickly, right? I'm a big fan of efficiency and seeing quick results, so that is always my goal with clients, but most of the time we get really fixated on this one thing, which is what I'm talking about in today's episode. So, if you are wanting to see quick results, you need to change this one thing because it's really important and often not talked about. I want you to know about it so that you can do something about it and see incredible results in less time because that's always the goal. Resources Book your free call with me here Listen to Episode 258 about How to create quicker results in your hormones & belly. (And why things aren’t working) Listen to Episode 249 about Why simple blood work can unlock your healing!
Ep 270: How to handle STRESS
15/11/2023 Duration: 34minHow can we become more resilient to stress? What can we do to feel calmer, more in control and balanced when life gets stressful? Because stress is a part of life so we need to know how to protect our health and bodies - because it WILL come up. Which is why I want to share with you my 4 part roadmap to handling stress. As a mother who birthed 3 kids in 2 years, business owner, marketing manager for a charity and all the other roles - I have to be intentional about handling the stress in my life. So, buckle up, take notes and get ready to learn this 4 part pathway to a more resilient, calmer and balanced life! Resources Book your free call with me here Listen to Signs & Symptoms of Stress – When you Don’t Feel Stressed! (Episode 84) Listen to How To Stay Healthy (& Feel Good) During Stressful Times (Episode 132)
Ep 269: Your health is a radical revolution…which is maybe why it feels HARD AF!
08/11/2023 Duration: 36minToday we are talking about why your health is a radical revolution and why potentially it's feeling hard to change your habits, to change your routines, to create healthy changes that actually last and it's not because you lack self-control, it's not because you're useless or a failure or have lack of discipline. It's probably something much deeper and more systemic than that and that is what we're going through in this week's podcast, so, get ready to feel inspired, motivated. This also might trigger off some slight righteous rage which is all okay so you know you might need to feel some feelings after this but I really hope that this inspires you to have more compassion on yourself because I think when you are kind and compassionate on yourself. This is kind of what really makes me different as a holistic nutritionist. This isn't about ‘do this plan and work harder’ it's really about understanding what's going on in your body in a really holistic sense and then having compassion because you have that unders
Ep 268: What’s going on when you’ve been told everything looks ‘fine’...
01/11/2023 Duration: 23minWhat is going on when you've been told everything is fine? What is happening when you've been told, all your results look ‘normal’, everything's fine, there's nothing you can do? What can you do if you feel like you've been fobbed off or that you just are not fitting in the boxes in conventional medicine? I'm going to share with you what could be really going on when you're struggling when you have symptoms when your are bloated, have skin issues, weird bowels, excess anxiety or struggling with your energy or unwanted weight gain. What is going on even if you've been told everything is fine? I've been told that everything looks 'normal' so many times in my life, when I was clearly suffering and while I was grateful I didn't have a major known disease - it was frustrating. I eventually found out what was going on and that was why I retrained as a holistic nutritionist because I realised that there are answers out there. If you are struggling, there will be a reason and your job is to find that way.
Ep 267: Why you’re not making progress: 5 mistakes to avoid
25/10/2023 Duration: 30minThere is nothing more annoying than feeling like you are being intentional with your health and food and you still feel rubbish. The biggest reason most people give up on their health is that they feel like ‘things didn’t work’. So, what is holding you back or slowing your progress? That is what this podcast is all about - the 5 common mistakes women make that hinder their progress and stop them from feeling better - fast! Resources Book your free call with me here Find out more about the SHIFT Retreat
Ep 266: The missing piece for supporting your mental health
18/10/2023 Duration: 32minThere is so much we can do when it comes to supporting our mental health. There is so much we don’t know or have never been taught - so now is the time to learn so that you can feel more joy and more moments of calm in your life. As someone who has struggled with various mental health issues over the years, I have learned a lot about how the brain works and how to support it and I am sharing all that goodness with you today. These are things I cover with my private clients and have done myself to ensure my brain is as resilient and stable as it can be. Resources Book your free call with me here Find out more about the SHIFT Retreat
Ep 265: This is worth your time and money.
11/10/2023 Duration: 36minWhen it comes to eating better, sorting out our hormones, changing our habits or getting the support we need we often feel limited by our lack of time or lack of money. Feeling like you lack time and lack money is a surefire way to hinder your progress and limit your health. So, in this podcast, I am sharing with you the two-step process and exercise you can do to get really clear on your resources and feel really good about how you spend your time and how you spend your money. I also dive into WHY you feel bad about spending time and money on yourself and how that guilt is the result of some deep conditioning - that you probably aren’t even aware of! Because remember, when it comes to time and money - you are the powerful one, they are simply resources that YOU manage and cultivate. So let's dive in. Resources Book your free call with me here Find out more about the SHIFT Retreat
Mini 16: How to end the year feeling INCREDIBLE. (2 things you need to do!)
06/10/2023 Duration: 15minAs we enter one of my favourite times of year it's time to ask - how can you end this year feeling BETTER than when it started? How can you finish up this year feeling incredible? Because THAT is my goal. I am not looking for perfection and my year so far has been a whole lot of messy AND I still get to feel good in my belly, hormones, and mind. So how well have you been looking after your body this year? How have you been taking care of your beautiful temple? That is what we are diving into in this Mini episode. And if you know you want to hit the RESET button or take your relationship with food and your health to another level, then join me for the Beat the Bloat 7-Day Holistic Reset Program. I become your personal health coach for 7 days, holding you accountable and teaching you the essential foundations to beating the bloat, balancing your hormones, and supporting your mental health. Find out more about here
Ep 264: How to say goodbye to constipation and/or diarrhea
27/09/2023 Duration: 44minIf you want to improve your mental health, your period or hormone balance, energy, belly and mood then improve your poo! Your daily poo is such an important thing to notice, track and optimise because it impacts your whole life! And if like me you used to struggle with poo drama then you already know the struggle is real and in this podcast, I am going to share with you what you can do to go from toilet struggle to boring regular bowels. Resources Book your free call with me here Find out more about the SHIFT Retreat
Ep 263: How I’ve transformed my sleep whilst having 3 children
20/09/2023 Duration: 30minHow have I transformed my sleep despite having 3 young kids? Is it even possible to have better sleep AFTER having children? YES. And the way I have improved my sleep is By tracking it closely and gathering data Improving my circadian rhythm and insulin management throughout the day So if you want to hear more about the practical steps I’ve taken to improve my sleep then make sure you listen to this week’s Gut Goddess Show podcast episode. Head to iTunes and subscribe to The Gut Goddess Show or head to to stream it live from there. Resources Oura ring Book your free call with me here Find out more about the SHIFT Retreat
Ep 262: How to make healthy food feel easier & less overwhelming!
13/09/2023 Duration: 38minSome days deciding what healthy food to eat can feel like a chore. So how can you make it easier? What are some simple tricks to making eating healthy easier and less overwhelming. That is what we are discussing in today’s podcast - my 3 top tips for reducing food overwhelm and what I do to eat consistently healthy …without getting totally stressed out of my nut! Resources Book your free call with me here Find out more about the SHIFT Retreat